
Reincarnated into a world of Modern Magic

In this world where magic was modernized in the 21st century, magicians were seen as tools to be used by their countries. What will happen when a normal human from our earth is suddenly reincarnated into this one with immense power far beyond his control? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If you guys would like to support me (Shameless yes, but this author also would like money. And hey, this is just a one time promotion, I ain't forcing you. In exchange, you guys get to read ahead, way ahead of the current postings), here is my patreon link! patreon.com/somanyangels And here is my linktree, where you can find my insta, other novels, discord and a lot more!! https://linktr.ee/chaos_creation This is a fanfic of The Irregular at Magic High School where our protagonist is reincarnated in the Indo-Persian Federation with a superpower. © All rights reserved

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82 Chs

Shopping Trip.

Hearing Asha's voice, Divya slowly made her way down, while Alaukik simply appeared on a chair at the dining table. 

'Teleportation makes life so much easier,' thought Alaukik randomly, as he picked up an idli from the plate in the middle of the table.

"Dosa's would've been a much better option" he told Asha, while his hands kept stuffing idli's into his mouth. 

"Well then, why don't you make some yourself tomorrow morning? On that note, I want to eat some aloo ki poori tomorrow. Remember to make enough for all three of us. I have some pickles lying around too, so it would be perfect."

Hearing this, Divya, who had just stepped on the ground floor, let out a small giggle.

 Knowing who just giggled, Alaukik simply snorted and said,

"Well, it turns out you can laugh too."

"Alaukik, mind what you say," berated Asha. "Come Divya, take a seat. Why don't you try some of my idli today? I would love to hear what you think of it."

Giving a slight nod, Divya quickly sat down at the table, once again closing herself from the outside world.  

Seeing this, Alaukik could only sigh in his heart, although he continued to act nonchalant on the outside. 

"So, are you two prepared for your trip today? Alaukik, do you have money? Or do you want me to give you some?" asked Asha, as she carefully glanced at both their reactions. 

At the mention of the trip, Divya froze for a second, before continuing to eat. On the other hand, Alaukik just smiled a bit and responded,

"You know I never got paid for my services, don't you? I don't have a rupee to my name - "

'I don't get why you're sitting here quietly. Let's go and kill him immediately. He took our stuff, don't you think we should repay him in kind?' said OG, in Alaukik's mind.

'You and I both know that we can't right now. We don't know where he is. Isn't that why we went to Uday and told him to find where Jamshed is?'

'Let's just kill some people anyways. He'll probably pop out to stop us. And isn't it boring to just live like you are right now? I'm already bored from watching you.'

'Shut up.'

" - So I would appreciate it if you could give me a card or two."

Once again feeling bad for what Alaukik went through, Asha gave a sad smile and said,

"Very well. I'll give you a card after we finish eating. And Divya, how about you? Are you ready to go?"

Hearing this question, Divya put down the idli in her hand, and just nodded her head a few times.

Seeing this, Asha smiled brightly and said,

"Very well then! I'll be leaving for the University after breakfast, so you guys can leave then too. Explore the city, do some shopping and have some fun. The card I'll give you has enough for you to spend as you wish, wherever you wish. Remember to come back before 10 though. I don't want you both to stay out so late on the first day. Is that okay?"

Seeing both Alaukik and Divya nod at her words, she didn't speak anymore, and all three of them quickly finished  their breakfast.

About half an hour later, Asha, who was standing on the porch of the house, turned around to look at Alaukik and Divya who were standing inside. She then took out a card from her bag, and handed it to Alaukik. 

"It has quite a lot of money, so don't worry about buying expensive stuff. If you want to, you can try some of the restaurants in the city too, but remember to buy enough clothes for Divya. But at least 10 pairs, alright? And - "

"Fine, fine. I get it. We'll have fun aunt, so stop worrying and go to the Uni. You know nobody within a 1000 kms of me can hurt me."

"/Sigh/ All right, fine," said Asha, as he reached out to hug Alaukik. She then tried to hug Divya too, but Divya suddenly stepped back. Realising what she just did, Divya stuttered out,

"I - I'm sorry…"

Shaking her head lightly, Asha replied,

"It's fine. It's my fault for trying to hug without asking you first. Anyways, have fun, but remember to be careful too!"

Saying that, she walked to the garage, where she got into her car and left the house. 

After seeing her leave, Alaukik turned around and asked Divya,

"So, do you want to leave now or after a while?"

And as expected, the only response he received was the view of a receding back. 

"Very well then, we'll leave in half an hour. Make sure to get ready!"1

'Are you sure this is going to work, aunty?' was Alaukik's final few thoughts before he started getting ready for the trip.

Sadly, this one is a short chapter, however, I feel like we've had enough slice of life, so look out for the next few chapters, they'll be quite interesting ;).

Who knows? Everything could change in just one day

SoManyAngelscreators' thoughts