
Reincarnated into Chrono Trigger [OLD]

The MC is an avid Chrono Trigger fan, who just so happens to beat every ending. Upon doing so, he wants to better himself. He steps outside to be immediately hit in the head by a TV. "Whelp... At least I tried." Sighing, he finds himself in another place entirely. *** I noticed that there aren't any Chrono Trigger novels, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I obviously don't own Chrono Trigger, and I don't own the cover picture. I did re-color it though, that took a while.

Aura_Of_Despair · Derivasi dari game
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14 Chs

7] The Results

(Zero POV, Truce mountains)

I am currently in a tree, with something akin to a sniper in my hands. My eyes are looking down the scope, seeing my group of ex-Failures. They are currently running toward me, ducking behind trees and dashing in an organized fashion.

Seeing their teamwork makes me smile as I pull the trigger, almost headshotting Messer Three. Feeling the eminent danger, he skillfully tilts his head. The bullet hits the ground, but Messer Four keeps running.

This is a Danger Sense training, where they have to catch up to me while I fire non-lethal bullets at them... But they don't know about them being non-lethal, so the danger is very real to them.

Fuhrer One tells Krieger One and Two, along with Messer Two and Four, to do something. Seeing their conversation, I aim directly for Fuhrer One's head.

Messer One appears out of nowhere and cuts the bullet with a knife, and moments before hitting Fuhrer One at that.

A bullet is fired every 1-2 seconds, and not a single one hits their target anymore. When we first started, they got hit constantly. Now I can say that I'm proud of them, even if none of them can beat me 2v1. 

That's not their fault though, I'm just a freaking monster. And today is their last day training with me, even though the deadline is tomorrow.

After another couple hours of dangerous and fear inducing training, I move onto their teamwork, but at this point... They work together so well that all of Guardia would fall if I decided to give the order.


It's evening, and my whole group is lined up.

Zero- "I am proud of you all, you turned out so well. Today is the last day of training, and tomorrow we will be having a feast in celebration." Their faces light up, but they don't do much else besides that.

"Before I let you guys go to your quarters, I need to make something clear."

My face darkens, and an unexplainable pressure is exuding from my body.

"My orders are absolute, and you must hear the orders from me directly. Even if the king himself is my superior, you belong only to me. If my orders contradict his, who's must you follow?" All of them answer at the same time.

All- "YOURS, SIR!" A wry smile appears on my face.

Zero- "Good, shall we prepare for our final tournament?" I turn to Fuhrer One.

F-1- "On it! Sir!" He immediately runs off preparing the arena, and a few others follow him to assist. 


When the tournament are is set up and the names are picked randomly, I stand in the center of the stage.

Zero- "There is a special prize for those who impress me, as well as first through third place. There is no punishment for the last five, and you can use weapons." They seem hyped for this match, as it's the first one in a while that I've allowed weapons.

The warriors pick what you'd expect. Axe, Spear, Hammer, Broadsword & Shield, and a Greatsword.

The Assassins pick both Dual Daggers, and Throwing Knives. One of them picks a Scythe as well. They made me proud with that.

The Tanks pick a tower shield and either a Broadsword, Longsword, or Mace.

Fuhrer One picks Dual Katanas, a Spear, Throwing Knives, Dual Daggers, a Greatsword, a Staff, and a crossbow because I wouldn't let him use a gun in this tournament.

All of these are wooden, just so nobody accidentally dies. I made a rule where if a projectile hits a limb, you can't use it. If it hits your body, you'll lose if you are still fighting five minutes later. If it's a head shot, well, you lose.


The fight began, and everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Warriors are weak to Assassins, Assassins are weak to Tanks, and Tanks are weak to warriors. That's just due to their weapons and their fighting style.

I'm not saying that Assassins are better than Warriors or worse than Tanks, they just don't match up well. Warriors are strong with a lot of reach, but they're a bit slow. Assassins are quick with fatal blows, but their reach is shorter. Tanks are durable and balanced in range and speed, but they have less freedom of movement.

Fuhrer One is just a freak of nature, wielding almost every type of weapon and range. He has high speed and flexibility, long range and high power.

Do you see why I made him leader? Not only that, but he's a strategic genius. His battle instincts are off the charts, and he's the only one who can give me a good fight 1v1. I can still beat him when he has a teammate, but holy crap is it rough. 

As you can guess, Fuhrer One is dominating the tournament. He normally doesn't do too well in these tournaments, but that's because of the no weapons rule. When he has his weapons is when he truly shines in battle.

After the tournament, I tell them their ranks and how well they did.


Fuhrer One: First, 100

Messer One: Second, 97

Panzer Two: Third, 93

Krieger Four: Fourth, 92

Krieger Three: Fifth, 90

Panzer One: Sixth, 92

Messer Two: Seventh, 94

Krieger One: eighth, 95

Messer Three: Ninth, 89

Panzer Four: Tenth, 85

Krieger Five: Eleventh, 96

Messer Four: Twelfth, 92

Krieger Two: Thirteenth, 82

  Panzer Three: Fourteenth, 85


  I give Fuhrer One a brand new pistol, curtesy of Lucca's genius.

I give Messer One a new set of daggers, they're higher quality than the crap they would give you here.

Panzer Two gets a new Broadsword.

Krieger One and Five both get 250G.


The day of the deadline is here, and we're throwing a giant feast. The commander is supposed to come by at around 1:00 PM to see their progress. It's currently 12:30 in the afternoon, and they have no idea what's coming.

I see the commander approaching, so I slink out of the festivities and walk up to him.

Commander- "What is going on? Why are they not training?" I smirk.

Zero- "Trust me, they've trained." I hand him a throwing knife, a real one. "Throw this as hard as you can, at someone who's 'not paying attention.' You'll see what I mean." He looks apprehensive, but decides to trust my words. If someone dies, it's on me.

He throws the knife as hard as he can, and as it approaches Messer One, it seems to just disappear.

Commander- "What? What happened?" I jump up above the commander and catch the falling knife, the one that was falling straight for his head.

Zero- "It got deflected." I brandish the knife, showing the danger that he was in.


Name: Zero

HP: 1,200/1,200

MP: 20/20

PWR: 44 (-60)

SPD: 38 (-60)

MAG: 20

END: 121 (+20)


Skills: [Limit Break] [Focus Point] [Wind Slash] [Fatal Strike] [Observe] [Bloodlust] [Non-Lethal Strike] [Flicker Step] [Precise Hit]

Proficiencies: [Dual Wield, S 7%] [Swords, A 94%] [Daggers, A 98%] [Throwing, A 95%] [Shooting, A 48%]


Equipment: [Seraph's Song] [Heavier Weights] [Steel Katana x2] [Steel Daggers x2] [Steel Throwing Knives x5] [Combat Clothes]


I'm sure you realized this, but the stats aren't the same as in the game. Neither is the HP or MP.

I'll figure out the ratio sooner or later, until then. See you later!

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