
Reincarnated into an Otome Game as the Heroine's sister

In her past life before reincarnating, she was a test subject where they fused an ancient, enchanted demon katana with her soul and became the World's top assassin and War machine. Now given a new start, she is determined to live a life with no regrets. ~Details~ Updates every Wednesday Still ongoing Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any criticism, feedback or advice welcomed and appreciated!

MoonlightFireflies · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Unexpected meeting and Awakening Pt 2

Stepping into the forest was already a big gamble, even for Lilith because she knew that Scarlett couldn't help her that much due to her being currently a small and weak 4yr old. But with Scarlett leaking out her pressure it tremendously helped Lilith out from getting ripped to shreds the moment she had entered the forest.

~After a few minutes of wandering around, Lilith stumbled upon a clearing~

*Lilith POV*

The bright sunlight greets me as I step forward and enter a huge clearing. What I see in front of me takes my breath away, a few metres ahead is a massive beautiful glistening clear blue lake shimmering brightly in the sunlight. But what caught Lilith's attention first was the fact that there in the center of the lake was a large plum blossom tree scattering thousands of petals, it created such a perfect view like a painting came to life.

'Scarlett, take a look from above. I'm curious as to why there would be a large clearing in the middle of this forest.' Lilith told through their soul link. Following her order Scarlett took on her spiritual form, allowing her to scout out the magical clearing.

'Rosie something strange is happening...'

'What happening Scar?'

'There seems to be a barrier preventing me from flying higher than 20 metres.'

'What? Are you sure?'

'Yes. I'm sure, since...I just legitimately smashed against an invisible wall!'

'Ah...Okay, well thanks for scouting out the area.'

And with that Scarlett came back, shattering into millions of red light before being sucked into the key tattoo located on Lilith's collarbone. The key tattoo is the symbol for their soul contract, no matter how many lifetimes they go through they'll always be together and forever.

(A/N: Spiritual form is similar to a ghost form where only Lilith can see her, she can pass through surfaces and float similar to how a ghost would.)

*No-One's POV*

After Scarlett's return, she relayed all the information about the mysterious clearing she was able to gather including the layout. What was strange from all the information Scarlett gathered, was that there was a beautiful small Japanese style house located under the tree with a wooden bridge stretching into the lake where a nicely designed pavilion sat.

Lilith found it strange that one, there was a house in the middle of the forest and two why was there an invisible dome-shaped barrier preventing anyone from getting out or was it to prevent others from coming in...

'Scarlett. I think we should go right now!' Lilith thought panicked, what if her thought was right and that the invisible barrier was for stopping others from trespassing that means that someone or something really didn't want others to find this spot.

As she turns to leave, she bumps into the barrier. 'Rosie it's preventing you from leaving...oh, look here we can't escape what in the devil god are we going to do now?' Scarlett says hopelessly and sarcastically knowing full well that they couldn't escape already. So instead she just internally sighed whilst shaking her head and shrugging.


Then Scarlett hears Lilith's shaking voice "...scarlett...w-wh-what's that?"

What Lilith saw that frightened her so much was an extremely big, terrifying serpent coming out of the water, it's body deep blue with gold and hints of purple. But what was frightening was that the head was less than 5 meters away from her, with it's glowing blue eyes glaring at her.

Lilith had never seen something so terrifying in her life and that's saying something as her past life was filled with dangers and terrors but nothing could be more terrifying then this gigantic sea dragon serpent being, that was metres away from her face, threatening to eat her up.

"WHAT IS A MORTAL CHILD DOING IN MY LAND!" A thundering voice roared, it looked like it came from the sea dragon serpent, but the problem was that the said child wasn't even paying any attention, lost in her own chaotic mind.

Lilith's mind was in total disorder and turmoil, with Scarlett telling her to just fight the god damn thing.

Hearing Scarlett's advice, Lilith wanted to scream. Her thoughts exactly were that of 'Are you kidding me! She was in the body of a 4yr old and she currently can't even use Scarlett's weapon forms for longer than 2 minutes at most. Let's be real she can't take on that thing! IT WAS AT LEAST 18 METRES LONG AND DO I HAVE TO MENTION THE FACT THAT JUST IT'S HEAD ALONE IS LIKE 6 METRES TALL! SHE MAY BE STRONG BUT SHE AIN'T STUPID! GOING AGAINST THAT THING IN HER CURRENT START...YEAH, NO THANK YOU! THAT'S JUST SUICIDAL! SHE MAY BE WRECKLESS BUT SHE AIN'T STUPID!'

With Lilith's mind-clearing up after her rant, she had come to the conclusion that it was a nice life whilst it lasted but she's prepared to die seeing as there aren't any alternatives maybe if she prays to the lord then it won't be too painful. So, Lilith did what a normal person would've done in this situation and quietly whispered to herself whilst praying "It was a nice life whilst it lasted, Just please don't let it be a painful death dear lord. Long live the lord."

But what Lilith didn't know was that the Sea Dragon Serpent thing was looking at her strangely, and questioning itself. 'Did I lose my touch or something, how come this little mortal child isn't crying and asking for mercy? Maybe if I use my magic on her...'

So within a second a huge, blazing, blue fireball formed at the mouth of the sea dragon serpent. Lilith who finished her pray, looking up towards the beast in front of her and calmly stood there sweetly smiling. She showed no signs of fear or panic, all she did was stand there and say "Mr. Sea Dragon Serpent, if I may could you please make my death quick and fast if you're going to kill me. Also thank you in advance." Lilith said all in one breath, without her smile ever leaving her face, it was very quick and neat, leaving no room for the beast's reply. What she said sounded like a request but the way she delivered it was more of a demand than a request, she left no room for arguments or the opinion of the other party.

'What is wrong with this little human? Is she just dumb or crazy? This is the first time someone ever demanded me to kill them quickly...NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT THIS IS A MERE CHILD WHO HASN'T EVEN REACHED THE AGE OF 5!' the sea dragon serpent inwardly thought. Completely confused about what could the little human in front of him could be thinking. 'This seriously puts all the men in this world to shame...no single one of them would have this kind of bravery or stupidity to do something like this. I'm starting to like this little human...'

Whilst thinking he fired the large fireball, it speedily shot towards Lilith. Less than a minute the ball was already in front of her, flaming brightly. Lilith had to admit that even at this very moment all she could say or think was "Wow, it's so pretty..." her voice drifting quietly as it almost makes contact with her. But then when all hope seemed lost a big explosion of rainbow light came bursting out in all directions, blinding both Scarlett and the Sea dragon serpent

But what about Lilith?...