
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP [Rewritten]

Reincarnated in a dangerous universe, what are you going to do? Read as Will tries to overcome all the challenges and dangers he faces whether seen or unseen. ---------- I'm bored so I made a fanfic. I own nothing it's made with entertainment purposes in mind.

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27 Chs

Chapter 16: It Feels Like A Kick In The Nuts

"He who crosses the line must prepare for the fall that follows."

"It is impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others. This perspective is at the heart of Buddhist teachings."

—Daisaku Ikeda


Will Allan Foundre POV

August 2, 2005

A few days passed and I managed to find out where is the shooter and what he looks like by indirectly asking Uncle Charles, right now I am riding the bus on the way there currently Invisible. It is almost midnight and there are fewer people compared to daytime that is still on the bus or streets.

During the past few days, I also tested my powers and looks like I can do it instinctively like a third hand you never knew you had, by doing it over and over again I can now control when I will be invisible and for how long. I haven't tried yet how long I can hold my invisibility but the longest I managed to do it is a few hours before Uncle Charles got home. My invisibility can work on anything I touch if I concentrated hard enough I can also make anything as big as a sofa invisible without touching it.

After I got off the bus I walked to a grocery store to get some supplies because I can't use Uncle Charles's stuff or mine because it might get traced. I waited for somebody to open the door and I went inside with them. After that, I looked for some kitchen knives, made them invisible then put them in my bag. I also took some rubber gloves, an adult-size hoodie, and adult shoes.

I then got out following someone then went into an alley. I put on the hoodie, gloves, and shoes then put my own shoes in my bag. I put some paper in the shoes and tied them extra tight because it is too big for me, I took adult-size stuff because even if I leave some evidence, for example, my shoe print it will be hard to find me because I just stole them. After that, I walked the rest of the way to the police station.

I thought of a plan on how I can get to him without being seen by anyone and my plan is simple, it is to get him out of jail. I couldn't interrogate him in his cell where I could possibly be discovered so I decided that he'll be a free man this night and I already planned it to be his last night...

To get him out of jail I plan to cause chaos by breaking the transformers that supply the electricity to the police station. Next, I'll sneak into the police station get the keys then knock him out and get him out of his prison cell. After that, I will turn myself and him invisible and get the hell out of there. Simple enough that nothing could possibly go wrong.

Right now I am holding the kitchen knife I stole and checking if there is any fingerprint, then I checked the surroundings and looked for anyone looking in my direction then made sure that I am in the blind spot of the cameras.

I took a deep breath *inhale**exhale* and focused, good thing that I can somehow control the noise of my heartbeat, looks like King can't control it and is only subconsciously doing it.

I then hold the kitchen knife in my left, my right hand on the handle, parallel to the ground, and lowered my body stance. *inhale**exhale* Then instead of dashing straight ahead I threw the knife to the transformer up the post.



Then it exploded and caught on fire... after that, the lights turned off and the police officers rushed outside and the people nearby run away from the spreading fire. Okay... the fire part is not part of the plan but the chaos is, I guess everything is still going according to the plan.


"What the hell is going on?!"

"The fire!!! It's spreading!"

"Someone call 911!"

I ran away from the scene and waited for the police running outside to decrease then I went inside.

"What was that explosion?!"

"Turn on the generators!"

"Are we being attacked!?"

"Someone get the fire extinguishers!"

"Sir! the transformer exploded!"

Once I was inside it is dark but I can still see surprisingly well. Inside the police officers are running everywhere and shouting at each other, damn it's chaos everywhere...

I then managed to find the keys amidst the chaos while trying hard not to bump into someone then I made the keys invisible and took it. Once I was inside the holding cells I searched for that bastard and managed to find him alone and sitting in the corner of his cell hugging his knees while shivering.

"Joe Hill?" I said changing my voice deeper but not too loud just enough for him to hear me.

He then looked around with a scared and confused expression that I can barely see in the dark.

"Wh-what? Who's there?! You've got the wrong person, I-I am not Joe Hill!" He's lying.

Then I opened the gate and went inside.

"Where are you!?" He said while backing away and his back on the wall.

I quickly approached him and knocked him out because he is making too much noise. After that, I made him invisible as well and dragged him outside of his cell, and locked the gate again. Then I put him on my back, put the keys where I found them, and then sneaked away from the police station, good thing that the police are busy with the fire and electricity and didn't see me.

I managed to go to a dark alley and rest because damn he is heavy. Okay... now where do I take him? fuck haven't thought that far ahead hahahaa... I'm so fucking stupid and impulsive.

Let's think... Hmmm...

Then I found a construction site a block away. I then carried him on my back again and focused on maintaining the Total Concentration: Constant. Once I was there I looked around and found a wooden shack, inside I can see some construction gear. So I closed the door and threw the fucking bastard to the ground.

I took some rope, tied him up then waited for him to wake up while trying to calm down. Then after a while, I kicked him in the face because he is taking too long to wake up.

"W-what!? Where am I? Is it you guys? I'm s-sorry I couldn't do it! I-I'm sorry I failed alright... I'll do anything j-just don't kill me!"

"I won't kill you... if you tell me where is the hideout of the guys you're talking about." I said while still invisible.

"What!? Who are you? W-wait ar-"

I kicked him in the nuts...

"AHHHhh!" and then I said, "I am the one asking questions here. Now! answer my damn question! Where is the hideout of the guys that ordered you?"

"...I-I don't know what you're talking about man..." Shit, he's not lying. Wait maybe it is the wording.

"Answer in a yes or no only. Do you know any of the hideouts of the Kingpin?"

"Who is Kin-"

I kicked him in the nuts again because I don't know any torture method that isn't bloody.


"I said answer in a yes or no. Tell me do you know any of the hideouts of the Kingpin?"

"...No!" Fuck! He isn't really lying... Is what I am doing worthless?

"Then tell me everything you know from who ordered you to where are they." I should have really started with that question, if I did maybe he'll still be able to have kids.

"W-what they'll kill me!"

"Ohh so you do know something... forget them killing you I'll kill you right here right now if you don't tell me anything useful."

I picked up a drill and screws and then showed it to him.

"You see this drill and screws? if you don't talk you know what will happen... it will be slow and painful." I don't really know what I'll do with it, I just know that if I sound vague enough he'll imagine something scary by himself.

"Ahhh! stop, stop I'll talk just get those away from me!"

"Then talk!"

"I-I'm an addict alright! I n-need it b-but I don't have anything left I s-sold everything I-I even stole from my pare-"

I kicked him in the nuts again,


"I don't need to hear your sob story just tell me what I want to know."

"... T-then my dealer gave me a gun and o-ordered me to kill the family if I-I did it he'll give me some... but I-I couldn't finish the job! I'm sorry man that's all I-I know please... don't kill me... I j-just really need it..." Then he started sobbing and continuously begging me.

Seeing him on the ground crying like that reminds me of myself that night... he looks pathetic. He didn't even tell me anything useful haahhh... Who am I kidding I did this because I want to feel the satisfaction of seeing the person that almost took something important to me on the floor like I was. I thought after doing this I'll feel satisfaction or relief but looking at him right now I only feel disgusted.

I kicked him in the nuts again.


"Stop crying and tell me where your dealer is."

After that, he told me where he usually meets his dealer and what he looks like.

"T-there I told you everything p-please let me go... you can even drop me off the cops j-just don't kill me..." He begged me again.

Now, what will I do with this guy? I came here this night with the intention of killing him but looking at him begging me to let him live I feel like I am looking at myself. He spared me that night so I'll spare him as well but I will take something from him.

I took another kitchen knife from my bag then I grabbed his hair and made him look at me.

"W-wait what are you doi- you're a g-ghost! get away from me!"

Huh... I guess his eyes are finally adjusting in the dark but I couldn't care less. I then sliced his eyes across his nose horizontally.


Now he'll be blind just like what the doctors discovered when they scanned Mom's head injury. Then I opened the door and went out, I left him there if he lived then he lived, and if he died that's not my fault. I ran as fast as I can away from there still invisible haaahh... I need some sleep, I feel like crap.