
Reincarnated into a Hell Hound - BL/Yaoi

Once I woke up I discovered that my limbs ended in paws, and that my ears could move about, for my new form is that of a dog! But not only that, I soon realize that there is nothing simple in this new world full of magic, for my true species is that of a hell hound, a creature made of fire and shadow that could stir fear at those who dared approach! Or well… the definition of being scary looking is at least suitable for me, proud and powerful as I’m, as for my brother… sigh, what can I say at such dumb creature who loves chewing at my ears?! Not only do I have to survive in this strange world with this strange body, but have to keep my brother out of trouble! At least, for better or for worse, we won’t be alone for long after crossing the path of two clingy elves and- no, wait, hold on, where do you think those hands are? Stop touching my brother you pervert elf! Come back here! And you, stop touching me too, let me teach them a lesson oi! Sigh, I’m surrounded by troublesome guys! …Well, at least they are to die for…no, I mean, scram! ~~~~~ ML: You are so cute when you are angry. MC: C-c-c-cute?! I’ll show you how cute I’m! I’ll bite your ankles! ML: But I have made food for you… MC:… MC:Ok, I can beat you later, but why is your hand on my tail oi?! ML:*chuckles* ~~Warning~~ Mature content, including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. ~~~~~ Thank you and I hope you enjoy it! *wink wink* ۹(ÒہÓ)۶

VCris · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
155 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Six

One thing, at least, was comfortably the same in and outside the dungeon; the hunting, the sneaking, something I was very familiar with after doing it for almost every day in the past 5 years.

Which gives 1675 tries out almost, taking off the first month.

1676 times now, hehe.

I softly go paw paw over the corridor, sniffing my prey, knowing soon that is not one of those things out there, and that it is alone in here.

Two great things to know.

The sounds of something breaking comes from the last room were the door is ajar, passing some light to the corridor.

The good part is, whatever was down there, it was trapped in the room; and if depended on me it wouldn't get away.

I sneak a peek inside once I reach the door, finding everything messed up, and part of the creature visible from the counter leading to the kitchen, his back arched and the butt to the exit, his long tail rolling in the air.

He stops, sniffing, and looks back at me; and even with the Shadow Veil I don't feel hidden.

Teleporting Cat: A dark sneaky creature who can manipulate the space around, been able to teleport itself and sometime objects and enemies. Usually relays on its stealth to hunt, been able to hold his breath to avoid detection.

Very similar to me in a way. And…




Knowing that if I gave it time it would escape I jump out of my cover, at the same time trapping it with Shadow Tentacles coming up to his legs.

But the cat cuts them easily with his claws!

Face to face with him I could now see the creature hissing at me, two pair of long limbs growing off from its back and ending up in some sort of tentacle. He was all black, even the eyes, with a lizard long tail and a back with protuberant bones, the skin stretching in a way that it almost had horns on its back.

The tentacles moved, trying to distract me when he jumps up to my face, the paws outstretched to hit my face. But instead of dodging back I go up to it, surprising the Cat, dodging down and entering my shadow at the almost same time that I go up, passing the line of his claws and bumping my head onto his belly, pushing him up in the air.

He lost his balance momentarily, landing down on his legs, as we once again go back to staring at each other, but now he had a glim of fear in his eyes. Moving the tentacles on its back it tries to teleport out, moving them in a circle, but a quickly react and breath fire up his face, making him move back and all over the small room.

Must be very scary for a creature of the dark to receive a bright and hot attack like this.

It whimpered, trying to get away, but I made a Shadow of myself jump straight at him at the same time that the real me jumped up the counter and attacked from the side.

Distracted with my shadow the Cat saw me too late, and once I had my fangs deeply craved in the skin of his neck, feeling the flood of blood go down my throat, I cover his body with mine and hold him down with my weight.

It didn't took very long for him to finally die, as I squished the veins on his neck and didn't allow the blood and oxygen to flow to his brain. Just to make sure, once I can move without losing my grip on him I break his neck sideways.

Wait, I suddenly remember.

Elves don't eat meat right?

Shit, I hope the kid doesn't have a tantrum and expects that I will plant something for him now.


I'll just shove down his throat, yeah. I drag the cat with me by the neck, and once I arrive were I left Leonel at I find the place in a complete mess.


He looks at me from the sofa, holding his sword which was dripping some black ooze, and his golden eyes lock in mine, like melted gold, shining with a light of their own in the dark room.

I almost dropped the Cat under that intense stare, ops.

"Honey, dinner is ready!" I joke, dropping the cat under his feet and looking around. "And what's up with this mess?"

He sheaths his sword, not before cleaning it up, and knees beside the Cat, checking the body as he simply points to a side of the room.

I go there once Leonel takes off a knife and starts to skin off the Cat. At first I only see a puddle of black ooze and some rags in the middle, but as I get close I see that is actually a leather bag, but instead of contending something in it his opening had many sharp teeth like a mouth and a long tongue stretched out.

What, the bag was a monster in disguise?!

See, the buildings could be monsters too, I'm telling ya, frightening yo!

Jokes aside I throw the bag away in one of the others rooms; with that black ooze I didn't want to try and eat it; and when I came back Leonel had already separated the black pelt of the cat, and cut the meat in pieces.

"You have practice."


I take one of the pieces with my shadow, and thinking that he needs them cooked I start a flame inside my throat and try to cook it by spilling fire over it.

With a big TRY in it.

Ding – Hiding Ineptitude discovered – Cook –800

Ding – Title earned – Forbidden from the kitchen

Forbidden from the kitchen – Once people see you TRY to cook once they have a HIGH tendency of forbidding you from: cooking, entering the kitchen, or anything related.

The meat that I was holding didn't even turn to charcoal, is went stray to ashes!


"…Do you eat ashes?"


Leonel looks at me, then at the once meat, and for a slight moment I can see his lips curving and his jaw clenching. He is… he is holding a laugh?! At me?!

I snore, looking away, thinking to never, ever, attempt that again. Leonel checks the kitchen, taking some pots off and utensils, as I quickly gather some wood from the tables and chairs from the other room, breaking them up.

Once I carry them back I see Leonel bringing his sleeves up to his elbows, as he starts to smash a little harmer he found on the meat.

"Put all we have here." He says and I take off all the food I had.

Opening the windows slightly, I start a small fire with the pile of wood on the metal sink we found, as it was very deep and could keep the warm of a small fire without burning the place up; at least I hoped so.

Once I was done I had nothing to do, so I watched as Leonel cooked. We didn't have spices or anything, only some vegetables, so he cut the carrots, took the leaves off the lettuce and cleaned them under the water, putting all in the pot with some of the water, cutting the meat in small cubes.

Mixing them up it took a while to make the soup boil, but once he is done he covers the fire with another metal pot so it dies down and we go eat in silence at the living room.

"Hm… Is good" I genuinely answer in Elven Tongue, chewing on the meat.

"…Tastes like nothing. No salt."

Well, sorry then, that I'm so used to raw meat that a small mixture like this already appeals to me.

After the meal he insisted that we should go out and look for the exit, but I refused vehemently; with evil thoughts of going alone while Leonel slept; but in the end I had to cover him with my paw and hug him on the sofa so to make sure he wouldn't run away and, in the end, we spend the rest of the day there, recovering with a full belly our tired body and mind.

I was thinking about making a Bestiary Book, Wattpad exclusive, who knows...? With drawings and info of course.

What do you guys think? Would you guys like to participate??? Your monster could appear on the following chapters, who knows ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

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