
chapter 7

Tori decided to have a girls day at the spa with the girls so I invited the guys to play basketball. Matt tried to keep up with them but couldn't so we told him to ref. I dominated the court against Andre and Becks. We decided to kick back and wait for the girls at my house after I whooped their asses.when the girls came back it was nice to get a hug and kiss from my girl. My dad was in town and this is going to be the first time he is going to meet Tori. I introduced her to my dad, mom and her already get along great. My dad has her laughing within a minute of the introduction. I was relieved that they got along great and my parents are not super religious and say I can only marry another Jewish girl. I am really content with my life right now, I have a beautiful girlfriend, I have a awesome family and great friends. I was chilling in my room when Tori sneaked in and kissed me saying she was ready for the next step in our relationship and I was nervous. I was going to have sex with Tori a girl I had a celebrity crush on in my last life. I kissed down her body and worshiped her breast, sex and butt. He learned every inch of her body and she did the exact same thing to him. Once they both explored their bodies, I had Tori bent over the bed and was giving it to her from behind. We were snuggling in the after glow of our first time and was content.