
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
704 Chs


"Astra, I love you... I love you..."

Hearing Rhefia moan that into my ear over and over again as she gently filled my insides made me ecstatic.

This strong woman was pushing me down and making love to me...

Not venting her lust, but bedding me with the indulgence of a lover's pampering.

She expertly targeted my weak spots, making me feel good instead of focusing on herself, doing everything that I loved.

Rhefia was covering my body with hers, allowing her scent to mix with mine, while holding me as close as possible, her strong arms wrapped around me as she slowly slid herself inside.

I clung to her desperately, my mouth latched onto her neck as I marked my lover, enjoying the minty taste of her skin.

We lost ourselves to that love, minutes or hours passing until eventually Rhefia showered us, our child and I, in her love.


She shuddered as I moaned her name, instantly finding my lips and softly kissing me, pushing herself further against me.

When we ran out of air we pulled apart, panting as we stared at one another.

"L-Lets... we need to..."

I nodded, understanding that, if we remained like this, neither would let the other go; and as much as we would enjoy losing this day to our lust, we just couldn't afford that luxury.

Whining as she slipped out of me, I stared at her stained cock as she got up, pouting slightly before sighing.

Helping me to my feet, Rhefia stared intently at my stomach, making me smile as we both rubbed the pronounced bump.

Seeing the normally serious woman staring gently at my stomach, I intertwined my fingers with hers, whispering "I hope she takes after you..."

Chuckling, she shook her head, smiling at me as she said "No, she should take after you... my love..."

My heart pounded under her amber eyes, making me blush.

"O-Oh! I-I made t-this!"

Changing the subject, I summoned the heavy spear, almost dragging myself to the ground as soon as it appeared in my hands.

Rhefia grabbed it easily, lifting the long, smooth shaft before nodding, stepping away.

Watching as she lowered herself into a stance, my eyes were fixated on how naturally she swung the spear, fluidly transitioning from a stab to a slash, her muscles rippling as she moved around the clearing.

When she finished I grinned at her, clapping a little before chuckling at her embarrassment.

Scratching her cheek, Rhefia gave me a small smile as she approached me, nodding at the spear.

"This is perfect, Astra! Almost as good as my old one."

"Old... one?"

Tilting my head, I tried to remember if I had ever seen Rhefia with a weapon, before shaking my head.

No, even when she had dealt with those wolves she had done so bare handed...

Her features froze for a second, before she looked away.

"Another time... I'll tell you another time..."

However, even as she looked away I could still see the pain in her eyes, a mixture of loss, anger, and regret blurring together in those deep amber orbs.

Pursing my lips, I stepped forwards and laid my hand on her forearm, meeting her stare as she turned towards me.

Smiling at her, I got on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on her lips, whispering "Whenever you're ready, dear..."

Moving away, I approached my workbench, before letting out a small 'ah' as I summoned the bow as well, handing it to her.

She was still looking at me with mixed feelings, before glancing down at the bow in her hands.

It was a bit small for her larger frame, making me frown.

Lifting it, she tested the bowstring before nodding, saying "It's fine, Astra. Better for the dense forest around us."

Nodding, I then handed her a small bundle of stone arrows, a thin rope keeping them tied together.

Gently placing them on the ground, I watched as she dressed herself, before tying the arrows to her skirt's belt.

"I'll... be back soon. Get us a good stockpile of food..."

I nodded, watching as she made her way out into the forest.

For a few moments I stood there, trying to make out her figure behind the trees before sighing.

Of course she has a past...

Unlike me...

Thinking that, I froze, my heart clenching slightly as I recalled the pain and regret in her eyes.

Was that...

Related to a past lover, perhaps?

I might not know, or remember a lot, but she was incredible during sex.

She did things to me that displayed familiarity with a partner.

So there was no way she wasn't experienced...

Did she have a lover that she..?

Shaking my head, I gently slapped my cheeks, clearing my mind.

Nope, can't be doing this Astra!

The here and now; that's what I need to focus on.

Nodding, I approached the workbench again, only to stop as I stared at the rabbit and bird carcass' beside me.

Oh my...

Sighing, I crouched beside them, giving myself a self-deprecating smile.

"How have I forgotten to try and use you..?"

Rolling my eyes, I gingerly picked them up, putting them into my inventory.

I got {Rabbit Fur}, {Feathers}, {Rabbit/Bird Meat}, {Talons}, and some other odds and ends from the corpses.

The most... disturbing was {Rabbit/Bird Blood}, which made me frown.

What would I need that for?

Sighing, I glanced at the new recipes, which were foods, clothing, and improved arrows.

The clothing was important, but the amount of fur I'd need from rabbits was... immense.

But if Rhefia were to bring back a deer, wolf, or something else, I might be able to make us something warmer.

After all, I have no idea if we're close to winter or not, but some nights do get a little cold.

Not finding anything I absolutely needed to craft, I decided to go back to collecting materials, chopping down at few trees and harvesting more stone from that boulder.

We'd need more arrows eventually, and maybe Rhefia could give me some ideas for what she needs...

Besides that, I need to ask her to start getting more fur anyways...

Our child will need clothing; Rhefia might be fine running about with those bindings and skirt, but I don'e want my baby going cold.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts