
Reincarnated as the Moon Prince (Harem x Cultivation)

All my life, I’ve been a loser. I never lost my virginity even as a 20-year-old because I was an ugly ass boy. However, one full moon day… my fate got twisted into something entirely different. I was reborn as a baby. Not just a baby. The son of the Moon Goddess, Chang’e. On the night of my rebirth, the Moon Goddess took me in her arms and foretold my future. I would become a beautiful young man. I would become the one who shall change the fate of Xian. Many women would fall for me… even my own mother. I would become one of the greatest cultivators to have ever existed. At least that’s what my new Mom told me… And after living in Xian for quite a while, I wonder if she was true after all. //Author’s note// (Warning: There’s incest in the fic. Reader’s discretion is advised.) Schedule: 7 chapters a week Chapter length: 1000 – 2000 words There won’t be any NTR and MC’s women won’t get stolen or cucked by anyone else. More Power stones/Support = More daily chapters! If you want to contact me, here’s my discord: Din#4556 This book is a light read. [The cover art is not mine. Feel free to ask me to take it down if it belongs to you!]

The_Dark_Fox · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: Cultivating Qi - Part 1

For one to be capable of cultivating Qi, one must be at least at the age of 6 physically.

So, I had to wait around for another year just for this moment. However, one more year of freedom didn't really hurt me too badly.

I learned to stay awake at full moons just to spend time with Mom, Chang'e. She left a word of advice every day. And some facts about sex even.

My relationship with Mei got better each day that passed by. We played around, and sometimes, I peeked out the window to check on the busty Mrs. Meiling. My life as a child is the best freedom I've ever felt. And compared to my past life, this life already had the ups.

My looks had changed now, and I wasn't a baby anymore. I was a beautiful little kid, not the ugly beanpole I was in my previous life.

This was all thanks to the Moon Goddess, though. Without her, I'd look like shit right now.

I had two huge blue eyes and long hair that grew down to my neck even by that age. When I went out, Mei knotted my hair into something similar to those ponytail-type hairstyles ancient warriors had.

She said: "GAH! You look so hot in it, mister!"

I had to agree too. I looked fucking hot in this.

However, there were a few disagreements between me and Chao Mei after my meeting with Chang'e.

It was about 3 months ago when she asked me this. We were casually hanging around in bed as usual. She was reading a story to me and we got to this point where the Main Character was asked about his purpose by his elders. At that moment, she realized that she never asked me about my targets before, even though I was a little 'genius.'

"Xin… Hm, what do you think about your dreams? Have you ever thought about anything like that before?" She suddenly asked me.

"Oh? I do have dreams, Mom," I replied.

"Gah ~ how come you've never told me before?" She pouted, turning her attention to me and placing the book down.

"You never asked."

"Oh? Then tell me now, naughty boy. Are your dreams as naughty as you are?"

"No no… It's as sweet as me though," I grinned at her.

"Say already then! I'm waiting, little prince!"

"I want to be a cultivator," I smiled at her.

However, her reaction was not what I expected in the least. She frowned and a worried look came over her face. I was shocked to see this.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No… but –" She went silent again. She was reconsidering what she was going to say.

"But what?"

After a moment of silence, she finally came clean. "Why become a cultivator, Xin? I have told you about my lover… and what happened to him. So, why'd you decide to choose it anyway?"

I stood up on the bed, walked over to her, and embraced her.

"Because I want you to be here with me until the end of time itself… I want you to be eternal, Mom. I don't want to lose you," I replied.

"Oh, Xin… you're just like him," she hugged me back, patting my head. "I guess it couldn't be helped…"

I expected her to refuse my choice, but for whatever reason, she did not. I never asked why she didn't speak against it, but my guess was that she already knew I wanted to become a cultivator. Chang'e left her a note after all, and I guessed that she must've written something there for her to expect what I'll become in the future.

So, after that… All it took was to wait until I was at the age of 6.

Before I knew it, my 6th birthday came around. After a week, it was high time I began to learn to cultivate Qi. And for whatever reason, Chao Mei waited till the night of the full moon to train me.


I gaze up at the Moon and wonder what to do if Chao Mei and my mother meet today. I feel ashamed. I should've told Mei about my meetings with Chang'e earlier.

However, there is also another question bothering me.

'Why did Mei choose today of all days to train me?'

It's 8 pm in the Night. After preparing dinner, Mei comes into the garden, sliding the front door open. Our house had a traditional sliding door. Mei loved the traditional designs.

"Xin… are you ready, then?" She asks me, keeping her hands at her waist. "I'm done with making dinner for us. Do we eat after we train, or now?"

"After, we shall eat," I reply instantly.

She giggles. "Excited eh? I don't see you getting worked up much except for naughty things."

I pout. "Of course, I've been waiting for a whole year for this moment… I wanna do magic too."

"Well well, Mister. Let's begin –"

"Also, why'd you choose today of all days? We could've done this earlier, Mom."

A worried look comes over her face again when I say this. She lowers her eyes and says, "Yes, but… You know. I'll tell you why soon. Don't worry."

She's resisting to tell the truth. I can see it in her eyes. But – so did I…

"Ok, Mom. Let's begin then," I smile at her, putting away our worries. She smiles back and nods.

As usual, the garden's filled with the fragrance of sandalwood. The Moon's bright enough to light up the entire garden with its light. The pond reflects the Moon like a mirror made of glass.

First thing, Mei walks into the middle of the garden and takes a deep breath. I follow her, not missing a single step.

We take a seat down in the grass. Mei sits in a meditating position. I do the same.

"Hmm… first thing to do, Xin… is to keep your hands together, right in front of your chest – like this."

She keeps her hand together as if she's praying. "I don't really remember everything my masters taught me, honey. But I'll do my best, ok?" She smiles at me, awkwardly.

"Yes, Mom." I nod.

"Now, they say we keep our hands together like this to pray for the Gods who watch over us to give us power, but – in recent years, we found out that we do this to act as a bridge that connects our left body to our right body when cultivating Qi."

I follow her instructions and sit in the garden, placing my hands together as if to give a prayer.

"Now honey… since it's your first time gathering Qi, it won't be easy. You must shut off your brain and take in everything around you with slow breaths, ok?"

I nod to her.

"Then, look at me gathering Qi for a while… ok?"


Chao Mei brushes up her long red hair back, keeping her hands together in front of her giant breasts. She's wearing a white sleeveless shirt, her enormous jugs hanging right in front. She isn't wearing a bra, after all.

Upon seeing this, my thoughts go elsewhere.

Suddenly, she puffs out her chest and gradually breathes. Something about her body changes slightly. Her presence becomes more alluring. Her skin, more enlightening.

'What is this?' I ask myself, gazing in awe at her.

After a minute or two, she stops this process and opens her eyes once more. Her eyes glimmer in a sharp red as she opens them. They weren't the casual brown anymore.

"See, Xin?"

I nod. "You suddenly became even more beautiful…"

She blushes upon hearing me say this. "Wha – what?? Stop it, you! Silly boy," she pouts. Though, she's burning with pride inside. I just know it.

She stands up, patting off the grass from her pants.

"Now then, Xin… You try it. Though, in your case, it might be a bit harder to gather Qi. It is your first time after all."

I smile. "Maybe, let's see Madam. It'll take me 5 minutes to cultivate this Qi thing," I grin, pridefully. "I just know it."

"Ohh? Energetic as always," she grins back at me and gives me a thumb's up. "Though – for me to gather Qi first… it took me about 5 days of continuous meditating in the West Hills of Cloud Region."

My mouth drops upon hearing this. My mouth feels as if it's gone sour. I can't spell out words.

"Mmm! You can do this, I'm sure… prince." She gives a thumbs up and leaves me in the garden into the house.

Now I'm alone, seated in the grass. A few fireflies fly above me, and a dog barks in the distance. A car passes by on the road. A frog croaks in the pond.

All these sounds sync together as I stay in this position. It's as if everything is flowing. Everything is Nature.

I close my eyes and begin my first step to cultivation.

//Author's Note//

Leave a power stone if you need more chapters and want this book to continue! I hope you enjoy the stuff I wrote. Plus, leave a comment and a review. It makes my day.