
Chapter 9: Partings and Meister (4)


That night I went to Aeron's chambers.

When I knocked at his bedroom door, Aeron opened the door immediately for me as if he was waiting.

I made my way to the settee and sat down.

"Were you... crying?" Aeron stood just few steps from me with both his arms crossed, peering at my face to catch my eyes.

I shook my head. "Don't you think it's weird though?"

"That you're not crying? Yes. But I prefer it this way."

"No! I mean— Stray." I replied, my hand curls down to my sides into a fist. I watch Aeron as he just heaves a sigh and sat at chair in front of me.

"I understand his point but his reaction was over the top. He didn't have to fume like that."

I nodded. "I never saw him this upset before. In fact, I don't think he ever did. He always stayed as patient with all of us back at the deserts. Sure he's carefree and rude most of the time but not cold. He's never cold. He's actually attentive and caring despite acting so crudely. He never acted selfishly, all he does were for the sake of the children— us!" I was beginning to raise my voice so I took a deep breath. Disheartened, I went on. "I suppose he's right though that I was being selfish. I mean, I know he might have wanted something more with his life than being bound to one place like a captive. But still... he was out of character. He didn't had to push me back like that. It's like he was literally doing it on purpose so that I will get angry at him and or hate him so that I wouldn't care if he leaves. It must be that, right?"

Aeron just eyed me impassively. "Are you bothered by it by that much?"

I just shrugged. He knows what my answer is. Otherwise, I won't visit him tonight.

Aeron grunted and rubs his temples, "You know what, I realize— I might have preferred if you just simply cried just because he scolded you... And I would have been upset at him for that same reason." Aeron pauses and looks at me through the slits from his fingers. "But hearing you right now and how you talk about him... annoys the hell out of me. I don't know. Right now you're just making me hate him..."

"Aeron. I'm serious!" I murmured.

Aeron stood up and walked towards me. "I'm serious too..." he sat beside me and squeezed my hand. I turned to him as he just smiled painfully. "You don't need him. So just let him do what he wants."

"But he's our friend! For him to act out like that means something might be bothering him. Are you not bothered?"

"Of course, I am! But it just... irks me to hear these from you!" He says, releasing my hand.

Aeron sighs in defeat and sunk back to the settee, leaning to the arm rest. "Fine. I'll level with you." he murmurs in a frown but soon his eyes turn serious and then he added, "Stray is not dumb enough to explode about trivial stuff. Something might have incited him. If he decided to leave, perhaps he did it for us. As you said, he's not a selfish person. So to the least, don't make it too hard for the guy than it already is. If it was really that important to leave us like this, his reason might've been grave."

I glanced at the curtain covered windows.

And tried to process what Aeron said inside my mind.

"I suppose you're right." I said, pursing my lips. "He must have his own reason."

He must've acted that way and said those stuff at me because it was becoming difficult for him to walk away, I thought to myself.

"So— learn to wait. You don't have to brood over it. Whatever he said, I'm sure he didn't mean it... Try not to hate him for it." Aeron says in almost a whisper.

"That never even crossed my mind" I retorted.

Aeron sat back up and reached for my cheeks. "You're ugly when you sulk and frown!" he pulls both my cheeks apart, squeezing it between his fingers and stretching it widely. "So just stop worrying about him! It's too bothersome, even for me!"

"Awww, weh me gooo! It hurthsss!" I struggled to take his hands off my cheeks but he just pulled harder for a second before finally releasing.

I glared at him while patting my face together.

"You don't have to be so jealous about it. He's our friend after all..." I grumbled at him.

He looks at me in shock, as if I said something revolting. "I— I am not jealous, d-dimwit!!!" he yelled, flustered.

"Well." I shrugged, "No matter... I guess it's just you and me now, just like before."

"Why do you sound so unhappy about it?"

I chuckled. "It's kind of lonely that everybody left and we're back to the way things were as if nothing ever happened."

"I agree." Aeron stares blankly at midair. "I will miss all of them."

I just nodded and we both fell silent.


Few minutes later,

I yawned.

"Don't you need to go back to your own room now?" Asks Aeron as he watches me coolly.

"Let me sleep here for the night," I replied as I stood up and made my way to his bed.

"Come on!" I glanced at him over my shoulder, gesturing at him.

"Fine. But just for tonight." He stood up and followed me.

We pulled the blankets over and up to our necks as Aeron took one of my hand. "Good night, Aerra." he says, lying on his one side, facing me.

I took our hands closer to me as I also shifted to my side to face him. "Good night, Aeron."

He closed his eyes

I closed mine.

The heavy feeling in my chest disappeared.

Setting the problems aside,

I'm just happy to still have Aeron by my side.

He's my greatest ally that I cannot live without.


That next day I was summoned by my uncle.

Lady Mirel walked beside me as we walked the air corridors towards the Main Keep. My thoughts went on floating around the things that transpired yesterday. Despite being able to sleep soundly with Aeron by my side for the first few hours of the night, a nightmare kept me awake for the rest of the time, surfacing me from my slumber. I ended up regaining my consciousness with only my eyes shut closed, hopeful to eventually give in to the exhaustion and return to my rest but that failed me.

We were soon awakened by the butlers and maids and was prompted for the day.

The lack of sleep suppressed my appetite to eat breakfast, and just recalling the nightmare I had made me more uneasy. It was about the red framed mirror again. That never changing scene. Added to the fact that yesterday, Stray left us just like that.

I did try to ask Lady Mirel about Stray but she confirmed that he did left the palace yesterday noon. He might be anywhere by now.

From the corridors, Lady Mirel and I soon reached the upper bailey that led to the Main Keep, it's a small area that resembles a courtyard where the open winter winds dances by. I looked up at the white sky where the sun was heavily covered by the clouds. "Beautiful weather we have today!" says Lady Mirel, squinting as she gazes at the sun that was now slowly being revealed. The sun rays blasted at my eyes that I looked away abruptly.

Despite the sun beaming out, the surrounding was still covered with think blankets of snow.

Nothing really changed.

The entire palace is still gloomy and lifeless as it is.

I pushed myself to smile at Lady Mirel, nevertheless.

Until we passed by a bricked well where two young ladies, clad in simple gowns gossips cheerfully. One of them meets me eyes as I quickly had to look away. With how they act and dressed, I'm guessing they are 'Lady-in-waiting', women who attends to the queen.

Suddenly, their voices increased, enough for us to hear. "Good riddance the boy left. I heard he was picked up in the streets as a runaway child! Even if he's a pure blood, a black sheep will always be a black sheep! And those kinds aren't suppose to walk around the esteemed castle of the capital city as if he belongs to the place!"

The other one laughed demurely, with a hand on her lips. "I heard he has blood on his hands. I don't feel safe when a killer like that is around. His Majesty is wise to persuade him to leave. If not for His Majesty, that boy might still be lurking around, using other children as his reason to stay. Did you know, he even tried to get inside the treasury room! Disgraceful thief!"

"If you ask me, the ones who came with him are the ones to blame. Aren't they suppose to be visitors? How shameful to dote on His Majesty just because of kinship. After asking for independence they still crawl back for aid."

"Maybe their fief is suffering that's why they had to make such long visits just to gain favor once again. I heard they did the same in the Eastern Nation! Selling the girl in return of protection and food? How low." she chuckles.

"It's preposterous if they believe one of the children can take on our crowned prince just because they are pure bloods like His Majesty. A fiefdom, they are proud to have, more like a serfdom!"

They both laughed.

"Shall I go ahead and cut their tongues off and make it look like an accident?" Lady Mirel murmurs, even without looking at me. "Or I should just push them to the well?"

I held to Lady Mirel's hand. "I actually am curious about the information they have. Their deductions are poor but the facts seems genuine."

Lady Mirel halted as I did. "Should I torture them to speak? I could ask my men to kidnap them tonight while they're asleep." Lady Mirel offered, crunching her knuckles impatiently. "I can give them a good beating without discrimination, after all, we're all women here!"

I sighed. "Lady Mirel, calm yourself. They are still noble Ladies. However, like I said, I want their knowledge on something. Would it be fine if I ask you to get them for me?"

Lady Mirel bows briefly, "As you wish!" She grins mischievously.

I nodded at her and began to walk the opposite direction where I saw a wooden bench, beside a bare tree covered in snow, in a corner of this small bailey.

I dusted off the snow from the surface and sat on it. Watching as Lady Mirel chase the two ladies for a while from a distance and finally grabbed them both. They struggled and squirmed as Lady Mirel carried them on her waist with only an arm each, like carrying barrels.

Their noise echoed the entire place.

Wow, Lady Mirel sure is strong, I thought.

I just took a deep breath.

They know something about Stray.

I closed my eyes and waited, listening to Lady Mirel's marching against the layers of snow on the ground.

Something hits the ground in a loud thud. Twice.

I opened my eyes and saw the two ladies all riled up. Their hairs are now disheveled as their cheeks flushed, fuming.

"Good morning." I greeted as they both got up to their feet, fixing their skirts in place while patting snow off.

"Lady Aerra is talking to you!" Lady Mirel shoves at them both.

They both turned their faces glaring at me imperiously. I just shifted at my seat and looked up at them. I see the sun, blasting at my eyes, behind them as I gazed up at them, making them look like shadows looming like a threat.

If I do consider their twisted deduction, I suppose they heard we went to Osteell to ask for resources and protection through arranging a marriage. That's correct though.

And my parents came here to look for a teacher for me and Aeron's training, hopeful that uncle would recommend someone. So the 'doting' they speak of is just an exaggerated conclusion.

And from just that two facts, they falsely deducted that our Dukedom is experiencing a poverty crisis therefore we are staying here to regain our rightful claims to the throne by using our tragedies from the desert abduction.

I tapped at my chin.

That escalated fast. Their deductions are boorish. And either they believe it or not, I don't have to answer to them. However...

"Good morning" I repeated, beaming at them.

I waited for their response.

My steadfast silence made them uneasy.

"Good morning..." they finally answered.

I don't like how they look down at me just because I'm a child. And the fact that I am just a child should have been enough to be spared with their malicious gossiping.

I closed my eyes to avoid gazing at them like some kind of gods while they stood tall over me.

"May I ask something? Is this land under some sort of feudalism?"

They chuckled as if hearing a joke. "Yes"

"Ah. I was just wondering then... do you believe I'm a serf?" I asked.

I can hear them shifting under their own feet, surprised by my question.

A serf in this Kingdom are people lower than a castle servant. They are the lowest of rank in the social triangle. It refers to laborers with no lands or any property and settles outside the estate to work for the King, such as farmers and sort.

"No...." one of them answered, sounding anxious.

"How about a vassal?" I went on,

I recall a vassal as men holding title of lordship through a Noble lord higher than them. They are given a land of their own as a tenure in exchange of service, allegiance and absolute loyalty. However, they are lowly ranking compared to a true Nobleman.

"No." The other one replied.

"Then— if I'm not a serf nor a vassal, and I'm very sure neither of you are Queens of this land..." I paused, opened my eyes and stared directly at them, "What am I compared to you?"

They studied me for a moment.

They gritted their teeth.

And then bit their lips as if to hold their tongue.

I held my gaze steady.

Lady Mirel lightly shoves at them.

They grunted but finally spoke, "You are a daughter of a Duke, future Duchess to the Dukedom of Greenrun; The only niece of the High King; and the sole remaining pure blood of the Arcanian descent's latest generation... and we are—"

"I think you missed something. You heard about the Eastern Nation's engagement yes?"

"Yes, my Lady. You are... the future wife to the next Castellan of the East."

"That means you'll become the Empress of the growing Osteell empire." supplied the other Lady.

"And you are?" I smiled sweetly at them,

"We are... mere attendants of the High Queen. A lady-in-waiting that serves under Her Majesty.... I am a daughter of Viscount Toppel, sixth of the twelve siblings from the Western Nation."

"And I am a daughter of Baron Rysdin, third of the nine siblings from the Southwest Nation." The other one supplied.

I slightly bowed my head at them, "I am pleased to meet your acquaintances, miLadies." I greeted.

It's a basic etiquette to respond to a greeting, and they knew that well so they responded to my greeting, despite reluctance.

It's also customary to bow yourself lower to a person from a higher standing. But with a person with many titles, a lower class with no title needs to kneel on the ground and must not meet the eyes of the higher ranked noble.

So I watch them kneel down before me to the ground with head bowed down.

Also one cannot stand back up after kneeling down from a greeting unless given permission. Otherwise, imprudent actions against a higher noble is punishable by the High King with the worst consequences of stripping off their family titles or demoting their ranks, since feudalism in this country demands respect from the social ladder, added to a fact that they are spreading false rumors against a highly esteemed noble family, I suppose my 'doting' to my uncle is enough to result to the worst possible punishment if I were to ask.

And they are aware of that.

At least, I thought, they know their own social customs.

I can see their fists clenching tightly. "I overheard you talking about my friend..." I said as they suddenly snapped and began to finally ask for forgiveness. "I just need to hear what you know about my friend," I replied.

They earnestly nodded, "I heard His Majesty found out about the background of your friend, your grace, and acted on it to protect you."

Protect me?

"And what of his background? Where did you get your sources from?"

They looked at each other.

One of them spoke, "One of the servants told us that he overheard His Majesty talking with a man, whom he hired to investigate, few days ago. He informed his Majesty that the pure blooded boy you arrived with is actually an illegitimate child and an orphan. His late mother is of noble blood but from a poor house. She worked as a florist but died of a disease but he was taken in by his father together with his legal wife at the age of... uhhh five... I think?"

"Yes, it was five" supplied the other as she nods

"Yes, five. But when his father died by the same year he was adopted, his step mother treated him poorly so he ran away from home and began to stray the streets for a year or two until being taken again by his step mother and sold off to the same organization that abducted you, your grace."

I took a deep breath and exhaled calmly. "And what did my uncle do when he heard this?"

"I saw the boy being summoned to the audience chamber just two days ago but I did not hear them talk. All I know is that he left the following day... that is— yesterday!"

"Yes, it was yesterday."

"I see. Please rise." I said as they finally stood back up, sighing in relief but they kept their heads down.

Lady Mirel eyed me and made few gestures from behind them.

"One more thing, I like you to meet Lady Mirel." I eyed at her as they both swallowed hard before turning around to face her. "It seems like she's itching to say something to the two of you." I added.

Lady Mirel stood up tall with head up high. "I have subordinates that serves as my eyes and ears. If any of you spread one more rumors against miLady, I will not be so kind anymore. Consider it as a fact than a threat."

They nodded and vowed never again or something. I wasn't paying attention at them anymore. I just leap off from my seat and began to walk off. "You're both dismissed. Lady Mirel, let's go. We already kept my uncle waiting long enough."

I saw the two ladies ran ahead of us but to the opposite direction from our own. They kept their heads down as they did.

"I'm impressed, your grace! You sure made them know their own places!" she laughed, "Not to mention how nerve-cracking it became for them while you stayed calm and silent."

"I'm sorry for the troubles I caused you, Lady Mirel." I murmured, glancing at her as she beamed at me. "It's an honor to serve you, miLady. No troubles at all!"

"Thank you" I smiled back at her as she just pets my head gently. "I'm glad you're strong as you're clever. I would have resolved to violence if I was in such situation..."

Believe me, it was very tempting for me as well but I needed their information, I thought to myself. Because torturing is too troublesome and time wasting, I needed to extract information the fastest way I could.

I focused my eyes ahead and walked a bit faster. Right now, I just want to know what my cunning uncle is plotting about for summoning me.

I also wish to know what he said to Stray that made him leave us out like that.
