
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Derivasi dari karya
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92 Chs

Greengrass l

(26 December 1989, Drakul House)

Dressed in noble attire, Agustus exudes refinement and elegance. His blue eyes and blonde hair contrast with his regal outfit, making him stand out. He is 5 feet 6 inches tall, and he walks with a dignified posture, radiating sophistication.

Agustus is ready to depart for Greengrass manor. He sits in the main study of Drakul house, waiting for Alfred to fetch him. Alfred has already parked the carriage in the garden of Drakul estate, and he hurries to the study to inform Agustus.

Agustus would prefer to use the space portal, but as the heir of a noble family, he has to follow the etiquette of visiting other nobles by using a proper carriage.

Alfred will not accompany Agustus to Greengrass manor. Only Agustus and the carriage driver will make the trip.

Agustus stands up and walks out of the manor towards the carriage. He says to Alfred, "Well, let's go then."

Alfred bows to Agustus and says, "Have a safe journey and a fruitful meeting, Master Agustus."

Alfred opens the carriage door for Agustus.

Agustus nods and smiles at Alfred, and gets into the carriage. Alfred closes the door behind him.

The carriage lifts off into the sky. When it reaches a certain height, the carriage turns invisible to the naked eye.

(Same day, Greengrass manor)

Agustus's carriage arrived in front of an elegant English noble manor, which had a beautiful water fountain in front of it. The carriage driver came out of his seat and opened the carriage door for Agustus.(img)

"Thank you, Andretti," said Agustus to the driver.

(A/N - guess who is Andretti? Hint - cars )

The driver bowed to Agustus and said, "Always at your service, young master Agustus."

Agustus nodded and walked towards the manor gate, accompanied by some floating objects. He had brought some gifts for the Greengrass family, who were waiting for him at the entrance.

Lady Greengrass, a beautiful woman in her 30s, looked absolutely stunning with her two daughters standing beside her. She had detected the carriage entering the estate through the house wards and had called her family to welcome Heir Peverell.(img)

Daphne, a 9-year-old girl, was wearing a sky blue dress and looked cute with her blonde hair. Astoria, an 8-year-old girl, was wearing a black dress and looked adorable, but she had dark brown hair unlike her sister. Agustus knew this was due to the maledictis curse, a rare hereditary condition that affected Greengrass pure-blood family.(img)

As Agustus approached the family, Lady Greengrass smiled at him and greeted him. "Welcome to Greengrass Manor, Heir Peverell. These are my daughters, Daphne and Astoria." She pointed at them respectively. Daphne nodded politely at Agustus, while Astoria shyly hid behind her big sister.

Agustus smiled back at them and said, "It's nice to see you again, Lady Greengrass. These are some gifts as a token of my gratitude for inviting me." He gestured with his hand, and the gifts floated towards Daphne, Astoria, and Laena (Lady Greengrass's name).

Lady Greengrass was impressed, to say the least, by Agustus's control over magic. Only legendary wizards in the past could use wandless magic, but this level of skill that Agustus displayed was unheard of. She wondered what other secrets he was hiding.

Daphne, on the other hand, was also intrigued by the young heir. Her mother had told her about the meeting with Heir Peverell, and how important it was for their family. What Daphne was not expecting was the magic Agustus performed, which made even a natural occlumens like her feel awe. She accepted her gift, curious about what it was.

Astoria did not care much about magic, she was just happy that the handsome boy had brought her a gift. She hoped it was something nice, like a doll or a book.

Lady Greengrass smiled at Agustus and said, "Amazing magic, Heir Peverell. And thank you for the gifts, they are very thoughtful of you. Let's go inside now, shall we?"

Daphne and Astoria also thanked Agustus for the gifts, as they followed their mother and him towards the manor hall. They were curious to find more about the famous Heir Peverell, and getting to know him better.

(Greengrass manor Hall)

Agustus sat across from Lady Greengrass, who was flanked by her two daughters. Daphne was on Leana's left, while Astoria was on her right.

They were discussing the relationship between the Ashwood and Greengrass families. The Greengrass owed money and marriage contracts to the Ashwoods, and Lady Greengrass was hoping to settle the debt by marrying off one or both of her daughters to Agustus. She was impressed by his power and had gained some insight into his character. She loved her daughters and wanted the best for them.

Lady Greengrass smiled and asked, "So, Heir Peverell, which of my girls would you like to marry?"

Agustus glanced at both Daphne, who showed no emotion, and Astoria, who was blushing and sneaking peeks at him. Cute.

He replied, "I apologize, Lady Greengrass, but I have to decline. I am against contract marriages. You have two beautiful daughters and any boy would be lucky to marry them."

Lady Greengrass frowned slightly and said, "Heir Peverell, you are the heir to four noble and ancient houses. Nobles like us don't have the privilege to love. We marry to form connections between noble houses and strengthen bonds between allied houses. Thoughts like yours don't suit us."

Both Daphne and Astoria were stunned by their mother's input. She rarely showed negative emotions, but seeing her like this amazed them.

Agustus felt a surge of anger and adopted a neutral expression. He said in a cold tone, "Do you think, Lady Greengrass, that the Peverell House needs allies?"

The answer was no. The Peverell House didn't need allies, but the Greengrass House did.

Realizing her mistake, she apologized to Agustus and confessed her worries. "I apologize, Heir Peverell. I spoke out of line. It's quite the opposite, actually. We Greengrasses are getting pressured by the Malfoy family to form a marriage contract. I wanted my daughters to be with you rather than giving one of them to the Malfoys."

Hearing this, Agustus calmed down a bit, but he was still confused by one thing. "Daughters? You wanted me to marry both of your daughters?"

Lady Greengrass answered back, "Yes, you have to marry four girls anyway, so I thought of offering you two of my daughters."

Hearing this, Agustus was stunned and asked, "Four girls? Why would I have to marry four girls?"

Lady Greengrass spoke , "In the year 1914, a law was passed to prevent the rapid decline of the ancient noble families. According to this law, if an heir is found to belong to more than one family, he must marry as many girls as the number of families he is related to. The girls will each receive the title of one noble family, and their children will carry on the lineage. This law was enacted to preserve the ancient noble houses. You, sir, are the heir of four houses.'"

Agustus scoffed inwardly, 'As if the ministry could actually force me to do anything. I don't care about this law at all. I will have to bring this up during the meeting with the Magic Minister, or I might just use the POD and annihilate any house that dares to interfere in my affairs. Why didn't Edward inform me about this? He is supposed to be a freaking lawyer. Did he even get a degree? I hope I didn't hire a lawyer without a degree. Did Andromeda know about this? I would have to ask them about this, thought it's not that important right now.'

He replied politely to finish this meeting soon, "Oh, this is the first time I have heard about this law. I will have to consult with my lawyer about this matter, but thank you, Lady Greengrass, for bringing this to my attention."

He thought to himself, 'Let's just heal Astoria and get out of here.' He didn't like Lady Greengrass's earlier hypocrisy and wanted to be done with them. Agustus was here to heal Astoria, that's all.

He got to the point and asked, "So, Astoria has blood curse right? I can heal her."

Upon hearing this, Lady Greengrass and Daphne were stunned, while Astoria started crying.
