
Chapter 463 Undead VS Robot

Aldred stared at Stella's mirror which was floating in the air. The mirror revealed the image of the city from the sky. A lot of flying vehicles scanned the buildings and the streets at all times, looking for them.

"Will they find us?" Aldred asked.

"Nope," Barne said. "I have lived here for decades, and they hadn't found me yet. Unless they start digging underground."

Suddenly, a loud beep sound came from Naley's waist. She grabbed the device and widened her eyes in shock. "It's the tunneler. The robots are digging underground."

"Oh, fuck!" Barne stomped his little, wrinkled, old feet on the ground.

"What are we going to do?" Stella asked. "Should we destroy them?"

"No." Naley shook her head. "They will know that we are here if we do that."

Aldred laughed. "In that case, I will destroy the robots in other cities."

"That will also be suspicious. All robots in other cities are destroyed, but not here? Surely, he will know what we are doing."