
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
307 Chs

The 5th trial!

3rd person POV-

After a while, Bibi Dong retracted from Xuan Yan's chest with a red tinge on her cheeks. She is ashamed that she cried in front of her disciple, and he comforted her.

Xuan Yan looked at her and asked worriedly, "Teacher, are you okay?" and took a handkerchief from his star ring for Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong felt a little lost in her heart. She liked it when he called her 'Bibi Dong' to wake her up from the illusion. But she didn't say anything outside. She smiled and took the handkerchief from his hand, and said, "Thank you, Yan'er!"

Xuan Yan lightly nodded, and Bibi Dong cleaned her face with the handkerchief.

A little later, Xuan Yan asked, "Teacher, that bastard in the illusion..." Xuan Yan saw the illusion of Qian Xunji trying to violate her because of his Eyes of Heaven.

Bibi Dong was shocked. "You saw that?" Xuan Yan nodded and pointed his finger at his glittering golden eye.

Bibi Dong sighed and said, "He is my former teacher and the previous Pope of the Spirit Hall!"

Xuan Yan was 'surprised' "Xue'er's father?"

Bibi Dong nodded and said, "At that time, Qian Daoliu protected me and out of frustration he violated a maid and Xue'er..." Bibi Dong fell silent.

Xuan Yan understood and asked, "He is already dead, right?"

Bibi Dong nodded and said, "Hmm. He was heavily injured during the pursuit of Tang Hao and his wife and later got killed by that maid."

This time, Xuan Yan was really surprised and asked, "The maid killed him?"

"The maid had a huge grudge against him, so she added poison to his food during his injury, and later, he died. Afterward, the maid was killed by Qian Daoliu. But she did get her revenge!" Bibi Dong said.

Xuan Yan became shocked, and then he remembered. He wrote that Qian Xunji died 'after' the pursuit of Tang Hao and Ah Yin. He didn't explain how he died. But he is glad that the maid got her vengeance.

Xuan Yan sighed. "Well, forget about the past. Shall we look at the long road in front of us?"

Bibi Dong nodded and looked at the long road in front of them with green and purple lava poison beneath it. It is a death bridge than a road.

Then they both got up from the ground and stood before the bridge.

The purple cloud appeared "Pass the bridge. time limit: None"

Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes and said, "The bridge is more lengthy, and it looks a lot more dangerous than the last time I saw it and that mental attack too...What happened?"

"Skill based difficulty." Xuan Yan said. Bibi Dong was confused hearing his words.

"We both entered the trials, and the difficulty of the trials is according to our physique and power. So when I entered, the difficulty increased." Bibi Dong soon understood his words.

Xuan Yan chuckled in his mind. That Rakshasa really wants to kill me, huh? But, I will use these trials to improve my relationship with Bibi Dong. He smirked in his mind.

He looked at her and said, "Come on, lets go!"

Bibi Dong nodded, and they began to walk on the narrow bridge.


Suddenly the stones below Bibi Dong crumbled *crack* she lost her balance and tripped. "Ah!"

Before she could fall, Xuan Yan clutched her left hand and pulled her back onto the bridge. She sighed in relief and said, "Thank you, Yan'er."

Xuan Yan lightly nodded and said, "Our Spirit power and spirit skills are sealed. We can only use physical strength, so we have to be careful."

Xuan Yan gripped her hand tightly and said solemnly, "Let's hold our hands together to help each other."

Bibi Dong was slightly surprised, but then she nodded seriously. If they take one wrong step, they will be eaten by the purple lava below them. So they have to be cautious.


Walking forward, after a while, they again stopped. The bridge was broken, and there was a huge break in the bridge, about 500 meters. They have to jump over it.

Bibi Dong said "With all of my strength, I can only jump up to 200 meters. But this..."

"I can jump over it and I will carry you." Xuan Yan said.

Bibi Dong looked at him and said, "You can jump over it alone. But can you really jump above it while carrying me?"

Xuan Yan slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at the other edge, and with a bit of thought, he said, "We can make it."

"Are you sure?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Do you believe me?" Xuan Yan asked.

"With all my heart." Bibi Dong replied.

"Then we can!" He said and caught Bibi Dong's waist with his left hand. Bibi Dong was a little surprised and frowned. He is not going to carry me with both arms? His right hand-

"Teacher, grab me tight." Xuan Yan said. "Oh! Hmm." Bibi Dong nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly.

"Ah!" Xuan Yan pulled her in, and Bibi Dong hugged him from the front. Their faces were centimeters away, and Bibi Dong's boobs clashed with Xuan Yan's chest.


Xuan Yan and Bibi Dong Dong looked into each other's eyes, and their hot breaths hit each other, creating a subtle romantic atmosphere. They both fell into a daze glancing at each other.

They can feel each other's heartbeat. They feel like they have a unique connection only for them and as if they were destined to be together.

Xuan Yan's eyes contained 'complicated' feelings, and Bibi Dong noticed it. He 'averted' his eyes with a slight blush on his face and said, "Teacher, Lets go."

Bibi Dong was confused seeing his emotions. It's as if he was trying to suppress his inner feelings, afraid that they may burst out. Suddenly she thought of a possibility, and her eyes widened. Don't tell me, Yan'er-

And before she could think anything, Xuan Yan bent his knees and kicked hard on the ground.


Xuan Yan jumped off directly, and Bibi Dong felt the wind whizzing in her ear. She turned and looked at the other end of the bridge.

When Xuan Yan reached the highest point, there were still two hundred meters left, and Xuan Yan began to descend parabolically, and when he was parallel to the bridge, there was still a small distance left.

He extended his right hand and caught a stone below the other edge of the bridge. Now he is hanging on the edge with Bibi Dong in his left hand and the lava bubbling beneath his feet.

With his left hand, he pushed Bibi Dong on top of the bridge first. She clutched another stone and got up on the bridge. When she got up, a stone slipped and fell on the lava.

The stone fell and splashed some purple lava. And the lava spattered on Xuan Yan. His shirt began to melt. Bibi Dong panicked seeing this, and she hurried to help him get up.

Hanging there, he quickly tore off his shirt with his left hand. He then applied strength on his right hand and did a pull-up. He swiftly reached on top of the bridge. *Haah*

Bibi Dong breathed in relief and thought, 'He carried me in his left arm because he knows that he can't fully cross it while carrying me in both arms. Did he calculate all of that in that second?' Bibi Dong was amazed.

Xuan Yan smiled cheekily and said, "Haha, Didn't I told you that we would make it." But Bibi Dong didn't reply because she was mesmerized by her disciple's perfect upper body.

As Xuan Yan tore his shirt now, his bare upper body was openly visible. "Ahem! teacher, shall we continue the walk?" Xuan Yan asked.

Bibi Dong came out of her reverie and said, "Ah! Ok!" and then she again looked at his body. Xuan Yan smiled wryly and said, "Sorry, teacher. I don't have any spare clothes."

Bibi Dong shook her head and said, "No, It's okay." I prefer it this way. *Ahem*

And they again began to walk, and Bibi Dong would sometime glance at Xuan Yan's body.


*Screech* suddenly, they heard some squealing sounds, and many flying beasts began to appear. They are purple and green in color, like pterosaurs. (A/n: It's a kind of flying dinosaur lol)

Bibi Dong looked at them and frowned. "Now, we have to defeat them?"

Xuan Yan smirked and said, "We can't use Spirit power or Spirit skills. But we can use normal weapons right?" and with that, Enma sword and Divine Dragon spear appeared in his hand.

He extended his hand and gave the spear to Bibi Dong, and said, "Teacher, hold it"

Bibi Dong nodded and grabbed the spear from his hand. She was again amazed by the elegant spear.

On that day, Hu Liena and Qian Renxue took turns holding the spear. But she didn't ask at that time. But now, holding it in her hands, she was happy, Yan'er's spear! (A/n: *Ahem* It's not like his 'spear')

Xuan Yan jumped in the air and slashed at a beast, and its head got decapitated and fell on the lava. Bibi Dong also trusted the spear to kill some flying beasts, and a beast massacre continued.



I hope you guys liked this chapter.

Is the story boring? I was just asking cause the comments and power stones I am receiving are decreasing day by day after that r-18 chaps. *Confused noises*

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