
reincarnated in Miraculous ladybug

the boy got killed by a Robber who was trying to rob his house he was disappointed and kind of nervous about what would happen when he was not there and where were would worry about his family when he woke up in the dark Void forward he saw an Omni present being in front of him it said that your family safe the robber was caught and they were sad for your death but moved on And I'm here to Grant you a chance of reincarnated and three wishes What world would you like to go to Miraculous ladybug and my wishes are... I don't own any characters or the anime and tv shows or any of the movies that come in this ---------------------------------------------------------- only update, when I have nothing to do ---------------------------------------------------------- the cover is not mine

vazmin_Mixolog5 · Televisi
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Arriving at a new home

inside the airport, you could see a boy with a suitcase he was walking around going to the place where he would find his friend that he met a long time ago.

And if you were thinking that this was finn you would be correct *finn* - man where is she I thought she would be here about now I can't find her*

Suddenly out of the blue a hand touched his shoulder He turned to see his friend from a long time ago his friend's name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng or known as ladybug may be asking yourself how did he become friends with Marinette Well it was simple to answer he was visiting the country of Paris for a visit.

He stumbled upon Marinette with her friend talking about Adrian he and Marinette fell and I got up and helped her get up I asked if she was ok she said yes and said what's her name and they become friends ever since.

they talked on the phone for many days and she asked if he would come to visit her from Paris he said he was thinking about it and he was planning on going to Paris Marinette was happy to hear that.

Present *Marinette* - so How have you been how was the trip Finn it was good I enjoyed it very much so how was your day they marinate well to want to get food on the way to my house because you are staying there for a little bit until you get your apartment ready So are you going to the same school as me yeah I'm going to the same squad as you I hope we are in the same class.

Also, I heard that when you were here Ladybug we were finding a villain and they shoot the city were you there when they did that did you see them Finn no I didn't see them but I heard they were cool.

We stop at a restaurant and we get some food to eat We finished the food we go to her place and we spend the night there talking about stuff and we end up sleeping and I woke up the next day and start heading to school and saying people walk to school and that's around things.

I got to school I got to the principal's office to see you see him and give him the card for the entrance to the school I knock on the door and I hear a voice from the inside it says come in I open the room of the principle few months on a chair a desk in front of him with some papers on top I entered the room and sit in one of the chairs that aren't you're the art near the table I sit down and tell him why I'm here.

I tell him that I'm there to enter the school and he says ok he writes something on a piece of paper that he got from his desk and writes the classroom number and stuff for the teacher gave me the paper and I had to the class I knock on the door and somebody says coming from the inside I opened the classroom door I see a woman that looks like a teacher on the front of the class and some students in the back I enter and present myself to the teacher and give her the note she sees and she reads it and she looks back to the students and says we have a new student I look forward and I see some of the people and I see my friend in the group I wave at her and she weighs back and says hi.

I say hi back and everyone was curious how I know her the teacher presents me, students, we have a new student personal airsoft please hi my name is finn I like the color white and blue I like wolves I am a friend of Marinette and I like to chat more and ladybug I hope we can be friends I finished my speech anyways says nice to meet you and the teacher asks If anyone has questions for Finn shouldn't be buried in your hands.

Chloe how do you know the pig I'm later on a trip here to Marinette's friend do you have a girlfriend Finn no I do not ok class settle down we are starting class now Finn please take a seat near Marinette finn ok I take a seat close to Marinette and I sit down and say hi to Marinette and her friend after that they say hi back and the class starts

Thank you for the 7 power stones but now I have a lot of stuff to do and allow pamphlets to write so I won't let have time for a lot so sorry for not uploading so much I might upload some details and just like that so yeah but thank you very much now I need 20 power stones