
Reincarnated in DC with the system

Julian Best loves DC superheroes ever since he was young. He has strived to be kind and to help those around him. One day, Ash dies but not without reward for all his good deeds. This is the story of what his does with those rewards.

Yago_Vieira · Fantasi
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7 Chs

New Family

I woke up to see that I am laying in what I think is a bassinet, but my vision is still blurry. I had heard that babies had poor eyesight when they were young, but I never knew it was this severe. I can hardly make out shapes.

I try to move around to get a better look at my surroundings, but I guess, since I'm a baby, my muscles are not strong enough to support my own weight.

"Hey, System, open the starter pack you told me about also, if you can, tell me how I can start moving around quickly."

[Opening starter pack... Obtained Solar Cultivation Manual, Power Loan, and 10 Tier One lottery tickets. Answering query, if host wishes to be able to move around quickly, you should either start muscle training as you have Limitless Potential it should only take a month to start walking around or, you can purchase an avatar from the shop.]

I think about both ways it told me and decided I would do both. But first, I need to look at the things I got from the starter pack.

I observe the things I got from the starter pack and am momentarily stunned. I am pretty confident the Solar Cultivation Manual is a ki training method like in the martial art novels I read back on my earth. I have no idea what Power Loan does, but the lottery tickets seem straight forward enough.

"System, how do I get the cultivation manual?"

[Do you wish to use the Solar Cultivation Manual?]


As I answer, a stream of information enters my mind teaching me about how solar cultivation works. I take in solar energy, circulate it through my whole body, filling my cells with energy, making it stronger. I then make a spiral of that energy at the center of my body to collect it. The manual also said you could only practice it when the sun is at its peak but, that does not apply to me as I have the Limitless Potential power. I can train as long as the sun is up.

"System, I want to see all of your features before I look at how much that avatar costs."

[Omni-Gaming System-Lvl. 1








"So, you even have map and dungeon features. I guess, since it says locked, I will have to level up the Omni-Gaming System to unlock them. Alright, how much does that avatar cost."

[Avatar- 150,000 GSP]

[Do you wish to exchange your karma for GSP.]

"Can I use it any other way?"

[No, it can not.]

"Ok, exchange all of it."

[One-time exchange fee of 1,000,000,000. 758,109,528 karma exchanged for 758,109 GSP.]

"So the exchange rate is 1000 to 1, that hurts but, what can you do? Purchase the avatar."

[Purchased avatar. When using the avatar, you will transfer your consciousness into it, meaning while using the avatar, your main body will be unconscious. To shift your consciousness back and forth, all you have to do is think about it. As the avatar is level one, it can only handle one active power but, as you only have one active power, Enhanced Processing, it is not a problem currently. If the avatar should die, it will take one month to form a new one. Please customize the appearance of your avatar before creation.]

An RPG style character creation screen but, before I start creating the avatar, I need to ask the system, "Why is Enhanced Processing an active power."

[Technically, Enhanced Processing is an activated passive power, meaning once it's activated it passively on until the strain on the body is too much. However, it still counts as an active power as it needs to be initiated.]

"I suppose that makes sense. How long can Enhanced Processing be maintained, right now?"

[You can currently handle a 20% increase for one hour or a 10% increase for two. If the avatar you make is an adult, it could manage a 40% increase for one hour.]

I look at the character creation screen. I had already decided to make it look like me when I was 19 and hearing what the system said just reinforced my decision to do so.

Finally finishing the avatar's appearance, a map screen popped up asking me to chose a location within a mile for the avatar to form. I pick a back alley where it wouldn't be suspicious. As I confirm the position, a ball comes from my hand and starts rolling away.

[The avatar will take 12 hours to finish forming.]

I suppose I will start training so I can move around.

I feel my stomach growl as I am about to start. I feel the urge to start crying out, but I manage to hold it back as I thought of how embarrassing that would be. I try calling out to my mother for food yet all I can do is let out baby noises. My larynx is still developing. I'm not used to speaking with it so, I will have to practice speaking as well.

I called out for my mother for a few minutes before I could not hold back from crying any longer. After whining for a couple of minutes, I hear someone walking toward me. I see a blurry woman figure pick me up, who I am almost sure is my mother.

While holding me up, she says, "Oh, Sweety, are you hungry? Just wait for a second, Mommy will feed you soon."

My mother puts my face near her nipple and waits for me to start feeding. Looking at her nipple, I have an internal struggle. I am both very hungry and incredibly embarrassed. After a few moments, I convinced myself that it is a natural thing to do as I am a baby, but it only makes it a tiny bit less embarrassing.

Subsequently to breastfeeding, my mother carries me into what I believe is the living room as there is a big couch in the middle of the room.

Laying on my mother, I start to think back to my mother from my original earth. She was a nurse. She died in a bombing attack on the hospital she was working at, along with my father, who was a police officer trying to stop it. I was barely 13 years old at the time. Following their death, I strived to be like the heroes in the comics they got me so they could be proud of me. I haven't felt maternal love since then, but now laying on my mother, I feel it again. This time I will make sure to cherish it.