
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
702 Chs

Consolation (3)

The Lamia took a deep breath again as she formulated her thoughts into words, determining the best way to begin telling us about what had happened and what she had gone through, all whilst keeping those emotions that came with it at bay.

I wanted to try and tell her everything was alright right now, that there was no need to worry and that she was safe, but not only did cutting her off at this moment in time feel like a bad idea, it also just... wouldn't matter to her, since her mind was taking a trip down memory lane, revisiting the past.

"I reached Tusk with no issue, and I even managed to pilfer some food and supplies from one of the merchant caravans that were resting a distance from its walls for the night, taking what I needed and ensuring they were... distracted by some potions of mine.

That was a mistake, since putting a group of people into a drugged haze and expecting no one to figure out it was me was arrogant; I thought myself safe now that I was far enough away from the Countess, far enough away from her sister. Obviously I was wrong.

As I went towards the forest, towards what would become my home and my salvation for who knows how long, I was spotted by the frighteningly strong eye of a Hawkkin, who easily put two and two together to determine it was me. I had a bounty, she was a Bounty Hunter.

Tracking me wasn't difficult at that point, and before I knew it I was caught in a trap and forced to fight for my life, for my freedom as this Hawkkin jeered at me, goading me into making mistakes as she made my anger flare so that she could more easily deal a decisive blow.

We fought and fought... for only a few minutes; I ran out of potions swiftly, and while I might be strong, I am not a warrior. She was. The outcome was decided the moment she saw me, but I had to fight anyways. When I lost though... no one was surprised.

I was bound and enslaved to the Queendom instantly, my hands, thumbs and arms chained together, my mouth muzzled so I couldn't try to spit my venom, and she even went as far as to chain up my tail too, ensuring I was uncomfortable and unable to run even though that was impossible.

That first night, right away she pulled me into her arms and began to 'train' me, lording my newfound status as a slave over me and relishing my body as she pleased, using me like a toy as she gave me countless creampies and bathed me in her sperm.

At first I resented her for it, but the reality of the situation was simple; I was a slave, and a criminal one at that. My choices going forwards were either death or sexual servitude to someone who wanted an object, so I decided... I decided it'd be better to enjoy myself now before I took my own life.

After the first night, I let Inik do as she pleased, finding the dominant, sadistic futanari's triggers and goading her into raping me over and over again so that the trip to Birchan would be one drenched in semen and leave me feeling satisfied as a woman. I was content to let that happen; to let this futanari have me whenever she wanted, even allowing some others to partake in my vagina whenever the Hawkkin found someone on the road she wanted.

Days passed by in a sex filled craze, but when we reached Tusk she toned it down, letting me know I was going to be appraised and judged for my crimes and shown to some of the local Nobility, to see if they wanted an exotic pussy to fuck. That was when I found out I was going to keep living, because..."

Looking away from the ceiling, Prixisia gave me a small smile and shrugged her shoulders as she said "Because I found someone who wanted me for me, even if a part of her want was due to my 'exoticness'. Someone who saw me as a person who just so happened to be a Lamia. It was refreshing, and... I said I wanted to die, to leave everything behind, but... that was a lie. No one wants to die. You simply don't want to continue living with nothing, so when something was given to me... I took ahold of it and decided that I wanted to live."

Getting up from my seat, I approached the Lamia and embraced her, swaying from side to side as I said "That makes me happy and relieved to hear, Prixisia... I am sorry that you went through that, but... in a selfish way, in a way that is entirely because I enjoy having you here, I..."

Prixisia just snickered as she said "You're 'glad' that I got framed and caught, so that we could cross paths and you could become so enraptured by the idea of sex with a Lamia that you somehow put together not only the funds, but also obtained a permit to buy me?"

"Well... when you put it like that..."

I scratched my cheek as I blushed slightly, unable to look the Lamia in the eye right now as she voiced something that would have made me sound reprehensible if I said it out loud, but here...

"Mistress, I understand and I don't mind it. What's done is done; I am not entirely happy to have found that Hawkkin again, and have her nearby, but I do not entirely blame her for what she did, nor do I care. It was just... hearing what she said after seeing her again, all whilst she acted like she was exonerated from what she had done... it did make me angry."

"I still think we should poison her."

Yiksa frowned at us both as she crossed her arms, the Dark Elf making her opinion known quickly and making me laugh as I shook my head, much to her immediate disappointment.


Just drove for ~14 hours, yay~!



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