What would you do...if you met a copy of yourself, but they're the opposite gender? Well their thought process was "We're both lonely, so why not fuck?" Alex & Alexa
"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh" Alexa groaned as she collapsed face first unto her bed, her brain being mentally fried at the sheer load of information that just got dumped into their heads.
Oddly enough Alex was completely fine, said person being awfully calm as he brushed his teeth in the bathroom.
After being in this new world for 2 weeks, he still hadn't got used to his new and improved face.
His hair looked like a messy head of soft white down, his red scarlet eyes reminded him of cherry cola for some reason.
His momentary observation of his face was interrupted by another groan and a sound of shuffling bedsheets, "Hurry up Alex! I wana cudddddddleeee~" she said with a melodic whiny voice as she had a tiny little impatient tantrum.
He rolled his eyes and spat the mint flavored bubbles of fluoride into the sink and washed his mouth out with water.
He sighed as he used the bottom of his now clean T-shirt to wipe his mouth "I'm coming I'm coming sheesh! Can't a guy have a little time to clean himself and be healthy!..." He said with a smirk as he leaned into the doorway, looking at Alexa who was currently spread out in the middle of the king sized bed star fish style.
She snorted as she lifted up her head a bit and shot back- "Pfft-, we both know we barely brushed our teeth in our old world. Hell we had horrible health, mentally I mean~" she said with a proud look on her face as she flopped her head back unto the pillows.
"Aight true true...point taken" he grumbled under his breath, turning off the bathroom lights as he made his way to the bed.
"Roll your fat ass too the other side you Albino starfish~" "I no no wana~ >:3" "...did you really just say that-" "Yeah? So what if I did huh"
The two locked into eye contact, with Alex squinting his eyes as he gave her The Look™ and Alexa just giving him a smug cat-like smile. With a shrug Alex said "Alright then, you asked for it" "Wait wha-"
He pounced
Successfully grappling Alexa to the bed as she let out a surprised high-pitched scream. "PUTA-" Alex finally out of his 'responsible sibling mode' cackled as he used his knees to lock her arms to her side as he tickled her neck "AHAHAHAHA"
"AHA- AHAHA~ TAMA NA, TAMA NA POTA MO. I SAID STOP BAHAHAH, YAMERO, YAMETE KUDAISAI IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY~" Alexa said in between her forced giggles as she struggled, trying to make him stop by trying to pin his fingers using her chin.
But that only intensified his wriggling of his fingers on her neck.
Alexa was being sentenced to tickle torture, as she tried to shake Alex off her body like a bull. But being the manly cowboy he is he rode through her tantrum as it took a full 5 minutes for him to stop.
Alex straddled over Alexa, who was now all hot, sweaty and out of breath because of such an intense session of tickling. Strands of hair stuck to her face as she caught her breath
"Y-you fucking... Bitch, fuck you y-you meanie"
Alex responded with a smug grin as he leaned down and gave her a kiss, catching her off guard once again. Separating for a moment he coo'ed "I Love you too~"
Alexa's face got even hotter as she tried to escape his gaze mumbling "T-thats not fair..."
Alex spent a few moments admiring her flushed face, moonlight shining through their closed windows illuminating her soft pale face with a gentle glow. His eyes were focused on hers, everytime that she moved her eyes to check if he stopped looking at her, his eyes were the very thing that greeted her. Causing her to look away.
Trying to diffuse the situation Alexa made eye contact with him and made a little joke "Soo...you come here often~?" She even waggled her eyebrows for more effect
A chuckle escaped Alex's mouth as he pecked her cheek "Yeah you're definitely me alright"
She huffed "Aren't I supposed to be on top? The one who teases the virgin in bed?" "We lost both of our purity 2 weeks ago ass for brains~" "Does that mean I have a big brain then~?"
The two of them laughed again, their laughter echoed around their rather large room. Which was still barren from decorations and yet spotless from dust.
Their laughter soon died down as the warm feeling in both of the stomachs started to tingle and intensify. Slowly Alex's face lowered towards her's the two tilting their heads into opposite sides as their lips made contact.
A moan started to go up Alexa's throat as she couldn't get enough of his touch, how a missing part of her sould she didn't even know about got filled and made her feel whole.
It was the same for Alex
How her skin on his fingertips felt like he was moving his hands on silk, and her lips felt warm. Sending electric like energy through his nerves again and again everytime they went back to kiss.
Slowly he moved his knee to be in-between her legs, fixing his position mid kiss as his leg moved up and up and up... sensually gliding his knee up to her crotch, rubbing through her panties causing her to shiver and let out a deep and breathy moan. Causing goosebumps to appear on his skin.
Separating, leaving only a trail of saliva being their only connection on their tounges. Alexa licked her lips with a flutter of her eyelids "Tasting as delicious as I remember~"
Alex chuckled warmly as he pressed his body unto hers, sighing comfortably in her loving embrace as he felt her arms wrapping around the small of his back.
The two spent a few minutes in comfortable silence, not at all minding how turned on they are but not doing anything to further the moment. Only bathing in the feeling of being with someone they loved with all their hearts.
And soon, the two fell asleep with Alex being on top of her soft body. Being a teddy bear to Alexa who smelled his hair as she nuzzled her face untop of his head...
They had a lot to do tomorrow after all~
ahem powerstones and comments for support as compensation for this wholedomee chapter~?