
Chapter one

(In a world where fighters were grade in to 10 part, Xiao Yan,a nine star fighter at the age of 15 who suddenly stopped fighting, due to his mother death, 2 year's later he began to work at a medicine shop to become a nine star alchemist) Isn't that the boy who was s full of himself Two years earlier"of course it's him", what do you want to buy"said xiao Yan" Give us three qi boosting medicine"replied Huang feng" that will be 9 power stone"said Xiao Yan"what, so you dare lie to us fighters, prepare to take a beaten. (The three boys began to beat Xiao Yan without mercy and when they were done beating him, they took the medicine and throw 3 power stone on his bodyand left him half dead) Xiao clan alchemist street Xiao Yan, how did you get beaten up"asked the doctor"None of your business"replied xiao Yan"then I might as well leave you to die. (Enters The Strongest 9 Star Warlock)

Warlock:boy,do you want to be like me?

Xiao Yan:Yes, I do want to become like you.

Warlock:Then, will you be my disciple?

Xiao Yan: yes, I will.

Warlock: Then let's go. (He touched xiao Yan and healed him and took him by hand and they disappeared into the tin air)

(The warlock Lord took him and went to a place called the pilgrimage Hall, there he train him to become a warlock,5 years later attended the tournament of alchemist to win the scholarship into the academy of alchemist)

(round one)

Warlock against mages

Refree: fight....

Xiao Yan: do you really think you can beat me?

Huang feng:stop with the talking and fight.

(Xiao Yan gathered a pulse of energy on his two hands and stroke him, immediately he fell)

Refree: Xiao Yan wins.

(round two, Xiao Yan vs sifeng)

Sifeng: give up now to save your self from disgrace.

Xiao Yan:I should be the one saying that.

(sifeng gathered a pulse of energy on his hands and shot xiao Yan, but xiao Yan dodged it and burn sifeng with his essence flame, immediately sifeng admit defeat)

Refree: Xiao Yan wins.....to be continued tomorrow.

innkeeper: Winner's on the right rooms, the losers and those who are yet to fight on the left rooms.

To be continued..........