
Chapter 70: The young devils gathering

Saji could be seen floating in a giant purple trancelucent egg, the egg shone slightly as it cracked open and with mighty roar the blonde burst out of the egg. Right now his looks improved drastically as his dragonic eyes shone.

Issei:"Here get dressed we still have training to do." Issei threw him a pair of clothes, the blonde caught it and nodded with a confident smile on his face.

-The young devils gathering-

Rias, Sona and their peerage minus a certain vampire and blonde, something outside was happening that garnered the attention of a few people, everyone went outside to see a giant mechanical red dragon, flying towards their location. Seekvaira couldn't believe what she was seeing, she's a huge mecha fan she was currently drooling.

The dragon landed down with the cockpit opening revealing Issei piloting it and jumping out was Saji, Gasper and Millicas in clothes similar to the drop set except they all wore jackets similar to the ones Issei made for Rias's peerage.

Sona:"Saji is that you?"

Rias:"Gasper Millicas!?"

Gasper:"Yo Rias wassup!" said Gasper he was wearing a cap with the same fur hoody expcet it had white and black colours, he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath it though, he was also wearing baggy shorts that stopped at his knee and golden coloured sneakers.

Saji:"It's good to see you again President." said Saji he died part of his hair purple and he was wearing a suit with a purple undershirt, with a tie, he wore his jacket over his shoulders like a cape.

Millicas:"Rias-Oneesan." said Millicas he tied his hoodie around his waist, he was wearing black jeans pants and a red hoodie along with silver armbands on his wrist.

Sona:"Saji what...happened?"

Saji:"I've simply gotten stronger, I would also request a game chess of you don't mind." said Saji, his attitude completely suprised the entire Sitri group who had slight blushes on their faces.

Sona:"Yes I'd love that." she said.

Rias:"So how was your training?" asked Rias, however all three of them had a mini panic attack, the three boy looked as if they were having traumatic flashbacks.

Rias:"So the same."

Momo:"Are they gonna be ok?" asked the girl.

Rias:"It's fine they'll get over it just a few months of therapy will help." said Rias as Koneko picked up Gasper and Millicas while Tsubasa picked up Saji.

Seekvaira:"Is that yours?" asked a dazed Seekvaira, Issei just remembered she is a huge mecha fan.

Issei:"Yeah I made it."

Seekvaira:"What's it's called?"

Issei:"The [Boosted Mech] or [Scarlet Dragoon] which ever rolls better with you." The girl began to talk with Issei until the party where Koneko ran off Gasper noticed as well and decided to follow Rias along. Issei watched Kuroka and Koneko have their back and forth.

Issei:"So this is quite the party."

Kuroka:"My my isn't the Red Dragon Emperor."

Issei:"Kuroka I'm currently gathering evidence to prove your innocents, you'll have time to be with you sister soon." This shocked them all as their eyes widened.

Kuroka:"How do you!"

Issei:"I've been gathering information on the family you were with and I'm close to finding evidence to prove you innocents."

Koneko:"So you weren't drunk on power?"

Kuroka:"Bikou let's go." She said as they dissapeared. Issei pat the sad Koneko on her head who had her ears down.

Issei:"It's okay just gimme a while ok." she looked towards Issei and smiled, they went back to the party to see Loki summoning Fenrir who was blasted by a wave of [Conquerer's Haki] the pressure suprised Odin who looked at Issei.

Loki:"Fenrir why are stopping?" Issei walked upto the wolf and stretched out the plan of his hand.

Issei:"Shake." The wolf did so as Issei began to pet wolf who acted like cute little puppy.

Loki:"Fenrir how dare you betra-!" his body was covered in Enkidu's chains.

Issei:"Shut up I'm petting my dog here."

Later all the younger devils expressed their dreams and Sona who said she wanted to open up a rating game accessible for all classes.

???:"Hahaha! What a joke, something as stupid as that can never happen!" mocked an older devil. The elder devils began to make fun of her dream, however Issei's dragon aura shook the entire place.

Issei:"I'm sorry but I'll have a disagree, a school like that would be incredibly important, due to the alliance we have with the other two factions, as the other two factions will be taking part in Rating Games, they don't have the same class system as you devils and it would be unfair to the low class." No one said a word they knew what he was saying was the truth that and he's the representative for all three biblical factions they saw what he did to Rizer they never want to experience that.

Issei:"Also Sona congratulations it seems your dream will come true, though it was inevitable."

Sona:"What makes you say that?"

Issei:"Simple most of the high-class so far has been stupid, you devils has so much potential yet you don't train, you only ever use your natural talent, talent only gives you a earlier starting point, do you think most of the Satans are their because they sat on their assess."

Some wanted to retort but they couldn't due to sensing Issei's power, they knew if they spoke out of line not even the Satans would show mercy on them. Sirzechs then announced the first Rating Game match Souna versus Rias. The gathering went on until the Rating Games where Saji and Gasper went toe to toe, the fight was fairly even hell they already surpassed Rias and Sona in some sense.

That night however Issei walked up to Sairaorg, suprising him quite a bit.

Issei:"Your Sairaorg right?"

Sairaorg:"It's a pleasure to meet the Biblical Dragon himself." said Sairaorg with respect.

Issei:"Is that what's you guys are calling me now, we need to work on that name." said Issei with his hand to his chin.

Sairaorg:"I see Issei-sama may I ask why your talking to me not to sound rude."

Issei:"Dude can you quit it with the honorifics your older than me man." Sairaorg was suprised by Issei

Sairaorg:"I apologize."

Issei:"You mind giving me your hand." he nodded but did so Issei placed a finger on his palm and summoned his [Boosted Gear E-Neo].

[EVOLUTION!!!] Rang out throughout the hall as the almost nonexistent demonic power from Sairaorg surged forth suprising everyone there, the [Power of Destruction] clear in his aua.

Sairaorg:"This is!?"

Issei:"I simply altered your genetics a bit with an ability of mine, congrats you've now awakened the [PoD], however don't let this dissuade you from training your body got that!"

Sairorg:Yes sir....but can you help me control this I don't know how?"