
Reincarnated in the DC Universe with (Anime) Harem System

When given that chance of a life time, Mer Ambrosius took the choice to reincarnate into a fictional world with a smile on his face. Only one problem though... he got reincarnated into DC, but luckily he has a system unluckily(?) its a Harem System. Join Mer on his journey to find a way to get the Fuck out of DC and hope on over the DXD. But one problem remains HOW exactly will he do it.

Kill_it_with_fire · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 1 | Meeting Big G

Slowly opening my eyes I was met with an endless expanse of white. Slowly regaining conscience my mind started to process my surrounding, but for some reason I was calm.

''Where am I?'' I mumbled.

''Your existence is not nearly strong enough to comprehend this place.''

Suddenly a voice both masculine and feminine came from behind me, turning around I was met with a silhouette of a person.

Confused I wanted to question how I got here, but held myself back because I wasn't aware if he was hostile or not.

Seeing my reaction he chuckled lightly and as he did I felt my head go numb just from his casual laughing.

''Sorry about that, you at least know how to control you're self.''

''What do you me-'' I tried to ask, but he cut me off.

''I brought you here, after picking you're soul out of the 'cycle'''

He answered but I was only more confused, what did he mean by 'cycle'?

''The 'cycle' refers to the cycle of reincarnation.''

He answered, but I was left flabbergasted as he had just answered the question I hadn't asked yet. With my eyes widened I asked with disbelief... 

''Can you read my mind?''


He answered curtly.

'Is he telling the truth?'

''I am.''

'Lucky guess...'

''It wasn't luck, I can actually read minds.''


''Ok, I believe you, but why did you choose me?''

I asked half expecting some cryptic answer about some secret hiden blood line or something.

''No, your not that special stop thinking shit like that.''

He said, bursting my bubble and at the same time stabbing a symbolic knife into my ego.

''Don't be a baby.''


''Well anyways, to answer your question, I didn't pick you, you're soul just looked interesting.''

''Interesting? does that have some power?''

I asked expectantly, but he just snorted and looked at me like I was stupid.

''No, in your world humans souls should look similar at most times. Yours being different is the equivalent of having a soul birth defect.''


God, he doesn't mince his words...

''Well anyways, who are you?'' I decided to ask.

''Well I'm basically an equivalent of what you'd call God.''

''Wait your a god!?'' I exclaimed.

''Not a 'god'. I am God, the singular God not some foolish transcendent high on his power or an inbred high-spirit who's got it's species wrong.''

He said with an slightly annoyed voice. Noticing I'd just stepped on a land mine I decided to change the topic.

''So God, can I ask what you want from me?'' I asked with a respectful bow and humble voice.

''Huh...fine.'' He sighed seeming to have dropped the topic and decided the main issue, why I'm here.

''Well basically there is no reason, but you're soul interested me and I investigated it. Now since you've been removed from the 'cycle' you can't return as you'd be seen as a foreign substance or invasive species and be terminated right away.

''So I can't go back?''

''You're calmer than I thought you'd be...''

''Well I mean from what you've said, I should've been reincarnated into a baby from that 'cycle' thin, and I don't know about you but I don't remember any new stories about reincarnated people who remember their past lives.''

''Huh, that's... Fair. You consider your existence on the substance of your life; your memories and consider an erase or cleanse of them as a death.''

I smiled wryly because that was exactly my thought process. Reincarnation sounds good but when you consider how your memories, experiences, even habits get reset, isn't that basically death?

''Well I can understand your though process, so how about this. I'll reincarnate you into one of those fictional worlds you liked reading, like... what do you call it...''

''isekai?'' I blurted out.

''Ya that, I'll even give you a few wishes.'' 

He said as he raised 3 fingers and smiled proudly radiating a smugness.

Being given this once in a life time chance, I didn't hesitate.

''Please do.'' I said as I bowed my head and spoke with complete sincerity.

''Hm, then it that case, lets fix you up.'' and with those words he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly my entire body felt like it was on fire and my head felt like it was slowly being torn apart. With an intense scream my vision blackened.


''What a baby.''


Slowly opening my eyes, I clenched my fist and with great difficulty turned my self over onto my back. Looking at the completely white sky my chest heaved desperately taking big breaths of air.

Turning over I saw the cause of all this and an intense rage filled my head. With heavy breaths I desperately held myself back from throwing fists.

''The fuck was that for!'' I screamed.

''Oh good, it looks like your emotions are back to normal and your soul's been fixed.'' He said and I was momentarily taken aback, the intense rage temporarily replaced by confusion.


''Your soul had already begun the process of reincarnating when I'd noticed you, due to that I had to act fast an yank you out before you got reincarnated into a baby, due to that your soul was damaged quit a bit. Why do you think you where calm when you got here?''

''So you restored me?'' I asked in slight skepticism, but couldn't really deny his words, after all I wasn't nearly as calm as I was before and I my memories are a lot clearer.

''No not restored, fixed. I reattached your fragmented parts and replaced your missing ones with some of my power.'' He casually said, but I was troubled with the thought of some of 'me' being replaced by this jerk.

''That wont case any side affects...right?''

''Not any negative side affects at least. Your memory will be better, your talent will also be far greater, your also be protected from any form of cloning, replicating, or copying you. Basically no ones going to be running around with your face or blood in their veins. It also has a few other effects like protecting you from most interference or manipulation. Other than that their are a few other benefits, but basically you've just been updated.''

Hearing his voice, my eye brow twitched slightly as I tried to digest what he just said. Letting out a sigh I tried to focus on the current issue and experiment later.

''So how is this reincarnation gonna work?'' I asked.

''Well lets get your wishes out of the way and then send you off. Ok what are your wishes, and since I'm so great I'll treat that little 'update' as a freebee.'' He said and urged me to get on with my wishes, with three finger raised.

''First, I'd like a system.'' I asked with my fingers crossed.

''Ok what type of system?'' He asked back, but I was momentarily shocked.

''Wait- really!?'' I exclaimed because I wasn't even sure if this wish would be excepted.

''Ya, it's fine. It's not that hard for me, pretty easy actually. But I'll have to scale it, so no cheat unless you earn it, You can have a status but none of those game parameters like strength or endurance either, they really fuck up the world laws sometimes... Oh also I'll give you a system assistant and since it's a system made by me you're not allowed to put stupid shit in the inventory, it's an insult. Now what type of system'' He said and asked again what type of system I wanted, thinking about it I debated for a second and then with a slightly embarrassed I answered in a little voice.

''a ----- ha--- system'' I squeezed out.

''Speak up.''

''a anime h---m system'' I said again.

''Boy, speak now or I will not grant the wish.'' He said with an inpatient voice, clearly annoyed at my inability to answer.

''A ANIME HAREM SYSTEM!'' I hurriedly yelled.

''Ok. What's your next wish?'' He asked casually, but I was dumfounded by his lack of care.

''Aren't you disgusted?'' I asked.

''Why would I be? The concept of a harem exist in many worlds and I don't really see a point in caring of how ants multiply. Also I don't have any feelings such as lust as I'm a higher being at the top, don't need to procreate or look for a mate as their is none equal to me. Really the only disgusting thing is how you where so specific.'' He said with a confused voice as he genuinely didn't understand my shame, maybe he just doesn't understand why I would feel shame since he doesn't have the concept of it?

''Ok than I want an Anime Harem System, Please.'' I asked, throwing aside all my shame.

''Done. Next wish.'' He says as he puts down on of his fingers.

''Um...Can I be reincarnated as Tōshirō Hitsugaya from Bleach?'' I asked.

''Easy.'' He replied but I felt suspicious at his response, than I noticed something in my wording and decided to ask again.

''Tōshirō Hitsugaya with his Zanpakutō too...'' I asked with slightly squinted eyes.

''Tsk, I was hoping you wouldn't notice. It would've been pretty funny.'' He said with annoyance clearly in his voice.

''huh...Just give me your last wish kid.'' He said with only one finger raised, indicating I only had one wish left.