
Reincarnated in Lookism with 3 Wishes

James was reincarnated into the webtoon Lookism with 3 wishes from God. -------------------- This story by no means will be properly updated i most likely will only post 4-6 chapters, but if i receive great support i will continue and might post more.

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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Waking up in an uncomfortable and unnaturally hard bed James was confused to say the least. Looking around his surroundings he was in a very cheap looking home. A dirty floor, almost falling apart walls, barely any furniture at all besides the bed he was sitting on at the moment and a singular table which he assumed was where the previous resident ate at.

James had now stood up from his hard as a rock bed, and made his way to the bathroom. Inside there was a dirty mirror, a sink with some indescribable black sludge inside of it, a rusty old toilet which would probably need replaced for healthiness reasons, and a singular roll of toilet paper.

James didn't even know if he could trust that singular roll of toilet paper just like everything else in the house. Of course assuming that the house is now owned by him he'll just have to deal with such circumstances until he either moved out or completely renovated the home.

After looking himself in the mirror and realized how handsome his new body was, he felt reassured. In his previous life James wasn't the best looking guy on the block neither was he the ugliest which led to a very mundane life. Not many friends and not much excitement was present in his life.

Which is why he's looking forward to his new life in Lookism. It's like an escape for him, not a temporary one but a permanent one. James had been encouraged by this thinking and made a silent promise to himself,

"In this life I will live every moment to the fullest."

With that James had gone back into the only room in the small shack and checked for anything else that the previous owner might have left for him. He had started out by looking over by the kitchen, there was nothing really noticeable to note besides a full set of knives a basic set of pots and pans and a few other random things used for cooking.

After looking around the kitchen he went back to his bed and checked underneath it, lifting the bed up he found a few bucks and a phone! This was a great find and most likely necessary for James to search the internet for important information, like what the date is and where exactly is he right now.

Opening the phone he prayed and hoped that there wouldn't be a password. In response to his pleads fortunately there was no password which James would almost immediately change because he doesn't want just anybody to be able to access his phone.

Once that was done James had found out what the date was and where he was. It turned out that James was a resident in the same area of where Daniel Park had lived in the webtoon. Also if you were wondering its after he moved not before when he got bullied by Logan Lee.

James had looked at the clock on his phone once again and realized that it was just about time that his school would start, he then rushed out the door with his phone in hand while looking at the gps which told him where exactly J high was located and which was the fastest route to get there.

Since this body is new to James it was tough to judge at what pace he should be running at to get to school without looking like he just took a shower. Of course unfortunately he did end up showing up to school looking like he just ran a marathon.

'What a way to make a first impression James.' He thought to himself sarcastically while breathing heavily.

James to say the least caught a lot of stares on the way in to the school. Many were from women, few were from men. A lot of the people would whisper things such as,

"Who's he?" "Is he new here?" "Why is he so sweaty?" "Did he run to school?"

Although they were all 'whispering' it was pretty easy to hear them loud and clear. Before James could make it into school he noticed that everyone had started to become frantic, turning around he knew exactly who was causing this uproar, Daniel Park.

It was quite amazing truly, to make everyone so awestruck on your first time in the school. Daniel had seen James look at him, just like how he saw half the female population stare at him as well but James had definitely stood out.

Not only because he was soaked in sweat, but because he was so tall and skinny. He looked like those skin walker things, super long and creepy. He had eye bags and black hair which didn't help with trying to look friendly.

Daniel had eventually sped up to catch up to James in which he asked curiously while giving a charming smile,

"Why are you so sweaty?"

James had let out a light laugh before replying,

"Haha well I don't have a car and I was gonna be late to school so I had to run as fast as I could to get over here."

Daniel had laughed at James and said,

"Well you definitely did try your hardest, I can tell!"

James had chuckled in reply and walked into school with Daniel, while there were murmurs in the background about the two handsome men in question.

James had enjoyed Daniels company on the way into school and sadly said,

"Daniel I have to go to the office yet, By the way what department are you in."

"Fashion." Daniel said quickly.

"Oh sick. I'll be in that department too, I'm glad we'll be able to see each other again."

"Me too. See you later James."

"Cya" James said back.

James had walked over to the office and asked the staff all that he needed to know. Also asking what books he'll need, where he can get them, and how much they would be or if the school covered them, in which the reply was positive.

They said the books are all covered by the school and books will be supplied directly at the office for whatever department he wanted to join. He had told them he wanted to join the Fashion Department which they agreed too and supplied him with the books necessary and sent him on his way with a map and all.

James had arrived in front of the Fashion Department door and had reminisced on his previous life quickly with thoughts of despair and regret, pushing that all behind him he opened the door and welcomed himself to his new life in Lookism.