
Reincarnated as ichigo

Tai is a fifteen year old boy who leads a life’s of poverty his father had died due to natural cancer and his mother had struggled to get by. But one day Kai dies Due to unfortunate events but is then reincarnated as ichigo! Travel with tai on his adventures and see how he changes the story of bleach from the inside out!

KidHermes_Infin8 · Seni bela diri
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9 Chs

Awaken Ichigo Kurosaki

[Author note: okay so two things 1) I am very sorry for not updating daily as I promised but a few personal problems arised and I'm very sorry but I promise to keep my schedule this time so make sure to stay tune. For more chapters 2) I'm going to start referring to tai as ichigo soon to avoid confusion but if you guys want me to remain calling him tai comment that you do and I shall change it back]

[Chirp,Chirp Chirp]

Tai was fast asleep on a comfortable single bed until just a moment ago, he had woken up due to the bright light shining from his green curtains and the noise from the birds "Damn it..I got no sleep yesterday because of the old ma-" Tai had then paused "B-because Of the old man.. wait what am I talking about?" Tai then immediately jumped out of his bed."W-wait where the HELL AM I?" Tai had then looked around frantically "All right Tai let's chill out..." Tai took a deep breath while still looking around "This place it looks familiar..".Tai then looked to to his side where he was greeted to a picture on top of his draw which he grabbed with his right hand and inspected "W-wait isn't ichigo kurosaki and his si-" Another sharp pain inflicted Tai's head (similar to the last time with god) as memories of ichigo kurosaki had begun to flood into his mind "ARGH-" it had only lasted for a second but it had made tai fall to his knees "T-these memories aren't these..no way..no way!" He then ran to the door as Ichigo's father was just about ready to wake up ichigo next to his door.


Tai quickly slammed the door on his new fathers face leaving him twitching on the floor with his nose a bit bruised while running towards the bathroom instinctively knowing where it is. He then opened the bathroom door and gazed into the mirror. He then began to touch around his face in amazement a young man in his teens with orange hair and a tall build was looking back at him "Hah...It's all true...meeting god wasn't a dream I'm...I'm.." Tai hen swung his head back and took a deep breath before swinging it back forward and shouting with glee "IM ICHIGO KUROSAKI!!" A big smile was plastered on Tai's face that he couldn't seem to get rid off. As Tai was filled with excitement isshin then entered the bathroom holding his nose "Son What has you so excited this morning?" Tai turned back a bit surprised but trying to think of an excuse "U-Um nothing important don't even worry about it" Tai then began to try wave his hand nonchalantly to avoid suspicion "Oh I see...But did you really though did you could hide such a thing from me?" Tai then gulped "Haha I have no idea what your talking about." At this point Tai felt as if his insides where sweating there's no way isshin found out already right? "Your probably thinking there's no way I'd found out already aren't I right?" Ishhin said as Tai began to worry even more "How d-" Isshin then interrupted and began to talk over to ichigo " IT'S PAINFULLY OBVIOUS THE REASON YOU HIT ME WITH THE DOOR WAS BECAUSE YOU WHERE SECRETLY HIDING A GIRL IN YOUR ROOM AND FINALL BECOME A REAL M-"


Before isshin had even finished his sentence Tai had already instinctively kicked His face in "Keep you perverted fantasies to yourself old man!" Tai yelled as Isshin was kicked all the way to downstairs leaving his bruised nose in an even worse state as he was now dazed. Karin and Yuzu noticed this while eating breakfasts "Another normal day" They had thought right before continuing the breakfast

[Back to tai upstairs]

After chilling out tai had then thought to himself "Wow I suppose along with the memories I'm just as strong as ichigo too...he then tightened his fist "Alright I'm 14 at the moment according to ichigo's memories I was given so roughly around 1 year until I meet Rukia I need to plan before then and probably get stronger if possible I'd like to-make sure a couple of things change and to do that strength is a must."


Tai jumped back landing on a toilet seat smashing his head towards the back of a wall but tai was smiling. "So this was that final gift eh?" A blue transparent screen had appeared before Tai which had read two words.