
Reincarnated from ATLA With Kaio Shin's Evolved Fusion Skill

Dying from age, ugly old bastard Shaolan Li opened his eyes to a gender-switched martial arts Earth. Without any reincarnation cheat. Beauties were everywhere around him. Growing up in that setting where top models and other stunning babes were the dating scene's basic standard, he didn't know how to keep it in his pants. He romantically spiraled, even if he knew that women were the more powerful gender now. No more ugly bastard; he cumulated meaningless flings with the help of his serial lover boy's face. In the end, Shaolan had many lady friends he couldn't dissuade from stalking his whereabouts. Irony had him die at the hands of his strong wife with the evil queen's syndrome. ................................................................ Brutally whipped to death, Shaolan was reincarnated once more. Ever so the optimist, he now had a system. A system that birthed other ones for him each day. Deathless Soul. Capacity to combine stuff, which included more than just people. Thanks to his main system, Shaolan found out whatever he didn't know about himself in his past lives and learned about his full potential. He was excited. Everything was great. Better than before, except for one thing. When he walked to keep at his scumbag pursuits with power this time, Shaolan felt his chest. The system also told him about the monumental, eruptive pistol in his pants that could tame things. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **This is just a story about reincarnation wish fulfillment. Any event or character in this story is fictional. I don't own anything and don't endorse suicide.** Reach out if you feel like this world's not for you: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/suicide-prevention/are-you-feeling-suicidal.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The story starts in ATLA. The protagonist isn't a cuck, and he only likes women. ----------------------------------------- Tagged: Multiverse, Futanari protagonist

Futaromance · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

I like you 8.a

Quickly getting a skillful hang out of the Essence of Summoning, Shaolan was shocked. She browsed, sped through a lot of information.

About herself and one of two united spirits who supposedly knew her.

She finally unearthed the strange circumstances around the dreadful health and different body… She had underestimated ATLA.

"So this is how shit actually went down. There's actually a somewhat empirical explanation. This wasn't a reincarnation coincidence." Stunned, Shaolan thought.

The next moment, she asked her system what it thought about the situation.

The now duteous, and unpretentious fellow replied, [🖥️⚡*****Slimy spirits. Deceptive bastards... Truly despicable. I can think of a thousand ways to retaliate, host. Would you like to let me deliver the last blow?*****⚡🖥️]

Shaolan chuckled and teased the system, saying, "I don't mind once I get what I want, but will you also kill my parents?"

She only wanted to become a man again.

[🖥️⚡*****Do you wish me to, host?*****⚡🖥️] The system asked curiously. It was more openhearted than before, and it had an actual personality. It also had general, butler-like directives it subconsciously tried to follow. The system had become a Sebas.

Shaolan, who didn't miss its old tricks, shook her head and said, "No, thanks. Stay on alert if I need you."

Done speaking in her mind with the system, she started summoning the ancient spirit who she wished to meet and devour first.

She didn't know what killing these two who tampered with her unborn body would do to the spirit world. But she had watched enough of the show to understand that Avatars could resolve almost every "balance" problem with their plot armor.

This was the moment to think about payback, not equilibrium in the spirit world.

She was killing two assholes. Not the moon and ocean incarnations from the northern water tribe.

Sorry too short.

Two announcements.

####Mc gets the ability to go back to a male and switch genders next chapter.

#####Shadowhunters. Next world

Futaromancecreators' thoughts