
Reincarnated into fairy tail

I do this for fun

Cosmic_king · Seni bela diri
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19 Chs

Meeting Porlyusica and wings

Jaguar walks into a direction where a town or village taking in the sereny but never letting his guard down since there could be wild animals that can attack him out of nowhere and Bandits that could be waiting to ambush him and he feels quite uncomfortable it can't be the wolves because he has hunted animals before when he went hiking with Kate and the fact he was in a illegal fighting still suprised that nobody found that club he still remembers the fighter's that got folded by him and out of nowhere his back starts to hurt badly dropping the fur and takes off his coat and sees blood coming out and he screams out in agony and before he lost consciousness he saw wings being released out from back the wing's are black and about a span of 7ft


???"Where are those herbs it can't possibly that hard to find I've being doing this for years

This is an elderly woman looking for some herbs in the forest she goes deeper into the forest and find's a young boy with long black hair that reaches down his waist the strangest thing is he has large black wing's with a span of 7ft and runs over towards him and check's his pulse for any sign of breathing and she releases a sigh

???"he still breathing but barely it must have occured not to long ago but what happened for this boy to be in such condition is it his magic

she looks on every side on his body to find anything and currently notices the blood coming out of his back and puts it together

???"he must of passed out cause the pain of his wing's being let loose out of his back

The elderly woman carefully picks the boy and tries not hurt his wings and takes him to hut to her hut and not neglecting the wolf fur that he has with him and opens the door to the hut carefully put's him down in the bed and tries not the wings

???"he's definitely not human otherwise the wing's would've dissapeared with a curious tone

she noticed movement of the black haired boy waking up with a pained expression on his face and look's at her confused

???"I found you out in the forest

boy"thank you Miss


boy"Im Jaguar

Porlyusica" why do you have wings is it your magic?

Jaguar"wings? he say's clearly confused

he turns around to see black wing's coming out his back

Jaguar" huh that's surprising but not at the same time

Porlyusica"what do you mean brat

Jaguar"first of all don't call me brat and second I'm not human

Porlyusica"so your a angel in other words

Jaguar"yes I am

Porlyusica"so that why you were passed out your wings was coming out

Jaguar"yeah by the way where is my coat and the wolf fur

Porlyusica"the wolf fur is on the counter and your coat I left it behind

Jaguar let's out a sigh of relief

Jaguar" thank Krista I still got it

Porlyusica"you seem more worried about that than your well being

Jaguar let's out a chuckle

Jaguar"i wanted to sell it for jewel's, I would be pretty pissed if I lost it

Porlyusica let's out a loud laughter wiping a tear

Jaguar"are you sure you should be laughing like that

she stops laughing and looks at Jaguar with a tick mark on her head

Porlyusica"what you trying to say brat

Jaguar"conserding your age it's bad for you

Porlyusica and Jaguar both let a laugh

Porlyusica"brat you should rest after all it would be pretty painful to get wing's all of a sudden

she didn't here a answer and looks down to see Jaguar sleeping peacefully with his wings around him

Porlyusica(if he wasn't human I would've kicked him out already but since he's angel I'll let him of the hook saying it's bad for someone my age to be laughing like that )


Krista"he got his wings already and he thanked me , ?????? thanked me

Krista starts blushing madly

???"wait is that Jaguar

Krista stops blushing and looks at ???

Krista"oh Kate you don't know who "Jaguar"

really is

Kate"what do you mean!

Krista let's out a giggle

Krista(if only you knew)you know what I'm going to send you there to meet "Jaguar"