
Reincarnated in the magic world

Average Boy named Satoru lived normal life as he was going to school and at the same time he worked so he can pay rent.After he got fired he was sitting in the park.Lightning killed him and after few minutes he woke up in the bottomless world where he will meet girl who will reincarnate him in the magic world.Satoru will have adventure where magic is most important thing as he progresses.Can he stay alive in this new world?

Burhan_Selimovic · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1:Reincarnated in the magic world?

(Year 2023)

Satoru was sitting in the school desk reading a book while the other students were walking around the classroom

"Man, I didn't know this book could be this interesting. I'll have to read it after I get home from work," Satoru said with a smile on his face.

The bell rang and everyone headed home while Satoru went to work

"Man, I wish I had stayed at home and read a book, but it doesn't matter," Satoru first exhaled and then said while washing the dishes

People started coming to the bar and Satoru noticed it immediately and managed to get there in time

"Welcome, what do you want to order?" Satoru asked with a smile on his face

While people were ordering, Satoru raised his head and saw that there would be a storm soon

"This is no good because I didn't even bring an umbrella so I'm going to get really wet" Said Satoru while looking at the sky

Another hour of working time has passed, but the storm has not yet stopped and the rain has started to fall even more

"Working hours end in 5 minutes but the rain hasn't stopped yet, it's really not a day to work" He said this with his head down sadly

Ten minutes passed and Satoru took off his work clothes and put on his shirt while he did his hair

"I'm glad that the working day is over because I have the day off tomorrow, but do I really have to go without an umbrella?"

Satoru came out of the restaurant while all the people were with umbrellas and it was raining more and more without stopping

"I should take a taxi, but I'm short on money, so I'll have to run two kilometers, no big deal," he said with a touch of uncertainty

Satoru started running while the thunder was getting louder and louder, he crossed half a hill and when he reached the park he fell to the ground injuring his knee

"This shouldn't have happened, now my knee really hurts and the rain doesn't stop," he said while holding his knee

After a few seconds, he slowly got up from the floor and sat on the bench while making sounds of pain

"Man, now my knee hurts even more and I haven't even passed half an hour yet, the only good thing about all this is that I have a day off tomorrow so I can rest" he said as the rain fell on his body and head

People were passing by while he was sitting and bowing his head down, people were looking at him and judging him but he was just looking at the road in the park

"You should go because there's no help if I just whine," he said with a lot of confidence

When Tamam started to walk, a strong lightning struck him and he just fell on the floor completely burnt while the people nearby were horrified.

While Satoru was completely burned on the floor, his pulse began to weaken while people were saying that someone should call 911.

The man who heard it said that he had just called 911 and that they would be there soon

While they were angry and in shock waiting for an emergency, Satoru's life began to pass through his eyes

"I didn't...expect my life...to end like this," he said with a tired voice

People asked where the emergency was, and at that moment the ambulance came and immediately took out the stretchers and started checking the pulse

"I'm going to die...it's ready for...me...just...let me go" he said in the last moment of his life and died

People started crying and the ambulance said it was over and they left

After a few minutes, the people went their separate ways, and Satoru was left lying, completely burned

After a few seconds, Satoru opened his eyes and wondered where he was

As he looked around, he noticed that he was in some kind of vortex that was carrying him somewhere

Satoru wondered where he was as he spun around in the vortex faster and faster until suddenly the vortex stopped and he struggled falling

When Satoru fell, he noticed that there was nothing and wondered where he was

After a few seconds, he raised his head upwards and noticed and said that there is a throne in heaven

While he was looking, he noticed that a person was falling from above the throne, and while looking, he noticed that it was a girl

That girl was descending on the throne and Satoru described her as a high school girl with long white hair and white eyes while wearing a black coat and black boots

When she sat down on the throne, he asked her who she was, what her name was and where he was

She just laughed and lowered the throne next to him and as she sat she said that he was in the so-called spiritual place

Satoru asked if he is alive and she says that he is not but that his soul and body have transferred here to the spiritual reality

Satoru said that she didn't tell him her name while she says that it doesn't matter and that he will definitely see her here for five minutes and he leaves

He didn't understand Satoru very well and asked where he was going to go because he is currently dead so he can't go anywhere

She then explains to him that she is the guardian of this reality and that she sends special people to reincarnate them in another world

Satoru was left in shock and with a surprised face asked what he meant in the other world

She starts to explain to him and says that there are different worlds that people don't know about and that only special people are reincarnated in those worlds.

Satoru asked her why he is special, and she tells him that there is no point for him now because he will leave in a few minutes

Satoru tells her that he understands that, but he wants to know to which world he will be sent

She tells him how she will send him to an old medieval world where magic is used

Shocked, Satoru says that he doesn't know anything about magic and won't be able to use it, and she tells him that she will because she will have to learn it.

He also warns him that they have various nations doing business and that a war can start between them if things don't go well.

Sakura asks how he of all people will be able to stop it, and she answers that they have all kinds of magic

and he will learn and master them all in order to survive in this world

Satoru asked if he would ever return to his world, and she shocked him by answering that it was impossible and that he would either go to another world or stay dead.

While Satoru was thinking, he said to himself that he would try to make things better for him in the other world and that he had nothing to regret

She smiles and says that this is the right answer and asks him if he wants one hundred percent to the other world

Satoru nodded and she opened a portal to another world

When she opened it, Satoru began to walk towards the portal, which was spinning like a vortex, with great confidence

Satoru thanked her and said that one day they will see each other again while she says that she is looking forward to meeting him again and wishes him luck as Satoru enters the portal and after a few seconds he completely disappears

While he was in the vortex he promised himself that he would do anything to learn every magic that existed

After a few seconds a portal formed and he fell to the floor after the portal closed

He said he didn't expect this and got up, when he got up he looked around and noticed that this is really a medieval world

Around it were old buildings and people were walking and talking with their friends

Satoru was shocked when he saw that people had horses as a means of transportation and says that it's just like the movies he used to watch as a kid.

As he walked, he saw that next to the buildings, people had a stand and invited customers to buy weapons, and there were also those who sold clothes and those who sold fruits and vegetables.

Satoru looked at the middle-aged man selling weapons and approached him, asking if he had any cheap magic swords.

The man asks him if he is sure because he needs a strong weapon to advance

The man then remarks that he is not from this world and says that he should buy some clothes first

Satoru says that he will do it and asks him how to learn magic, the man listened to him and said that he has a lot to learn and that if he wants to learn magic, he will have to go to a nation to learn magic

Satoru remembers that girl told him that there are different nations and that it wouldn't do if a war broke out

Satoru asks him which way it is, and the man tells him that he will give him a map and that there are many nations on the map, so he can check that as well.

When the man gave him the map, Satoru saw that there are a total of ten nations in this world and that each world has strong people who use magic.

Satoru asks the man how strong the nation is for learning magic, and the man tells him that they are the weakest but have the most potential.

And at the end he told him that it can happen that this time people from other worlds are coming and when he heard that Satoru interrupted him and told him that he would like to talk but that he should hurry, the man wishes him luck and Satoru leaves

While he was running, he couldn't believe that there were still people from other worlds, but he remembered what that girl had told him and that it shouldn't be strange to him.

While running he opened the map and saw that it was close so he hurried

After a few minutes, he noticed a large fence with the words Welcome to the Nation of Learning Magic

Satoru laughed and said that this is the right place

When he approached the gate, he tried to open it, but it was locked

After knocking for a few minutes, he saw a person at the top of the tower and asked him why he came here

He introduced himself as Satoru and said that he came here to learn magic

The person who was on top jumped from above and opened the gate

When she opened the shop, Satoru saw that it was a girl with black hair and a ponytail, wearing a black jacket while her eyes were blue and she had normal-sized breasts.