
Reincarnated in Domestic Girlfriend World and more...

Killed by a crazy business rival. He must have been in a lot of stress, so a lesson to those that are too stressed. Get some rest some time. Reincarnated as Fujii Natsuo. The protagonist of Domestic Girlfriend, I'll make sure to not be trash, like how he ended up in the manga. This time, I will make sure to not sacrifice anyone and live my life to the fullest. Beautiful ladies, here I come! □□□ Please take some time to read the Editor's Notice. *Cover photo is, not mine.* *I don't own any of the characters, it belongs to their respective owners.* *This fanfic was written by akikan40. Make sure to support him.*

LazyKhris · Komik
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11 Chs

College Destroyed ME


It's been a long time since I almost forgot that I was once a writer.

Most of you must have heard similar reasons but I have really been busy these past few months. The pandemic really fucked up all my future plans. And college stuff just keeps on adding.

I know that there are other great writers out there that can still manage their time at college, that's why they are great. And I really admire them for their dedication.

It also doesn't help that I am slowly losing my motivation to write, I just don't have the same drive to write as before. At one time, I blamed my old laptop for these thoughts, but now that I actually got a new one, I came to realize that it may not be my laptop that has problems but me.

So, I'll just keep things short and tell everyone that I am dropping this novel. Even though I am only editing one of akikan's fanfic. I actually have a plan for this one. But most of the time, things don't go according to plans. Nevertheless, life must go on.

I may rewrite this one in the future if I ever find my old love for writing. Or I may write a completely new one. Regardless, writing will always be part of my life (not even kidding since I am currently doing my thesis) and I will not forget the time I've spent scratching my head trying to come up with what to write. Thanks for the support and I hope to see everyone again in the future. Hopefully, in a completed novel of mine. :)

The lazy author who is too lazy to name himself.


LazyKhriscreators' thoughts