
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Derivasi dari karya
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98 Chs

Serious Trial Finale

Barty Crouch Sr. stood up from the ministry officials' chairs and looked at Sirius with a hateful expression. "I was the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement during the First Wizarding War," he said. "Sirius Black was found at the crime scene, shouting 'I killed them' over and over. At the time, we had many cases to deal with and this was an open and shut case. So I, as the head, sent him to Azkaban without a trial."

Pettigrew was ecstatic hearing this, but he couldn't say anything due to Dumbledore's magic. He just made incoherent noises, which made Sirius glare at him harder from his seat.

Dumbledore heard Crouch sigh and said, "What are your thoughts on this, Minister of Magic?"

Hearing her name, she looked up and focused her attention on this matter.

'I KNEW SOMETHING FISHY WAS GOING ON! I COULD ONLY HOPE NO ONE ELSE SAW THAT,' thought Millie as she looked away from Augustus and Narcissa.

Someone else did see that, but who?

Millicent Bagnold stood up among the Aurors and said, "This is unacceptable behaviour and abuse of power. I would request the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and you, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, to make sure justice is served." She then sat down.

Dumbledore nodded and said, "Barty, you are suspended from your position of Head of the Department of International Magical Co-operation and will be arrested for your crime against Black. Those who are in agreement, raise your wands."

Many people raised their wands, as Dark families already hated him for having killed and defeated a lot of Death Eaters. Light families didn't like him for his aggressive approach. Grey families abstained, as always.

Lord Black was the first one to raise his wand, followed by Narcissa and Edward. Now more and more people were starting to notice them and there were a few questions in their minds, like 'why is she sitting separate from her husband?' and 'how can she vote?' But nobody voiced them out, as they knew they would find out about everything eventually and something more interesting was going on in front of them.

Crouch looked indifferent to all that was happening. He didn't feel remorseful or guilty of anything. It was his job to punish criminals, and Sirius Black was a Death Eater in his eyes, he had sent even his son to Azkaban, if it weren't for the love of his late wife he wouldn't have committed crime of breaking him out.

Two Aurors took Crouch out, as they would have to finish this trial before deciding the date for Crouch's trial.

Dumbledore looked at Crouch with pity. He then addressed Sirius again. "Sirius Black, can you elaborate more about the scene after Voldemort's death and Pettigrew? You were the secret keeper of the Potters, right?"

Sirius sat on his seat, his mouth was freed. He looked a little calm hearing the question, but tears came out of his eyes. He sobbed and shouted, "I WISH I WAS, I WISH... ahh, but Death Eaters were on my trail. They followed me everywhere, so me and James decided to make this rat we knew since our first year as the secret keeper. We knew he was a coward, but we trusted him as a friend. AND HE BETRAYED THEM, HE BETRAYED US. After seeing the corpses of James and Lily, I couldn't think straight.

James was like a brother, no, he was my brother. And Lily was like a loving sister that I never had in childhood. Uncle and auntie welcomed me in their home as their own son. I was loved. I was Harry's godfather. We were supposed to be a family, but due to this TRAITOR, I lost everything I loved. So I went after him to kill him, but the fucking rat killed Muggles and ran away. YOU ALL CAN FUCK YOURSELVES ABOUT JUSTICE. JUST LET ME KILL THIS RAT AND THROW ME BACK IN AZKABAN."

He was breathless in the end, his face was red and shaking like it was about to explode. Veins could be seen on his forehead.

Hearing Sirius's rant, the whole room was silent before going into a frenzy. There were revelations about the Potters' secret keeper and the betrayal of Pettigrew.

Peter, who saw this happening, peed his pants. He struggled, but couldn't get out. Dumbledore cleaned Pettigrew, as people were disgusted by him.

He then looked at Peter and asked him, "Pettigrew, what do you have to say about these accusations of Sirius Black?"

As his mouth was freed, he pointed his finger towards Sirius and shouted, "HE'S LYING. HE WAS THE SECRET KEEPER OF JAMES.

He killed my friends. He killed Muggles. I was protecting Harry from the sidelines as a pet of Weasley's son, who is with Harry. I AM INNOCENT."

Sirius growled in anger again, hearing Peter's response. "YOU GOT CLOSE TO HARRY!? I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Dumbledore silenced both of them with a wave of his wand and said, "Does anyone want to share their thoughts on this matter?"

Lucius Malfoy stood up and addressed everyone in a cold voice. "We have clearly heard them, Dumbledore. Both of them are lunatics. This is a pointless trial. We should simply use Veritaserum to find out the truth from them."

Agustus raised his left eyebrow in astonishment. Lucius making a sound argument in court? He looked towards Narcissa, who smirked at him and whispered in his ear, "He thinks straight after having a good night with his male lovers."

He shuddered and decided to erase that thought from his mind. He glared at Narcissa, who was laughing at him. He took his left hand and pinched her ass, making her moan. He had used a POD to make sure nobody heard anything.

She smiled as she felt his hand on her his ass and said, "Alright, sorry for that."

He sighed and looked in front of him again.

Dumbledore looked at Lucius, who was a little disheveled, and thought for a bit. Many lords couldn't care less about this trial at this point.

Dumbledore then said, "Very well then, Lord Malfoy's suggestion about Veritaserum is good. We would need Aurors to administer the potion to both Sirius and Pettigrew."

Hearing this, Pettigrew whimpered silently. He knew he was fucked.

After confessing the whole truth about the Potters' and the Muggles' deaths, Pettigrew was sentenced to Azkaban. Many people demanded the death penalty for him, but Agustus had other plans for the rat. Dumbledore spouted nonsense about forgiveness, and the light families voted against the execution.

Sirius was offered compensation and hailed as a hero of Britain by the court, but he had only one thing on his mind: killing Peter. It took his grandfather's slaps and reminders of his godson to make him let go of his revenge for the time being.

Agustus and his allied houses abstained from the vote for the death penalty, as did Lord Black. But he had a cruel grin on his face as he looked at Pettigrew.

The trial concluded with the scheduling of another one for Barty Crouch Sr.

He and Narcissa returned home.


Next chapter would be r-18. On 22-23