
Chapter 18: Glass Sky (2)

We soon reached the ruins of a huge abandoned temple.

Some of the concrete stairs that leads up to the entrance are already collapsed and a deep hole is seen gaping from it. It does seems like the ground are very unstable. I feel a bit anxious about this...


Scias pushed at the tall arching doors of the temple and it creaked eerily open.

We are welcomed with a sight of a huge empty hall that look as though it has been forgotten by time. The ceiling is dome shape but paintings are seen vaguely on it. Several small arching windows are seen high up on the upper part of the walls with blue stained-glasses, some broken but some are still completely untouched, giving a hazy color of a fading bruise to the entire vast hall. All the walls are also covered with murals of what seems to be deities and dæmons alike, telling a story of forgotten gospel.

Few tall statues stood around, all unkept with vines creeping and small wild flowers blooming around it.

"You took your precious time, Scias." Aide spoke in a joking manner. Her voice somehow echoed against the hollow space.

I can barely tell where it was coming from.

Scias sniggered, "Jin took her our on a date, so I had to wait till he returned her over!"

"It wasn't a date—! We had to watch a rot! See, I even got here faster than ya!" Surprisingly enough, Jin is present already. He sat by a fallen debris of a column laying about in a corner.

I was about to send Scias a cold glare but saw him looking at someone from a distance instead.

I followed where he was focusing at and realize, there were several people scattered in front of us.

No, we were surrounded, is more like.

I didn't even notice any of their presence...

Aide sat on the foot of one of the statues with one of her knees bent close to her while her other leg drapes down.  She is wearing her mask again.

Few distance from her is Emis with her mask on, she's holding onto a doll with black botton eyes and grinning mouth with stitches, crisscrossed across its face. She sat by a stairs that led up to a higher ground. Also wearing her rucksack on her back like a child with a backpack. Hmm. I believe that's the same doll she held when she caused an uproar earlier back at the taverns.

Farther and seen up on the higher grounds of the hall is Faram, perching by one of the murals with shadows almost hiding him like a curtain; his arms are crossed, eyes closed and head hanged low. He didn't seem to be bothered that we arrived late.

Way across the other side of the hall is a man wearing a red leather coat that drapes down pass his knees with his bear chest exposed underneath the coat, showing hard chiselled abdominal muscles that had few scars which he seem to wore proud. He has spiked flame-red hair. He wore a peculiar mask as well. If I'm not mistaken, that's Giles...! My brother's Master.

On another corner, almost near the entrance, is a guy wearing a long beige coat with red X-clips on the side of his ashen blonde hair is seen. He's not wearing any mask. His eyes met mine and I noticed how different the colors of his eyes are. One is yellow-brown, the color of honey, and the other is artic blue. It's like silver and gold. Dark circles had etched under his eyes gave him a little faze look. He gave me one cordial smile when our gazes aligned. One side of his lower lips is seen pierced with a small silver earring. I can see how he studies me from head to toe as if he's measuring me.

I stole my eyes away from the stranger.

"Oh and there are Empire soldiers from the East crawling outside. They bought their toys along with them. Any plans about that, Claude?" Scias inquired.

I turned to where Scias was looking at and then it hit me, someone is sitting on the middle of the room all this time– right on the floor with legs crossed and back facing us. Was he there the entire time? I didn't even noticed.

"Say something!" Scias chuckled, nudging an elbow at me.

"Umm—! Nice to meet you all!"

Scias chortled, "I mean about the sewage system you mentioned to me earlier! Tell them that!"

"Oh... Now?!"

I can see Claude slightly turning his head over his shoulder when I spoke, but not enough to show a glimpse of his face.

Slowly, he began to stand up.

I took a deep breath, almost a gasp.

I can see his golden blonde hair shining against the faint lights from the windows. It's all tied neatly like a long rope braided and covered in leather bands that hangs down from his back and pass his torso. He has a long neck and broad shoulders. His silhouette funnels down, showing a masculine and a remarkable posture.

My pulse threaded nervously.

"And nice to finally meet you, Faram's apprentice!" He says in a rather deep melodious voice.

He turns around and faced us, tucking his arms together in front of his chest. His sharp gaze focused at me with unwavering depth. I realized I was almost burying my head between my shoulders so I tried to calm my nerves and ease my shoulders back down.

I swept my eyes back up and realized Claude is still staring at me, watching me ever so boldly with his two vivid golden orbs that resembles a dragon's eyes. Such peculiar yet beautiful looking eyes.

"Come closer," he says but the assertiveness was perfectly overshadowed by the thick warm voice he has. I braced myself and began to walk towards him.

I minutely let my eyes wander around. All the Ouboros elite mercenaries are here, I thought to my self, glancing at each and everyone of them. They're all watching me as I walk across the hall.

Mercenaries... I echoed inside my thoughts.

Far back when I was younger, I was exposed to this group of syndicate, led by a heinous old man named Cerguz, who abducts small children with noble blood and either sell them whole as a slave or chop them into parts and sell them in a jar to some Collectors who prefers preserved body parts of noble children with a pureblood.

But Cerguz is gone now.

What remains after his death are these elite mercenaries who had worked under him; each supposedly possessing an undeniable skill and strength. They seemed to have kept the name 'Ouboros' alive. Even the High King of the Seven Kingdoms regards them as a threat.

And now, I'm with them and more questions are surfacing rather than being answered.

I later on found out that Ouboros is actually founded by Faram and Claude.

They claim to 'watch' the rot. And when they say 'watch', it means to wait patiently and recover a small glowing shard, a fragment of sort that can only be seen when one uses the mask these Ouboros mercenaries usually wear. After harvesting the shard, they leave. They don't like getting involve with other aftermaths. They don't care about anyone else and anything except the watch...

At least, so far, these are what I have understood as to what they do.

And this Claude guy is their strongest yet.

Stronger than Faram...

Eriol's master...

When I finally reached Claude, I tried my best to hold my gaze steady as his eyes scrutinized me.

He is a raggedly handsome man... around his twenties perhaps(?)... with a virile aura sobber around him. He looks young to be the strongest member... I was rather expecting a man in his forty's with obvious years of experience in the field. Apparently, I guessed wrong.

"Hi! The name's Claude!" He says in a stony grin. "And your age is?"

"I'm Aerra." I answered. For few seconds or so, he didn't reply. His question finally registered inside the relay centers of my brain. "I mean— I'm twelve!" I quickly blurted out, my voice peaked few volumes than intended.

Who the heck asks an age first after introducing their name anyway?!

Claude suddenly bursted out in a laugh, filling the halls and dispelling the sullen and choking atmosphere. "Gets anyone anytime!" He says, slapping his palm on his face, shoulders shaking. "Sorry, just messing with yah! Again, nice to meet you, Faram's apprentice!" He reaches a hand, this time wearing a wide cheerful grin.

My eyes veered at his big hand in front of me.

The lights from the windows beamed at it and I noticed calluses and scars all over his hand. I reached for it and he seals it with a firm but gentle grip.

On a fleeting moment, as I blinked my eyes to look up at him, I saw a clear vision...

A peaceful scene of sky over a glassy reflection.

W-what was that just now?

I blinked my eyes repeatedly and wide open and saw him looking at me with obvious confusion plastered on his face. "Have we... met before?"


"Pffft." He pulls his hand away, releasing my hand. "Again, it's just a joke! You're really resembling your master, huh?"


It's not just a joke.

I... feel like I met this man before...

Maybe it's just my imagination but...

"What are you staring at me like that for?" He asks, lips curving playfully in one corner but one of his brow stood on ends. He watched me imperiously.

His face is not familiar but I have this sense of déjà vu about him, especially the way he stares back with his dragon eyes... the only thing that first comes to my mind is that glass sky. "Ah, sorry. You're eyes are just..." I paused and didn't finish my sentence.

He didn't probe though. I'm thankful for that.

But I noticed his eyes dropped to where my other hand is, the one with a symbol Aide left me with.

Claude glances at Faram and then turns to me. His lips stretched into a thin line but didn't say anything.

He then pointed out to his side with a thumb, "Go ahead and take a seat anywhere, Faram's apprentice."

I reluctantly walk back, he just stood there with both his hands on his waist; chest out and back straight, as though he's posing to some kind of chivalry painting.

Such an odd encounter...


He doesn't seem as bad or scary as I thought he would be.

I wonder what is with that split second of vision about a sky...

I furrowed my brows unknowingly.

"Everything alright?" Aide asked as I just jump off from the floor and on to the surface at the foot of a statue to sit beside her.

"Yeah...." I replied.

I turned my head forward and focused at Claude as he began to speak.

"Everyone here! Let's see what we collected so far." Claude began.

"You might want to wear this" Aide handed her mask over to me.

"How about you?" I asked, as she shook her head and smiled.

"I know what it looks like." She replied, taking something out from her pocket. But when she opened her hand, there's nothing there.

Aide handed her mask to me more persistently, "Just wear it and see."

I accepted her mask and wore it on.

I saw three pieces of tiny shards on Aide's palm.

I look around and watch as one by one, each of the other member takes out glowing pieces of shards on their hand.

Claude himself have several shards on his right hand.

Faram have several on his hand too.

I recall it's the same shard Jin showed me back at the dungeons earlier.

Claude sways his left hand and all the other shards fly towards the one on his right palm. It began to build and stick on to each other like magnet until all the pieces starts to form a quarter shaped, broken piece of stone.

"So many years and we barely gathered half of the stone..." Claude sighted, studying the formed piece on his hand.

"Well, I guess we have to work harder. Time is running and I don't think this would be enough 'till then." he explained.

He closed his hand and hid the formed fragment from sight.

"There might be another one around this district. I know Faram have done his watch earlier but I'm compelled to acknowledge there's more. We will split up and find the source but make haste. I don't think the land will hold on much longer."

Does he mean the streets will collapse?

But I don't feel particularly different like how I did back then when we were at the dungeons though... I wonder how big the rot has grown?

Oh wait... if the streets collapse...

—I need to warn Levi somehow.

"Have you tried looking underground?" Scias spoke out. "A little someone suggested we might want to check why the land itself is corroding from down under. Like, for example, try checking the structures build underground where this very district stands." His eyes swept to my direction.

Claude rubs his chin. "Their sewage system..."

"That might be possible." Faram added.

"Oh! Oh! I remembered something!" Jin raises his hand and sways it as he went on, "A little earlier, Aerra and I went to watch the rot growing by the dungeons. She helped locate the source of rot! It seems like she can sense it! Tell them, Aerra! Tell them!"

"Cool, that would be a great asset to the group!" Giles commented.

Claude focuses his attention at me, "Is this true? You can sense the source?" He glanced at Faram before veering his eyes back at me.

Faram unwinds his hands and began to climb down the stairs. "No one can sense the source. You're just mistaken" Faram replied on my behalf, eyes darted at Jin.

"But... she was really able to tell where the shard is found!"

Faram shook his head. "I taught her to sharpen her senses. So she must have sensed the presence of high energy concentrated in that area. The fragments aren't always found where the miasma is thick. Even Claude knows that."

"Well I suppose that's true. It doesn't always depend where the miasma is concentrated nor how the spread of the rot has grown. The shards change locations every now and then. That's why I ask you guys to do the watch just in case it surfaces."

Jin sighed in dismay, "Oh... Okay... I guess that makes sense."

I feel bad for Jin. I must have raised his hopes too much.

Faram reaches a hand at me, I took it without hesitation and he assisted me to jump down from my seat. "We will do the watch on the surface, just in case." He says.

"Okay, I'll go underground. Giles and Jin will come with me. We will split up in the tunnels.

Cecil, help Scias keep those Empire men at bay. Make sure they don't get in our way." Claude stated as the guy with different eye colors nodded briefly and disappears from sight.

"You need my help for anything, Faram?" Scias asks, standing up, ignoring the fact that Claude mentioned his name.

"No. Go ahead and do what Claude asked."

"Scias! Don't hurt Levi... please!" I told him. I hope Levi won't get in trouble from all of these.

"I get it. Leave it to me." And with that, he vanishes.

Faram turned his head to where the others sat, "Aide, Emis, distribute yourselves."

"Sure thing, Faram!"

"Okay, Faram."

As if on que, the two also vanished.

"Tch. They really just follow you, huh? Such devotion." Claude scoffed.

Faram didn't reply.

"Anyway..." Says Claude as he walked towards us, "Nice to see you're well, old friend." He pats Faram's shoulder, leans closer, and whispered. "You don't have to lie to keep your little apprentice away from me though. Don't worry, I have no interest in trying her abilities out nor test your judgement for choosing the little girl."

I'm just standing beside Faram so I can't help but to over hear what he's whispering about. Instead, I tried to keep my head down and avoid eye contact.

"But if you're done training her, I'd like to see what kind of masterpiece you molded her to be." Claude says. "I'm excited to see if she would really become your legacy or— if you'll have her bear your legacy instead. What's it gonna be?"

"She's a child..." Faram replied with his usual monotonous voice but I sense the cold tone in it.

Wait... are they talking about what I think it is?

I raised my head and look at them. Faram just stood there in his usual reposed posture while Claude is leaning close to his side, whispering,

"Not for long."

Claude stood up straight and steps aback. His eyes suddenly shifts towards me, "Twelve, is it?" This time he directed that question to me.

I didn't reply.

"She will eventually grow up and by then, we will see if apprenticeship is all you need her for. I already warned you about mortal girls. You never learn, do you?" Claude sighed in dismay, shaking his head. He turns around and was about to walk away when Faram spoke. "Same goes for you... Or are you turning a misogynist?"

Claude stopped dead on his tracks.

"That's the only thing we're different, buddy. I'm serious about our goal here. That's the only thing remaining that matters to me."

"Isn't that why we agreed to get apprentices in the first place?" Faram retorted. "To make sure the plan happens no matter how long it takes?"

"Yes, but not mortal girls!" His voice rose all of a sudden. His hand even swings momentarily to point at me.

"She was mortal too..." Faram replied calmly.

Claude grinds his teeth tight together, clasping both hands into a fist.

I began to ponder... who they are talking about? I'm positive Faram is talking about somebody else with his last statement.

I feel like this conversation is not really about me being chosen by Faram.

It seems to me like they're arguing about something that happened in the past. But why do they keep using the word mortal? Faram is a half blood dæmon...Is it possible that this Claude guy is the same? Well his eyes is— different.

"If you're just worried about me... Stop. It's unnecessary. I know what I'm doing" Faram lets out a calm exhale. "You never changed, Claude..." I can see Faram's lips curve into a half smile.

Claude shoulders loosens. He wings his head back and rubbed his temples. "Gah! I'm outta here!" He grunted, scratching the back of his head nonchalantly.

He marched back to the middle of the hall and called out to Giles and Jin. I watch them as the three disappears from sight.

Now, all that is left alone is me and Faram.

"Don't mind Claude. He simply worries more than necessary— about petty things mostly— but he's on our side."

Faram sure speaks highly of him despite that exchange... They might really be good friends.

I nodded, "I understand."

Faram glanced at me and pat my head once before walking forward.

Without any words to utter, the hollow silence and howling winds that seep from the holes of the empty and abandoned hall of this temple is whats left to drown the restless atmosphere.

I watch him for a moment as he covered a distance, heading towards the main doors. His back faced me and I just studied him: his silent steps, his lean build, remarkable frame; and his shadowless figure.

Faram turned around when he noticed me not following him. He didn't speak, he didn't gestured anything, he just gazed at me and somehow I knew what he already means. So I went forth and walked.

He just stood there waiting until I finally caught up. I halted and stood just a little behind him. Not too close, not too far either.

Faram faced me, "I have a mission for you."

"Are we not going to do the watch as planned?" I asked, almost inaudible.

"I will carry out the watch. I want you to do something else for me instead."

I straightened my back. This would be the first time ever Faram would give me a mission.

"I want you to destroy one of those hovering objects the Osteell Empire brought along with them outside."

My mind began to bombard me of a lot of things to be concerned about. So many questions and what if's drowned my thoughts and left me gaping my mouth open but without words to utter from my lips.

"You won't be taking anyone's life. So don't hold back..."

Yes, he's right. It's just a machine but...

"What if... the Empire men gets involved?"

What if Levi gets involved?

"Scias and Cecil have already been sent to take care of that. The only thing you need to focus on is to destroy all of those metal contraptions." Faram reached both his hands over and cups my face. "I can see it in your eyes. So much hesitations... Can you not do it after all?"

I was about to reply but he cut me off.

"Look at you..." he runs his thumb across my cheek, "Aide had perfectly disguised you except—"

His hand shifts and covered my eyes.

"These big blue eyes... it's atrocious. It looks better in red."

He removes his hand and I was left staring at his face. The perfect angles and lines that makes up his profile is accentuated by the beams of light coming from the stained-glass windows. But shadows have covered his face when he moved closer. Leaning just few inches from me, I gazed at his sharp vermillion eyes that gleams like ruby in a sinister hue.

His voice feels so intoxicating to listen to. "There are shadows casted by the sun, Ri. Call on to them and if they hear you, they're all at your disposal."


So I won't be using Null?

"I'm not sure if..." I paused. How do I call on to shadows?

He pulled his back straight, dropping both hands to his side as he eyed me. "So would you do it for me?"

"I will do my best... I'll try to destroy those objects." I answered but still feeling unsure, I bowed my head down.

"Good." Faram smiled subtly. His right hand rose and slithered to the edges of my face; his fingers ran the lines of my jaws until it scoops my chin up and he made me look at him, "No one truly understand how special you really are and it MUST stay that way." He leans closer and closer. His voice almost sound like an echoing whisper to my ears, "Only the likes of us can control these things...

Only I can understand you.

Your gift... your special existence...

Don't let them use you or exploit you for their own gain— not even for the watch.

You are my apprentice... my one and only.

—You belong only to me."

I blinked...

And I know his eyes are reflected on mine.

They came closer and closer until there was barely any space left to breath from.

I blinked again...

And I saw myself reflecting from his eyes.

There— I saw the blue of my eyes have faded and the shade of blood took over, blazing like the fire.

My body began to feel cold and my fingers numb.

All my nerves began to awaken inside me and the rush filled my senses.

"You can do anything, Ri. All you need is a little push and to embrace your true capabilities..."

All the restrains I have... That delicate control I kept to myself is slowly melting— like how my blood is boiling now inside of me.

It hurts yet it's addictive.

I can feel it surging...


Earlier in the dungeons, I had the similar experience. I have felt like this yet I can't release all the tense and thrill in my bones, begging for me to release like a scream. But this time,

I know I can use it now.