
Reincarnated Immortal Senpai

I got tired of waiting for more books to read, so I decided to write my own. This is basically my Reincarnation Plan for R.O.B., if I get the chance. This story involves Multiverse Traveling, but will mainly be in Naruto world. Sorry Truck-kun, but not this time. (This is definitely Wish-Fulfillment. Disclaimer: I don't own any characters who appear in this story, other than my MC. The artwork and characters belong to their respective owners. I don't earn anything from this story and it is written only as a Hobby.) {This is my first time writing and English may or may not be my first language.} [Warning, this book will involve topics of homosexuality, you have been warned ] Hope you enjoy!

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Chapter 2:Baby Steps

"Ara, ara, ok little one, that's allowed", R.O.B replied.

'Well thanks for everything Mr. R.O.B., I will probably visit you later on to drink some tea or something' I think while my consciousness starts to fade.


In Konoha

In a small two-story building, located near the middle of the village, there is a baby alone in his swaddle, resting. None other than our MC, who is now named..... You'll find out soon.


'Damn that hurt, I don't ever want to feel that type of shit anymore, squeezing through that "wall". Then the bitch, have the audacity to slap my ass. I'm going to remember you, you nameless nurse. And I didn't get the chance to look at my parents, or anyone for that matter because I was going through so much pain in my new baby body. Wait, why do I feel pain, don't I have my abilities already? Speaking of that, System are you there?', I thought.

[Hello, Host, I'm your system bound to only you. Please be sure to name me.]

'Oh, so my abilities are here. Well since you are basically an A.I., I'm calling you Stacy'

[Host, please refrain from calling me this "Stacey" I am clearly of the Male Gender.]

'I never said I was calling you Stacey, I said I was calling you Stacy. Why would I add an "E" that's just wrong? Only if you're someone like Stacey Ryan cuz her music lowkey fire' (No offense to Stacys' with an E , out there)

'Okay, I'm just joking, haha, but how about Tony? I think it suits you.'

[Thank you host for naming me, I will do my best to serve you.]

'Well since I already know all of your functions, how about just a small summary as reminder.' (even though I have perfect memory, it's for the reader-kun)

[As you know, I have all functions of the Gamer system (Status, Task, Inventory). An Ability panel for all of you powers outside of stats and skills. A Multiverse Shop with all products/ things being sold are free. Also, missions are just for fun since everything in the shop is free. Your inventory can open a personal dimension where you can live in, it has the space of a solar system, and can expand if needed. Furthermore a few other features.]

'Thanks Tony'

[No problem Host :)]

'Can you not call me host and who taught you about emoticons?'

[Ok Master, and you don't need to know :P]

'Well, I guess that's better, anyways show me my Status'

[Yes Master, STATUS:

NAME: Jay (Previous); N/A (New name)

AGE: a few hours

STRENGTH: F (you're in a baby body)

AGILITY: F (you're in a baby body)

VITALITY: SSS (Almost Impossible to die)


CHAKRA(MANA): F (Have not opened Chakra pathways)

CHARM: A (The title "Cutest baby in the world" belongs to you Master)]

'Pretty good for a baby, but N/A, even Tony didn't hear my new mom, say my new name. Speaking of the woman here she comes now'


(3rd POV)

A woman with pale skin, black silky hair, and beautiful gem like blue eyes, wearing a teal kimono, walks towards our MC who is laying in his crib.

"Ren-kun, are you hungry, awww you look sooo cute", the woman says.

'I guess my name is Ren, and damn she looks so fine, good thing I'm a baby and my little guy down there is not fully developed, it would have been really embarrassing', Ren thought.

The woman picks up Ren from his crib and starts to loosen up her kimono to feed her baby.

'Well I guess I'm going to enjoy being a baby' Ren chuckled in his heart.

[Master that's inappropriate smh]

'Tony go back to sleep or something, I'm trying to enjoy my meal', Ren replies while drinking and chewing on his 'meal'.

Ren is finally full from his meal and stops chewing. The woman tidies up her kimono and continues to pat Ren on his back. While she was doing that, a man with dashing facial features, a chiseled jaw, brown shiny hair, wearing green ninja vest used for Chunins, walks in.

"Honey, I'm back from my mission, how are you, and my son Ren!", the man says excitedly while making his way to Ren. The man tries to pick up Ren from his wife, but he is stopped by her.

"Honey you just got back from a mission, go wash your hands before touching my child, I don't want my poor Ren to get sick", she says sternly with get starting to flare.

'Damn, my mom is fierce, I wouldn't want to get on her bad side', Ren thought.

Ren's dad went to go wash his hands and then came back to hold Ren. He decided to turn Ren into a plane, which resulted in Ren throwing up and a slap mark on the man's face.

'You had to go bother the vicious panther, tsk tsk tsk' Ren thought, chuckling at his father's antics.

Ren started to become tired again, 'I guess babies do need a lot of sleep', Ren thought as his consciousness slowly started to drift.

But before he went to dreamland Ren heard Tony comment... [Congratulations Master Ren on receiving your new name]

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Thx for reading, hope you enjoy!!!!!

Dad joke vibes: What did Hashirama say to Madara? Did you get the messages I Senju?

Jay_the_Otakucreators' thoughts