
Reincarnated as Robb Stark with gifts

Shut-in gets reincarnated as Robb Stark with the power of Jean Grey and the regeneration of wolverine. Power fantasy from someone who tries to write something for fun. ------------------------------------- Trying my hand at writing, I'm not most knowledgeable about all the characters in G.O.T most of what I know is coming from TV or Fanfics. Writing in Grammarly but even then English is my second language and I learned it at home so expect some errors. ------------------------------------- Disclaimer, I do not own Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire if I did I would be rich. This is Fan-Fic!

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Chapter 2


After that incident, I started planing the demise of Septa and the fall of the temple that is in Winderfall. I started to chip away at foundations little by little. I also put compulsion on Septa that she started to have dreams of massive weirwoods with angry faces. I want her to run from here and to share her story of angry gods.

I managed to bring Temple down at night when it was empty and that night I sent a particularly nasty dream to a Septa. She woke up yelling and after finding that Temple is destroyed she packed up and ran yelling about angry gods.

After that people started to share rumors about Old Gods, that they do not welcome the Seven in the north. I was happy with this outcome. Jon confronted me and I told him about the teaching of Seven and how they look at bastards and magic, he understood that I will not have something like that in my home.


My life continued like normal after septa left even mother switched to an Old Gods, after so many years of soft and subtle compulsion she decided that Old Gods were better. She even asked Ned for a ceremony under the weirwood tree. It was a nice family event. I, my brother Jon and my sister Sansa attended. This pulled the family together like nothing else.

I managed to persuade mom and dad to let Maester Luwin teach Sansa all he can. She has a bright mind and she doesn't like violence.


Years passed and soon enough I was 9 years old and my father starts to include me in his ruling of the North. I jumped at the chance and since I had a reputation of genius it wasn't an issue to convince my father about some projects I wanted.

First was the implementation of crop rotation, I wanted to have self-sustained North by the time I became a Lord. Next were my inventions of the plow, tools for farming, etc. The last thing was to create a fabric for glass making. After I described a process a thought will make a glass father got together few educated people under my command to try it.

It took a lot of tries and experiments but in the end, we managed to refind the process.

Other changes will come when I become a Lord, ideas like public school will not be accepted from 9 years old.

Other than that Arya was finally born.


Years passed and my ideas started to bring fruits, lords started talking about me as Blessed by Old Gods. I of course only encouraged it, when I reveal my powers I can say they come from them.

I started to teach Sansa archery, she didn't like it but I insisted that she will be able to defend herself.

"Sansa, I love you and I don't want to lose my sister because she didn't know how to shoot some bandit between the eyes," I said seriously

After that, she relented and continued to train.

Also, I started to play with Theon Greyjoy's mind, I added compulsions for loyalty to House Stark, lessen the memories of Pike and his family there, I also curbed the pride of his house. I didn't trust him one bit and I didn't have any calms about doing it to him. Iron Islands is full of rapists and bandits, sooner or later I will destroy them.

I also started training with our master-at-arms Rodrik Cassel, after he found out about my strength he started training me and Jon in combat. Thanks to our regeneration our mussels picked up a lot of mass and with my strength further increased by Telekinesis I developed my own fighting style. I named it suitably TANK combat, essentially I have commissioned a massive tower shield with a long greatsword, my focus is on defense while I chare through enemy lines as you guessed it TANK. I also commissioned a massive full-plate with a closed helmet with only Y opening for eyes and mouth. The whole armor weighs 52kg and sword + shield another 25kg if I don't enhance my strength I would not be able to move in that. But because I can that means in battle I should be unstoppable.

Jon on the other hand wears custom-made leather armor with plate padding, he uses 2 shortswords. Jon focuses on speed and agility in battle and with help of regeneration and training, he is at the level of a supersoldier. We both can fight Rodrik on equal grounds after a few months.

Other than that in years to come I got two new


After my 14 birthday, my father called me to the solar. Opening the door a see him setting behind the table going over some documents.

"Robb, come sit." He said. I briefly look into his mind and see why I'm here. They caught deserter from Black Watch.

"You will come with me, we will interrogate him and behead him. Do you know why am I going personally?" He asks

"Yes, father. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die. That is what you told me" I said

"Yes, that's why we ride in the morning. And bring Jon with you. " He said

"Now onto the other matter, you are getting older and we should discuss the betrothal, do you have some input?" He asks.

I thought about it for a long time, I didn't like him choosing someone for me or for politics but if I must have then I want someone fierce, someone, that is not afraid of battle. One name that is of the north and who would be acceptable from what I remember is Lyanna Mormont.

"I thought about it," I say

"Oh? who did you have in mind?" asks Ned, From his thought, I saw that he was surprised that I wasn't simply brushing the issue aside.

"Lyanna Mormont, I don't want to have a wife that is afraid of fighting. I want someone fierce to spend my life with and women of house Mormont are warriors. And they are bannermen this would strengthen our ties in the north. " I explain, hopefully, he will accept that.

He looks surprised yet again "Mormont? I didn't think you would suggest them, fine it is your decision and it's the one I approve. I will send a letter later today for them to come to Winterfell and I will suggest the match," he said

I was pleased with this outcome. We will see when Lyanna arrives if we fit, only time will tell.


A few weeks after our discussion the Mormont House arrived. In the head of the soldiers ride on the horse Maege Mormont, beside her sat on horse Lyanna, she is a pretty young girl with black hair, her build is slim but I could see some mussels. She sat on a horse like a warrior she is. I smiled at that.

From her thoughts I picked up that she was nervous about the marriage proposal and excited about meeting me, it seems my fame as blessed by God's reached House Mormont.

We stand as welcome, me, my two sisters, and three brothers. Sansa, Arya, Jon, Branand Rickon

"Welcome Maege," Ned said and servants bring bread and salt

"Greetings, Ned. So this is the one that you propose marriage my daughter." Maege gets right to the point. I like her already, no flowery words or other such nonsense. She has calculative looks in the eyes.

"This is Lyanna Mormont." She introduces her daughter.

Getting a better look at her I can see that in few years she will grow into a beautiful woman. Scanning her mind I see that she is intelligent and fierce, exactly the combination I'm looking for.

My dad introduces us "This is my wife Catelyn. My oldest, Robb. Next to him are Jon Snow, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and my youngest Rickon. Welcome to Winterfell."

After the introductions, we moved to the castle. I wanted to get better aquatinted with Lyanna so I asked. "Lady Lyanna would you accompany me to a training yard? I heard women of house Mormont are trained in sword and that they are all warriors."

She swelled with pride for her house "Of course Lord Stark, maybe we could spar?" She asks.

Moving to the courtyard we came across Jon going against 5 men, he wears his custom-made leather armor with two curved shortswords.

They have him surrounded, first one charge with a sword up, Jon easily parries and with one kick the man is on the ground. After that display remaining men charge, Jon moves inhumanly fast and dodges the first two while parring the other two with his swords. Then he proceeds to dismantle the. In the end, five men are on the ground and Jon doesn't even breathe hard.

"Impressive," I hear from my side.

"Yeah, Jon is fast," I comment. Moving to a training yard.

"Jon!" I wave with a smile. He notices me coming to him with Lyanna and jovially waves.

"Robb and Lady Lyanna, it's nice to meet you," he said with a smile.

"We were just about to spar but I think it would be better if we show her first, just you and me. What do you say?" I say,

"What do you want to show me? I'm sparring at home reguralery." Lyanna ask

"Lady Lyanna, let us show you, and then you will see hmm?" John asks with a smirk, he has come a long way from shy and unwanted Bastart that he was in Show to the confident young man he is now.

"Fine" She answers dubiously

We move to an arena, Jon moves for his favorite two curved shortswords while I pick up training tower shield and greatsword. They are a lot lighter than my custom made and without armor to slow me down I should be faster than Jon even with this.

We move opposite each other. "Ready?" I ask with a smirk

"Ready" Jon reply with the same smirk on his face.

I start to sprint at him with my shield raised, he dodges and tries for my back but my greatsword is already in position. I slam the shield to his side, he flew few meters but soon recover. With regeneration, we don't need to hold back. He sprints at me I position the shield but instead of dodging he uses it as a ramp jumping above me, I didn't anticipate that so he gets a slash on my back. These are training swords so no harm was done, we don't want people to know about our regeneration just yet.

I pick up Lyanas thoughts while we fight. She finds us impressive and she is really surprised that we can fight this good. Not to mention how she reacted when I picked up my greatsword and tower shield. She even finds me handsome. This is looking good.

Now back to fight, after he slashes me I start to swing my sword wildly, he knows that he cannot block me so he tries to dodge all the time. I feign and then change the trajectory of the greatsword. Jon tries to dodge but gets hit by the flat side of the sword that throws him in the air, just as he lands on the ground I am on him with a sword at his neck

"I surrender" Jon declares,

"Good fight Jon!" I say boisterously giving him a hand.

Walking back to wide-eyed Lyanna I ask with a smirk

"So what do you think?"

"That was amazing, how are you so strong? That sword and shield must have weight at least 20kg." She asks.

"meh, they are light compared to my gear. You should see it when you have time tomorrow. What do you say?" I askň

"Yea, sure." We quieted down. She starts to fidget and from her thoughts, I pick up that she is nervous about me so I decided to tell her.

"You know what I said to my father when he asked me about marriage?"

"No, mother told me that he proposed a match between you and me," she said

"Yes, it was my idea you know?" I say casually

She is surprised "Why?" she asks.

"Because I heard about you Mormont woman," I say with smile "better warriors that most of the man, She-bears they call you. Fierce and inteligent." She starts to blush "You know when I started to get older and mother started to looking for a match south I knew I must do something soon, it was a godsend that father asked me first."

"Why would you not want southern Lady?" Lyanna asks

"Why would I do?" I exclaim " I want someone that will be by my side through thick and thin. In the castle and on the battlefield that is the reason I recommended you. She-bear of the bear island"

She is blushing now, so cute. "Come, let's see how good you are with that sword of yours. " I trie to wind her up

She got a determined expression " You are on Stark!"

We spar for a while and I get her some pointers. She is really good for her age, with regeneration and training she could become the third most powerful warrior on Planetos. First, being me cheater of course, and second Jon the Swift. We will see.
