
Reincarnated in Strongest Necromancer of Heaven's Gate

Valentine, who had died of a heart attack after losing everything he held dear, finds himself floating in a black space. The Omnipotent God of Usurpation, or OGU, appears before him and tells him he will bestow a blessing on Valentine for his next life. OGU also introduces him to his friend, the Omnipotent Goddess of Hypnosis, Aurora, who gives Valentine her blessing as well. They both ask him where he would like to reincarnate, and Valentine chooses to be reincarnated in the world of the "Strongest Necromancer of Heaven's Gate." Valentine then absorbs the blessings from the two omnipotent beings, and a vortex appears and transports him to the world he chose. He appears next to the main character, Lux, before he gets reincarnated on Solais. -------------------------- Please, consider supporting me in https://ko-fi.com/kolill

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55 Chs

Who are you?

Hello, my name is Valentine and the only thing I remember is that I died of a heart attack. Actually, it was more cringy than that. First, I proposed to my high school sweetheart and she rejected me, spoiler, started dating my childhood best friend the day before. Then, as I was walking home, I was robbed and beaten up by three delinquents. And finally, when I arrived home with my clothes in tatters and more than one broken bone, my father abandoned me and run off with his new girlfriend, 20 years younger than him, and allowed her to take all my possessions for her younger siblings.

All I know is that they usurped everything I held "dear". Unable to resist the hatred and anger growing inside me, I died of a heart attack, simple as that.

Now, I found myself in a black space. I was floating, for I felt nothing under my feet, and it was neither hot nor cold, it just was.

As I was thinking about my situation, the very fabric of the space was torn and a hand came through it followed by a body, the body of a very handsome man. He looked to be in his early twenties and had abyss-like black eyes and white hair with red streaks.

As I was about to ask him what was going on here, he suddenly began to speak.

"I have brought you here to honor your death and bestow you my blessing for your next life."

"I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but why would you do that for me, you don't know me."

"That's right, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the Omnipotent God of Usurpation or OGU for short. I reign over anything that involves usurping something from someone. More precisely over 4 concepts: stealing, devouring, copying and absorbing."

"In the last moments before your death, you were the person who suffered most from usurping in all existence. Therefore, I, the one who reigns over it, will take responsibility and help you in your next life. Furthermore, I cannot deny that I, an entity who has transcended mortal emotions since eons ago, could not help but empathize with your plight. You were so wretched that even my heart ached."

"Oh, I totally wasn't expecting that. I don't know what to say… Thank you."

"It isn't necessary to thank me, I will do what shall be done. Also, there is a friend of mine who wants to meet you, would it bother you?"

"Bother me, no. If it is your friend I will gladly meet them."

"Ok, I will call her now so she can come quickly. Ah! I nearly forgot to give you the most important thing. Here, take this. By doing so you will accept my blessing. No hard feelings left, right?"

A crimson crystal with a golden-black dragon surrounding it was handed to Valentine. When he touched it, the dragon came to life and bit Valentine's hand, drawing his blood in the process.

As this happened, the crystal started emitting an intense light that was absorbed by Valentine's soul-like body.

After this, another rip in space appeared and from it, an astonishing voluptuous woman emerged.

Her hair was golden and seemed to be the silkiest out there. Her eyes were as blue and her pouty lips were as red as blood.

When their eyes met, Valentine couldn't help but shiver. Her gaze felt like she was groping each and every part of his body.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I don't know if Kollil has told you something about me, so I will introduce myself. My name is Aurora and I am the Omnipotent Goddess of Hypnosis."

'So he is called Kollil, what a strange name.'

"Hi. I am Valentine, pleased to meet you… may I call you by your name?"

"Yes, don't worry. I have come here to give you my blessing as Kollil did."

"Why is it that every omnipotent being I run into wants to give me their blessing? Not that it bothers me."

"Kollil told me about your situation and I couldn't help but wanted to also help you, so nothing like that happens to you again."

"I'm not going to say no to free help. You know the saying, don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

"Has Kollil asked you in which verse you would like to be reincarnated?"

"No. As I told you could come, he ran away after informing you."

"This moron, he's always like this. Well, there's nothing I can do now and you less. So, where would you like to reincarnate?"

"I would like to be reincarnated in the world of [Strongest Necromancer of Heaven's Gate]."

"Ok, done. You will appear next to the main character Lux or Lucien before he gets reincarnated on Solais."


"Just before we finish..here, have this."

Aurora threw a crystal similar to the one given by Kollil, but this one was pink and instead of a dragon, there was a golden white butterfly.

What happened before repeated, with Valentine absorbing the light.

"Well, with this we have finished. I hope you have the best of fates. Good luck Valentine."

"Thanks Aurora, bye"

Valentine parted from Aurora while a vortex absorbed him, dragging him to one of the many universes in existence.