
Reincarnated in the walking Dead

Alex is an average teenager nothing out of the ordinary, but that all changes when he is transported to The Walking Dead a world full of zombies that will try to eat you, enemies that want to kill you and endless challenges that will test your limits Will he wander the world alone? Or will you get together with people to face the world together? you will have to read it to know

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After walking for a few minutes, Alex and the others arrived at Rick's house. Rick enters his home agitatedly.

Rick: They are alive, my wife and my son, at least they are when they left

Alex: I think you're wrong, Rick.

Morgan: Alex is right, how can you know?

from how it looks....

Rick: I found open bagpipes in the bedroom, they took some clothes, not much but enough to travel.

Alex: That just tells you that someone was here.

Morgan: Also, someone could have entered and stolen the clothes, right?

alex correct

Rick: Do you see any photos hanging on the wall?

Alex: *look*

Morgan: *look*

Rick: Me neither, do you think some random thief took it?

Alex: the truth is that yes, believe it or not, there are many people outside.

Rick: okay, *search* what about the photo albums, the family photos, they're not there?


Morgan: *sits* haha... photo albums... hahaha.... my wife, did the same, I was packing survival gear and she was putting away photo albums....

Silence reigned in the place for a few seconds until Duane slowly approached

Duane: They must be in Atlanta.

Morgan: It's possible.

Alex: I don't think so.

Rick: why not?

Morgan: Duane is right Alex, there is a refugee center there, they said it was big and safe, before they stopped transmitting, military protection, food, food, shelter, they told people to go there, it was the most . insurance

Duane: They also have a place for the sick.

Morgan: right, a disease control center, they said they would solve everything

Alex: guys I don't want to destroy your hope, but I think you have to change it was the safest place

Rick: *look* what you mean

Alex: think about it for a minute, if this disease control is doing something to find a cure (which there is not) they would have already done it or communicated it to the world

Rick: *look*

Morgan: *look*

Duane: *look*

Alex: (are they idiots or what?) *sigh* what I'm trying to say is that that place has already fallen and turned into a living cemetery

Upon hearing Alex's words, everyone was thinking about his words, until Rick turned towards the kitchen to open a cabinet, took a key from inside and headed back to them.

Rick: I won't believe it until I see it.

With those simple words, Rick leaves his home, Alex and the rest looked at him and seconds later followed him to find out where he was going.

[Minutes later]

*key sound* *opening door*

Cautiously they enter the establishment with flashlights to illuminate their path, walking through the hallways until they reach a door. Upon entering they saw a bathroom. Rick approaches one of the many showers.

*key sound* *water sound*

Morgan: We haven't had gas for about a month.

Rick: the station has its own propane system – placing your hand under the water jet to see what vapor from it – *smile* still comes out hot

Upon hearing those words, both Morgan and her son get excited and begin to undress.

Rick: What's wrong Alex? Are you ashamed to bathe with us?

Alex: It's not that, I just don't want them to be discouraged.

Morgan: Come on boy, what could be so bad?

Alex: well if you insist - with a small smile on his lips, Alex lifts his shirt showing his body that seems sculpted by the gods themselves, dismantling a six pack in all its splendor, both his arms and chest were well defined and toned, continuing with his pants showing his legs toned by exercise, but what caught everyone's attention the most is when Alex takes off his boxers, showing them a little monster between his legs –

Morgan: Damn dude!

Rick: well... that...

Duane: Is that even possible?

Alex: what? shame? *smile*

After that awkward moment and you occasionally have to look at Alex, everyone finished bathing.

the first time he touched a gun.

Rick: Really?

Alex: that's right, my father was a high-ranking military man, so from time to time he took me to the shooting range

Morgan: That explains a few things.

Alex: Whatever.

Rick: Morgan *hand over* take this, it's nothing extraordinary but it will do

Morgan: *take* *look* *arrange* *point*

After a review of the weapons and ammunition, they left the Asia station parking lot.

Rick: take care of your ammunition, they run out faster when practicing

Morgan: Duane.

Duane: Yes?

Morgan: Put this in the car.

Duane: Yes.

Rick: Are you sure you're not coming, Morgan?

Morgan: In a few days, by then Duane will have learned how to shoot and I will have practiced in that time since I don't do it.

Rick: What about you Alex?

Alex: that's what I wanted to talk to you about, look.

Morgan: you think ahead, take care of yourself Rick, you too Alex

Alex: your equal, take care of yourselves

Rick: I can't help but not do it, not anymore.

Morgan: oh and one more thing, they may not seem dangerous when they are few, but when they get together they are dangerous, you should be careful

Alex: I agree, if you see that he is a hopeless case just run, unless you have a room full of ammunition you can afford to kill him at will

Rick: *nod* you too, be careful

Morgan: You are a good man, Rick, I hope you find your family.

Alex: there, but that's nice, well, I'm leaving, see you later.

Rick: Duane, take care of your father.

Duane: Yes sir.

*moan* *moan* *moan*

When they hear the noise, everyone turns to see the product of the sound, and then they see a walker walking toward us clumsily on the other side of the fence.

Rick: Leon Besset?

everyone: *look*

Rick: I didn't like him, he was careless and stupid but... I can't leave him like this

Alex: Rick uses the knife, it's better to save bullets and not make noise.

Morgan: Alex is right, they will hear the shot.

Rick: *nod*

Alex hands the kitchen knife to Rick so he can finish off his former partner, approaching the fence to look at his former partner for a few seconds before putting the knife through his head, a few seconds later taking it out to watch the body fall to the ground. floor

Rick: It's time to go.

everyone: *nod*

each one gets into their respective vehicles, to leave the station taking separate paths, saying goodbye by sounding the vehicle's horn.