
Chapter 16: Port City Ak'hilheim (3)

When we covered a distance, we sneaked towards one alley, away from the sight of the guards behind. Aide swings her arm across Scias' head then shoves him hard, "What the hell were you thinking saying a seventy year old woman having three young children?! And a traveler at that?— That sounds too suspicious!"

"I did said three different fathers! Ho ho ho" he laughs haughtily with his old woman voice.

"That's not what I mean..." Aide hauled a sigh in exasperation while shaking her head.

"Deep inside you wanted to get caught, didn't you?" Emis says low.

Scias went silent for a moment and eyed Emis tentatively. "Honestly, I'm curious about those hovering objects..." he finally says perhaps pertaining to Osteell's machines. "I want to try taking down one of those but I don't directly want to stir trouble! I swear!"

"You're too careless." Emis says in defeat. She sounds a little wan. "If we got into trouble back there, we'd have to clean up thoroughly again!"

"You talk as if you don't enjoy that at all. Last time you went in a frenzy!"

"True, it is fun for me but Faram doesn't like it when I do stuff just to add things in my army." Emis shrugged casually.

"We're on the same boat, except those hovering objects doesn't seem convertible!"

"No way, I don't want those weird stuff in my wonderful collection! Though the guards were my preferential palate."

"Look who's talking about stirring trouble now! Hahahaha!!!" Scias cackled.

What the heck are they talking about? I thought to myself just watching them.

"Ignore them, Aerra.

—Anyway, let's wait for Faram here and then head to the bazaar. We have to get Aerra a change of clothes!" Aide says, perching to a crate.

And almost just after she said that Faram appears in a blink of an eye from behind us. He didn't said anything. He just walked up to us in silence.

"Welp! That the call! Let's move out" Aide stood back up and began to lead to way through the alleyway.


The morning sunlight has beamed over the roofs of the buildings

The morning sunlight has beamed over the roofs of the buildings.

Nothing really changed from the last time I've been here except for the increased guards on patrol.

The streets were still dusty as ever and the sky above us are partly covered by the canopy of different yet colorful cloths, giving a shade to the streets of the bazaar. Buildings here and there are mostly hard-cornered concrete. No designs or what so ever except for the flashy ones that seem to be establishments of merchants and their guilds. Their roofs were colorful and shaped like icings. The rest of the stall were just made up of wood and simple materials just enough to make the stand to accommodate their merchandise for display.

As I scouted my eyes around, Aide placed her hand on my shoulder, "We're here!"

I looked and realized they were about to step inside an apparel shop.

"Time to dress you up!" says Aide with a suspicious looking smile. "This will be fun!"


I stepped out the fitting room and found Scias and Emis just idly standing by, waiting. Aide rubs her hands together, "Here's my masterpiece!" she rejoiced.

They studied me head to toe.

"Why do I have to play as a boy?" I glared at Aide, deadpan.

"It's easier to hide your identity, that's why! Besides, it looks good on ya!"

I just sighed in response.

I get her point.

Aide made me wear a wig of blonde short hair with side swept bangs and fringed ends. A typical hairstyle for a young boy. And then a simple black garb that allows me to move easily despite the multi layered clothes I had.

Underneath, I have a bandage wrapped tight around my chest, making it hard to breath. But it's effective for hiding my gender. I'm not really curvaceous so it's not a problem.

Oddly, this looks kinda cool. I thought as I studied the mirror. I do resemble my twin brother in a certain angle though.

I look at my feet and noticed the equipment I wore by my ankle had successfully overlooked the doll shoes I wear. It's not that noticeable.

Though with all sincerity, I wish she buys me new pair of shoes.... but I can't just bluntly ask for a new one.... it's too much to ask.

I shift in place and I can feel the soles of my shoes parting open a bit.

I brushed the thought aside and faced Emis and Scias.

"That's amazing, Aide!" Emis cheered tilting one hips up to the side while leaving her fist on it, "This look is flawless for a change of image!" she added.

"Nice!" Scias grins contentedly. "I never though your hobby would be helpful to us"

"Ahe-hehe! Told ya it would work out!" She pats my shoulder.

The shopkeeper just grins at us, about to talk sales regarding my outfits. Aide walked towards him and whispered something.

I thought she was going to haggle but why whisper? I wonder what they're talking in secret about?

I concentrated and listened.

"...if you break your word, it'll trigger. It's up to you now. Make the right decisions, old man. It'll be a shame if it did triggers."

I watch the blood drains down from his face.

Aide touched his arm and suddenly, I can feel a negative energy lingering about but too subtle to discern. She doesn't seem to be squeezing, I wonder why he looked so freaked out?

She released him and smiled sweetly,

"Anyway!!!— Here's the payment, keep the change!" she now says out loud, handing him a huge coin sack of money.

"Let's go! Time to eat real food!" Scias stretched in a yawn.

"Ditto!" Emis says in a nod

I brushed the curiosity with Aide aside. "Where's Faram?" I asked, looking around.

"He stepped outside a minute ago."

We exit the shop and saw him perching near the door, arms crossed. His blindfold is off.

Sure, he's not attracting attention with his intimidating aura and vermillion eyes but he's attracting girls with his ethereal looks.

Good thing Ak'hilheim is a city of diversity. Seeing various type of people here is not surprising.

The entire street is crowded with people already.

Wow, this city sure is really busy.

Faram eyes me from head to toe for a moment but says nothing. He unwinds his arms, "I'm glad you're done," he says in a rather stern tone. "Let's go."


We headed to a tavern after that

We headed to a tavern after that.

But I noticed Emis sat on a different table alone. "Should we call her to join us?" I asked

"It's alright, let her be— unless you don't mind letting your own food get eaten." Scias answered in a scoff. "You'll see what I mean in a little while"

Soon our orders were served. One huge plate each with large mug of drinks to go with it. But on the other table, where Emis sat, dozens of dishes were served before her. It was enough to feed a dozen men.

"Hey, dig in!" Aide taps at me when she noticed me watching Emis. "She'll be more than fine alone!" she added.

I nodded and began to eat in peace.

My eyes began to wander around. There were so many different and interesting characters seen in the tavern. Almost everyone was wearing equipments fit for adventure. I wonder if everyone here is either a mercenary or plain travelers?

My eyes soon aligned to where Emis sat. She was hogging the food down like a glutton. It's kinda scary. 💧


There are men walking towards her; three of which wore a smirk, plastered on their faces.

"You better eat fast. It's going to become a graveyard here soon."

I looked at Scias who spoke and noticed Aide was trying to finish her plate fast; Scias is done eating; and Faram is just eating at his own pace.

I wonder what he meant by that?

"I'm almost done." I answered, trying to eat faster anyhow.

I turned to where Emis is and saw the men mocking her. Maybe because she's eating tons of food alone— for such a small body too.

Emis played deaf and went on devouring all food before her.

And then, one of the men finally took the very plate she was eating from the table and stole her fork away from her grasp.

That's going too far, I thought.

Emis paused and turned to the men with cold dead eyes.

Faram stood up.

"Time to go." Aide says, standing up as well.

"At least we finished our meals this time," Scias says cheerfully while casually scratching his chin.

I just stood up along with them. I'm not done yet but Faram was already walking towards the exit so I just complied. Aide left the payment on the table as a waitress came and picked it up.

I followed the three outside, closing the door after me.

"How about Emis?"


The ground vibrates as a loud noise is heard from the inside.

"Emis..." I turned around and reached for the door.

"You don't want to go back in there, trust me." Scias grabbed my shoulder,

"If they found out you're with her, they will ask you to pay for the damages, that's why." Aide explains, "You don't want to wash dishes and reconstruct the walls, do you?"

"...N-no." 💧

Now, I get it.

"I'm going to look for Claude." Faram says, as he went shooting like a rocket up in midair and then disappears in a blink of an eye.

"Let's go look for an inn" Aide says

I sense something rushing our way so I side-stepped. Scias did the same.

And as if on cue, the door came bursting open along with some parts of the wall as one of the men from before that was trying to bully Emis is seen thrown on the open road. He barrel rolled towards the next building.

I took a peek from the inside and saw Emis standing on a table, she is smiling wickedly while holding something in her hand. There were some things also crawling on the ground around her. She seems to be having fun... in a twisted kind of way... 💧

Huh? What are those crawling things?

I can sense negative energy prowling about.

The tavern is dark despite the open windows.

Customers began to exit the place too.

Aide began to walk away even before I could have figured out what those things are, "Let's try the Sahb'il District. I think there are inn's there where we can stay for a while 'till Faram returns."

Scias followed after her, "I want to walk around the bazaar more though, I heard they have interesting things there!"

"Wait!" I hurried to go after them.

I suppose they're so used to it by now that they're just really gonna leave Emis behind, huh?

I suppose they're so used to it by now that they're just really gonna leave Emis behind, huh?

I mindlessly went on walking just a little behind Aide, admiring the vast array of merchandises seen around us while merchants are trying to call out for attention here and there.

But when we reached an intersection, Scias halted and pulled Aide to stop as well.

"Hey Aide, maybe we can drop by that place." Scias stated, nudging an elbow at her.

"I was actually thinking the same..."

They were looking at the far end of the road from another street. I followed their line of sight and saw a crowd of people huddled in one place.

When I look back at them I noticed they were now looking at me. "Hey, I'm just curious!" Aide grinned, "Have you ever watched something where you can gain money from it after?"

"You mean gamble...?" I crunched my brows, crossing my arms together.

"N-no! It's... like a competition!" Scias vindicated.

"Yet you bet on something with money to earn more money..." Aide added, "It will be helpful because you can triple your money!"

"Or lose all of it..." I supplied.

"Uhh— well... that's true on rare occasions, hahah...haha...ha!"

"It's fun. You should come with us!"

I glared at them indifferently.

"You want me to join you guys in gambling? Umm, I don't actually have any money with me for betting."

"That's good! Because in there you can gain a lot. I'll lend you some!"

I grunted a sigh.

"No need. I'll just come along and watch."

It's not as if I could be separated from them anyway.

And I don't want to go back where Emis is either.

"You won't regret it!" Scias says almost in a sing-song.

We headed towards the huge crowd of men. They were noisy and cheering here and there as clashing sounds is heard echoing around. The place is like a small clearing, marginated by buildings, like an alleyway, only wider and more sunlight is drawn. There weren't any colorful canopy of cloths here, only sabat of buildings that adjoined each other are seen.

We squeezed our way to the front and saw a large stage like pedestal, protruding from the ground made of concrete; it served as a form of match ring where two large men can be seen fighting.

I saw Aide and Scias talk to someone on the side while they took out their money.

I sighed.

And just watch the ongoing match.

Soon someone was finally thrown off the round stage and the winner was announced.

People began counting money.

"Alright! I'm betting on me!" Aide unrolls her non existent sleeves and stepped in the ring.

💧 "Uhh... is this wise?" I asked Scias who was screaming his lungs out, cheering.

"What's wiser is you would know who will win! Now this is called 'easy money!'"

"That's not what I mean! Aren't we suppose to go low profile?" I tagged at his sleeve to make him listen.

"Relax. This is legal so there won't be any royal guards in this area!" he answered but his eyes is fixated on where Aide stood.

A huge bulk man stepped in the ring and the crowd roared.

Taking sides began and the bets are down.

I just rubbed my temples, shaking my head in dismay. This is not what I meant by 'hiding in plain sight'

A man who acts like some kind of umpire signals the match to begin while standing on the borders, closely watching the fight.

The huge bulked man charged towards Aide like a raging bull, making the ground shake with every step he makes.

Aide just smirked, unmoving.

His fist crunched tight on the side, then plunged it towards Aide as he finally closed the gap in between.

But Aide just stretch a hand, clawed at it, and impeded the blow. Air pressure blew like a bomb.

I squinted, peering through the dust clouds for a moment,

Aide abruptly grabbed her opponent's arm, swerved to the side and flipped the man over head,

slamming him down the ground in one swift move.

And as if that wasn't enough, she quickly took him by the collar, grabbed a portion of his shirt and up he goes, carried with both arms stretched way above her head

and with one throw—

he was hauled out of the ring and into the open space behind the crowd.

The winner is announced.

And the crowd had mixed reactions.

"That's right! Fill in the sack!" Scias sung as he gathered the money he won.

Well, at least we're gaining something out of this, I thought.

Such a fast fight.

"Who's next!!!" Aide challenged.

"I'll bet on the kid!!!" One voice yelled.

All eyes suddenly shifted at me.


"Nah, he's with me." Aide answered, crossing her arms together. "So, no one else is man enough to try and fight me?"

"I'll go!" And another clueless one steps in.

I just crossed my arms together and waited until everything rolls and for sure, Aide will win again.

I find it somehow amusing that no one here has any idea that they are going against the third most strongest mercenary of Ouboros...

Shame these two are wasting their strength in silly matches like this, I thought.

A minute or two passed and the winner was again announced.

"Fill the sack! Don't be shy! That's it! That's it!"

I watch Scias walk around taking money from those who lost the bet.

The third was faster than the second win and then the fourth, the fifth... sixth.

I lost count eventually and just watch until nobody bothered trying anymore.

Aide steps down the ring and earned a huge coin sack of gold coins.

I wonder if I can ask them now if I could buy shoes....

"Hey!" One man steps out of the crowd; he walks towards where Scias and Aide stood in a corner. "I will bet on ten thousand worth of gold if you send your kid up the ring."

"He's not our kid!" Scias retorted almost immediately. "He's our comrade."

"Yeah yeah. So what ya say?"

The man has a crisp bronze skin, almost red, and leery dark rimmed eyes. He wore a turban on his head and a fine looking garb. If I have to guess, this man is a merchant of sort.

I focused my attention at the two. Scias and Aide were whispering amongst themselves. I have a bad feeling about this so I sharpened my senses and eavesdrop from where I stood.

"Are you crazy?! Faram will be furious!" Aide whispered in a grunt.

"She'll be fine. We all saw how she killed the dæmon back at Greenrun!"

"She's Faram's only apprentice! Are you seriously going to gamble her for the sake of ten thousand gold?!"

"Yep! The kid is stronger than she looks" Scias argued. "Faram has a reason why he chose her of all children."

"You're fucking crazy! There is no way I will let you send her in that ring. Faram will skin us alive!"

"Nah. Just trust her. She'll be fine!"

"AHEM!" The merchant interrupted, "How about I'll triple the deal? Ten thousand gold for each of you if the boy wins."

I looked at Aide and Scias.

They were already looking at me with hawk eyes.

💧 geez...


But if I did win then I'll get my own ten thousand gold, right? I can buy my own shoes without asking them anymore.

"Alrigh— I mean, Yeah! S-sure! I'm in!"

"Yass— *Ahem. I mean, are you sure?" Aide looked at me, looking so conflicted.

"It can't be helped if he volunteers himself, right?" Scias shrugged.

"I'll get ten thousand worth of gold coins too, right? All three of us... if I win?"

The merchant nodded with a mischievous smile.

I want to see how strong I am, I'm sure Aide and Scias won't let me die out here anyway.

So I marched towards the ring and climbed up.

The crowd went wild.

"Who are ya betting on, old man?" Scias says in a sneer.

The merchant stepped aside and a man in cloak walked 'front.

He climbed the ring and stood before me in silence.

I watch him take his cloak off and revealed a scary looking guy. He seems like a seasoned assassin with his face all covered leaving only his sharp small eyes in the open.

"Just throw him out the ring!" Aide hollered at me.

I nodded, taking a deep breath with my chest feeling so congested.

I'm nervous.

"Ahh, I forgot to say but if the boy lost, he's mine."

"WHA—!?" Aide almost exploded but Scias grabbed her arm.

"It's fine." He says, trying to calm Aide, "But we really don't like renegers. We will count on the winning money, are we clear?" Scias tone was rather serious. His eyes are cold as his sneer was wry.

"Of course!" The merchant claps his hands and a man behind him walks front to show three sacks of gold coins. "It's all ready!"

Everyone nods in agreement.

Uhh— so I'm going to become a slave if I lost.

Hmm... I doubt Aide and Scias will allow that though. I'm confident Faram won't allow that either.

So I just shrugged.

All I need to worry about is getting that reward money.

I need new shoes.

The umpire steps in the ring.

His hand is raised


And so the match commences.