
Reincarnated in the omniverse with the power of Saitama

Damien a high school student gets reincarnation with the power of Saitama from One punch man in the omniverse as the champion of the King of all Gods.

David_555 · Lainnya
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40 Chs

Illusory Demon Realm

..." Young master I could come with you to this place you're going to.. you don't have to go alone." A red haired man tried to convince a young teenager who had a stubborn look on his face.

" I said I'll be fine Ah Diao you worry too much. Why don't you stay here with Long Feng and try to have a family or something." The typing man in his teens spoke with a mischievous smile, while he winked at a lady beside them who had long sliver hair, and a blush on her cheeks.


Damien was going to leave for the Illusory Demon Realm today and Ah Diao didn't want him to go alone.

" Young master, please let me come with you." Ah Diao protested once more, while Yun Canghai stood to the side unconcerned. He was still recovering from whatever Damien had done to him.

" Listen to me Ah Diao, if you come with me, it'll be me protecting you, so instead stay here and grow stronger." Damien patted his shoulder with a smile and turned around to leave. He hated saying goodbyes the most.

Grabbing unto Yun Canghai's shoulder, they shot up into the sky leaving a massive crater where they stood previously.

Deep within the void, two men sat in a silvery white three dimensional construct, as they rushed through the infinite expanse.

" I never expected to get such an overpowered ability on my second breakthrough. Maybe I married a goddess in my previous life or something." Damien smiled as he inspected his body.

During his breakthrough, he had achieved what was one of the most broken abilities in all of anime. An ability that granted him absolute control over the future, and allowed him to not only manipulate timelines but to travel to them if necessary. He also enhanced his parallel processing and brains computing power.

This new ability sounded OP as hell and Damien loved it as well, but nothing could beat the thrill of punching your enemies to oblivion... or at least in his opinion.

" We're here." Yun Canghai immediately alerted him, as he slowed down the speed of the construct.

Illusory Demon Realm.....

It was a fine morning in the illusory Demon Realm, but today wasn't an ordinary day, it was the day before the coronation of the new ruler of the realm, hence the day was a lot more busy than usual. The residents were working hard when suddenly, a large boom resounded and he entire landscape began to quake.

" What was that?!" The citizens questioned themselves as they looked around to see if an enemy was approaching but they found nothing. The perpetrators of the action had already vanished from their sights.

" Did you just punch a hole through space itself? What are you?!!" Yun Canghai marveled at Damien's abilities. To him it felt unbelievable that a human could exert such strength.

" This is not the time for questions. Besides look, we're here." Damien shrugged as he pointed to his side, where a huge extravagant manor was located.

" That's ... that's .. " Yun Canghai stammered is shock. " Yes yes you're right. I brought you to your home. Ain't I great?" Damien smiled with pride. Yun Canghai looked on ahead as he felt nostalgic. He had wanted to go home for so long and now that he was here, he didn't know what to do.

Walking forward, he took steady steps as he slowly entered the manor. Damien on the other hand walked silently behind him as he munched on a few fruits.


" Stop right there?! Who dares the come to the Yun Clan Manor unannounced?!" A talk guard stood tall as he glared at Yun Canghai who was seemingly lost in his thoughts.

" You're the splitting image of your father boy. You even inherited his annoying tone and all." Yun Canghai smiled as patted the shoulder of the guard. " How do you know my father?!" The guard immediately went on the defensive and materialized his yellow coloured profound handle.

His father was the head of the guards who was also the right hand man of the former patriarch. Hundred years ago he vanished along with the patriarch and never came back.

" Who are you?!" The guard knelt as he looked at Yun Canghai. " Yun Clan of the Illusory Demon Realm, your patriarch Yun Canghai is back!!" A huge amount of profound energy burst out his body as he declared in a bold voice.

" Sheesh how dramatic. It must be nice to have a family." Damien sighed as he watched on.

" What's going on?! Did you hear the shout! It's only the Patriarch who has such a commanding voice! He's back!!" Hundreds of disciples run out to witness the return of their former Patriarch and seeing the commotion, the elders decided to show up as well.

Their jaws dropped as they saw the man in front of them. He looked the same as he did a hundred years ago. Nothing had changed.

Soon, a bunch of old men came out with shocked expressions on their faces. "Patriarch, is it really you?" One of them cried out. " Yun He you old coot, I can't believe you're still walking after all these years." Yun Canghai smiled to a particular old man who looked older than the rest.

He was the current first elder and the strongest in the clan. " Sigh, you haven't changed a bit." Elder Yun He sighed.

" Father!!?" Soon a handsome man in a wheelchair who was being pushed by another beautiful woman came out with shock on his face. " Qinghong my son." Yun Canghai immediately rushed to embrace his son as tears streamed down his eyes.

" Let's talk inside father in law." Mu Yurou or Yun Che's biological mother spoke with a smile as they walked happily to their manor. Damien followed behind unconcernedly as they entered the main hall.

Taking their seats, they all began to tell their stories about what happened to them a 100 years ago which truthfully bored the hell out of Damien. After a while of crying and tears, they began to celebrate as they feasted to their hearts content.


" Father who's the young man with the white hair." Yun Qinghong looked at Damien who was drinking to the side and asked.

" Is he your son?" He asked once more which caused Damien to almost puke his drink.

" What nonsense are you spewing Qinghong? He's a friend of mine." Yun Canghai spoke after much difficulty. The fearsome Patriarch of the Yun Clan was now friends with a young man who looked even younger than 20.

" Treat him well ." Yun Canghai spoke as he looked at everyone present.

" Yun Canghai, I know a reunion was needed and all that, but my time is running out, I have to meet the queen or king as soon as possible." Damien spoke telepathically as he impatiently as he glared at Yun Canghai causing him to shiver.

" I know, please forgive me. We'll go meet her tomorrow." He responded with a forced smile.