
Chapter VI: Night Fury

(With hiccup)

Hiccup and Gobber were walking almost to the house and Hiccup start to complain

Hiccup:" I really did hit one, he never listens, and when he does it's always with this disappointed scowl like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich. Excuse me, barmaid

I'm afraid you bought me the wrong offspring I ordered an extra-large boy with beefy arms, extra guts, and glory on the side, this here... is a talking fish bone."

Gobber:" Now, you're thinking about this all wrong. It's not so much what you look like, it's what's inside that he can't stand."

Hiccup:" Thank you for summing that up."

Gobber:" Look, the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you are not."

Hiccup:" I just wanna be one of you, guys."

Hiccup enters the house just to run to the back door and run, gobber didn't see it so he just left for the Great Hall meeting.


( Great Hall )

Stoick:" Either we finish them or they'll finish us!

It's the only way we'll be rid of them. If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leap they'll find another hole, one more search before the ice sets in."

Viking:" Those ships never come back."

Stoick:" We're Vikings! It's an occupational hazard. Now, who's with me?"

The Vikings begin to murmur among themselves.

Stoick:" All right, those who stay will look after Hiccup."

Everyone raises their hand

Vikings:" To the ship "

Stoick:" That's more like it."

Everyone leaves to get prepared

Gobber:" Hey, I'll pack my undies."

Stoick:" No, I need you to stay and train some new recruits."

Gobber:" Oh perfect, Yeah...and while I'm busy, Hiccup can cover the stall, molten steel, razor sharp blades lots of time to himself. What can possibly go wrong."

Stoick:" What am I gonna do with him, Gobber?"

Gobber:" put him in training with the other."

Stoick:" No, I'm serious "

Gobber:" So am I "

Stoick:" He'd be killed before you let the first Dragon out of its cage."

Gobber:" Oh, you don't know that."

Stoick:" I do know that "

Gobber:" Actually..."

Stoick:" No actually, I do know..."

Gobber:" No you don't"

Stoick:" Listen you know what he's like. From the time he could crawl, he's been different... He doesn't listen, he has the attention span of a spiral. I take him fishing and he goes hunting for... For trolls."

Gobber:" ¡¡TROLL EXIST!! They steal your socks... But only the left one, what's with that"

Stoick:" When I was a boy..."

Gobber:" Oh here we go "

Stoick:" My father told me to bang my head against the rock and I did it, I thought it was crazy but I didn't question him, and you know what happened ?"

Gobber:" You got a headache "

Stoick:" That rock split in two. It taught me what a Viking could do Gobber, he could... He could crush mountains, level forests, and team seas.

Even as a boy, I know what I was, what I had to become.

Hiccup is not that boy."

Gobber:" You can't stop him, Stoick! You can only prepare him, I know it seems hopeless but the truth is you won't always be around to protect him he's going to get out there again and he's probably out there now."

Stoick:" Ok I'm going to let Hiccup train but only under the condition that John join the training."

Gobber:" Oh yeah I thought he would never join a mean the academy starts when you are 15 but he's 18 and never went."

Stoick:" I have this feeling that this day will come so a talk to him to train when Hiccup does."

Gobber:" That's fine with me "


(With Hiccup)

Hiccup calculated in his notebook where the night fury will land when he shot it down, he keeps calculating until he gets frustrated and close his notebook with anger.

Hiccup:" Oh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No not me, I managed to lose an entire dragon. "

Hiccup push a branch and the branch came back and hit him back

Hiccup:" Ahh "

Hiccup look at the branch and see the tree that look like it was hit he see that more trees were cut down and there were a hole like an impact he goes to see what happened, and he look and see a dragon he duck down, he looks over to see and see the dragon hiccup look for his knife, Hiccup got closer and see the dragon that seam dead

Hiccup:"Oh, wow... I-I did it! Oh, I did it! This, this fixes everything! ¡Yes! I have brought down this mighty beast...!"

Hiccup places a foot on the Night Fury


This makes him jump back in alarm; he points his small knife and approaches cautiously, looking the dragon in the eyes.


Hiccup: *breathing nervously* "I'm gonna kill you dragon. I'm gonna... I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. I'm a Viking. I am a ¡Viking!"


Hiccup takes a deep breath and raises the knife; their eyes meet, the dragon's wide and frightened; Hiccup shakes himself and lifts the knife higher


Hiccup drops his arm, frustrated, and looks from the knife to the dragon

Hiccup: [remorseful] "I did this..."

Hiccup was about to leave when he look back at the dragon and kneeled and cuts the ropes, freeing the dragon, the dragon saw that it was free so it jump up and push Hiccup to I stone and looks at Hiccup, it took I deep breath and...


After that the night fury just left trying to fly away, hiccup was lean on the rock with his hand in his heart breathing heavily then he got up; see the dragon roaring and flying away

Hiccup turn around to leave but he just took two steps and fainted.


Sorry for the late update, there was no internet at my house, so I have to leave and got some today

Anyway I'm going to fix that and try to upload this Saturday to make it up and Sunday