
Reincarnated into a dungeon core

A man from earth is reincarnated into a dungeon core

Lordyken · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 4

John rotted away in depression. He was a transgender crystal monster.... All his grand dreams of enjoying life surrounded by luxury with sexy women serving him....what a cruel joke. This reminded him of a chinese proverb "man proposes but heaven disposes". From the start, he was already destined to be a meat eating, man killing, monster crystal. All of his previous dreams were just the nonsensical delusions of a human who still didn't know what it meant to be a dungeon crystal. Now his monster instincts are starting to wake up, his dreams were shattered and he must face a very difficult moral dilemma. John did nothing new for a long time, surplus mana gathering around his glowing crystal body, creating a beautiful scene of magical mist. What was the point to grow stronger ? To become a better monster? The human John failed to comprehend the other John, the alien John, the monster John. He went back to his little mental prison of depression and being angry with life. He refused to be a monster !. In order to remind himself of his human past on earth, he designed a whole dungeon filled with all the human furniture and decorations he can remember from earth. He got the golems to dig for soil in the planned 6th floor and use the soil to sculpt models of potted plants, lights, sofas, toilets, all sorts of furniture, clothing racks and many more items from earth.

The weeks passed in a haze of work and attention to detail, running away from his unwanted desire for mindlessly slaughter. He spent all his time and effort into perfecting the interior environment, making it as earth like as possible. His dumb golems were ill suited for finer details and he only had soil to work with, as a result many things turn out to be only a passing resemblance to their counterparts on earth but thats was good enough for now. He will get better spells and better minons in future. John can still see a glimpse of hope for his ideal enviornment, he just had to learn how to deal with the foreign desires that are waking up in him.

After bringing his dungeon interior to life, John arranged his golems to act as shoppers. They aimlessly wandered around the 1st to 4th floors, sometimes sitting on the sofas, sometimes entering the shops. Only 1 shop had retail assistants and this shop sold bars of soil that said 999.9 pure gold. Wow this really felt like a shopping mall now. He got his 2 female golems to stand guard at the doorway leading to his crystal room. Having 2 beauties as bodyguards made him feel very boss-man and important, he was in a good mood for quite awhile. Next, John tried out the new [Improved Golem]. According to the rather vague instinct within him, this spell should give him better creatures. After casting the spell he could select a basic golem to upgrade or create a new golem. John decided to upgrade all his basic golems starting with his 2 bodyguards. It took quite awhile because it was mana intensive to upgrade every golem and he had to rest in between the upgrades. However after upgrading all his golems they did not show any difference at all and John was starting to feel disappointed. What was wrong ? Did he miss out something or maybe they just needed time to change ? John thought that maybe they needed time to evolve or some other unknown criteria. Anyway after a disappointing result from so much effort, he just wanted to relax and enjoy watching his golems walking about his dungeon like a illusion of a shopping mall. As time passed and John had nothing else to do, he couldn't distract himself from himself any longer. He shouldn't be doing this but the urge to kill was driving him like a mind control spell. John started to prepare the [Basic Lure] spell, a small part of him fighting it but most of him said its only inevitable, no use fighting, just cast the spell, something good is coming.... John anchored the lure spell to a dust bin on the first floor near the tunnel. Then he scolded himself for giving in to his unhealthy desires, then he consoled himself since the spell was already cast, instead of wasting the mana removing it, he might as well just try it one time and see what really happens.…..

After some time he saw soil tumbling down from the hole in the ceiling as something was digging its way in. John could feel the digging, in human terms it was like something trying to worm its way through his skin, only that for John, the dungeon walls is his skin. John focused his mind and allowed for a bigger surface tunnel in his mental map of the dungeon. Soon a snout appeared, cautiously sniffing around the entrance. Then more digging before a somewhat familiar creature dropped smack onto the floor. It looked like a boar with armour, its body was shaped like a pig, large and covered with grayish tough looking plates. The familiar ivory tusks of earth boars was replaced by metallic and nasty looking tusks. John guessed this animal should be the equivalent of earth boars. As soon as the creature entered his domain, John could feel an intruder inside him. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, more like a pleasant awareness that something alive had entered his dungeon. His golems reacted instantly, except for his 2 bodyguards, the rest started moving towards the boar as fast as they could. The creature was stunned after falling through the ceiling. Then it started to panic when it saw the golems coming for it. The boar scrambled out and ran wild, dodging the slow moving golems, sometimes damaging the soil decorations. John saw that his golems were dumbly chasing after the boar and he started to control them, getting them to line up and encircle the boar. The panicking boar charged straight at the line of golems and John saw his golem take damage, soil flying all over the place as the golem got knocked over. The nearby golems reacted too slowly to catch the boar and it got away from their encirclement. If John was still a human, he would be smacking his forehead at the dismal combat performance of his golems.

The boar bolted into 1 of the fake shops to hide and this gave John the opportunity to surround the shop's sole doorway with his golems. He spotted the lizard golem among the crowd and excitedly ordered it to charge the boar. The boar took one look at the clumsily charging lizard golem and with a toss of its metallic tusk, the lizard golem head was sliced off, sailing through the air and landing with a thud. John was speechless, he didn't expect his golems to be so weak in combat. The mana pattern within the lizard golem began to malfunction and its entire soil body started to crumble, all the mana previously contained inside its body began gushing out, flowing into the boar. John tried various ways to salvage his mana but was unable to exert any direct control on the mana or block it from entering the boar. John whispered a little goodbye to lizard golem, its noble sacrifice has given him more knowledge of this new world.

The boar was panting and wearily eyeing the rows of golems blocking the shop's doorway. It pawed the ground and charged again, perhaps its easy victory over the lizard gave it courage to fight for its life. The boar crashed against the rows of golems, sending more soil flying all over the place before its momentum was stopped and it was surrounded by angry golems who began clubbing it with their hands and feet. The boar turned around to deliver a power kick with its hind legs, cracking the legs of a golem and the golem fell to the ground. What followed was a brutal and simple battle, the boar damaged afew more golems with its tusks and powerful kicks but John watched with rising excitement as it was pressed on all sides by the golems and beaten to death punch by punch, blow by blow. As John looked at the dying boar lying on the floor with its tongue sticking out and blood oozing out from its head, all he felt was a deep sense of anticipation and lust that washed away the human guilt. Something was coming, something good. A hot flow of life energy started leaking out from its body, most of it entering the surrounding golems, a little flowed with the blood and merged with the soil. John tried hard to suck in some of this hot life energy but it behaved like the mana from before, he was unable to influence the life energy at all, a strange bit of independence within his tightly controlled domain, leaving him disappointed.

After most of its life energy had leaked out, the boar passed away. At its moment of death, John saw its soul exit the lifeless body and tried to fly upwards, back to the surface. However instead of a smooth passage to the afterlife, it was inexplicably unable to leave his dungeon. The soul of the boar blindly kept banging up against the edge of his domain like how an insect dumbly tries to fly through a glass panel, forever unable to gain its freedom. John's instincts took over his mind and he greedily used his magic body to pull the soul into his crystal. The boar's soul constantly fought against him and John had to wrestle with it, he even got a kind of perverse pleasure from the feeling of overpowering the weaker soul. The boar's soul was inch by inch dragged into his crystal until with a spike of ecstasy, John felt something scorching hot enter and a wave of euphoric pleasure penetrated his very soul. John started shivering with delight as orgasmic bliss flooded him. The more the soul struggled, the higher John's ecstasy peaked...it was like a journey in orgasm land with high peaks amidst an undulating wave of pleasure. It felt like a long time before the intoxicating pleasure gradually diminish as the soul got weaker. Finally the soul was totally absorbed by John, changing him into something stronger, making possible his evolution into a higher form. As he slowly woke up from his post orgasm mental fog, John realized his life had forever changed. This addicting pleasure will surely drive him to kill and absorb more souls.