
Entrance exam

These 8 months have been long but I have also made a lot of progress for example I have completely mastered my attacks that I have made up till now and now I am only waiting for my demon slayer mode to activate.

My physical condition has also reached another level now I can take at least 45 % of one for all attack head on without using haki or ki. Ace has also learnt haki the basic level while my haki is at the master level.

Momo has made a lot of progress as well, she changed her style to a gunner type where she uses her quirk to make various types of bullets such as poisonous, electric etc.

Nejire has also become more Stronger than Conon, midoriya is probably still tye crybaby he was but let's leave the unwanted matters now my and nejire relationship has gone to the next level we did it. Yahoooooo If you want to know how it was, it was great.


now we are standing in front of the gate to ua but damn this is huge. I knew from the anime that it was huge but in real life this is way bigger than what I was expecting.

Why did we not go through recommendations well it is pretty simple.


"Son we will give the recommendation forms to the ua school, should we fill ace's too?" mom asked me and I just look at ace.

"thanks mam but I want to go through the normal exam and see where I stand" replied ace while looking at my mom and then nodded at me.

"if ace isn't going through recommendation then neither am I" I said out loud looking at my mom as well.

"if brother isn't going then neither am I" momo joined in and supported us, after seeing our reaction our parents couldn't help but sigh.

"OK, but promise not to get hurt" mom said.

"OK" ace I and momo said together.


so that's how we ended up going to the normal exam. We just went to the written exam hall I could see sonic, crybaby and loud speaker and the rest are well irrelevant. The incident happened where sonic interrupted loud speaker then pointed at crybaby and shouted some nonsense to which crybaby was on the verge of tears and then finally loud speaker said his dialogue and sonic became embarrassed.

That was the whole summary of the written part. Now for the best part that is the practical one I was assigned to city b, momo was assigned to city C and ace was assigned to city A. I headed to my city and found out that crybaby AkA midoriya was in my city.

I just ignored him and soon the gates were open I just started to run without any care I knew that there would be no countdown so I just went to break some robot. I didn't use ice because it would be too easy and I doubt that anyone could score a point with my ice attacks.

"Hey that's cheating" shouted some irrelevant people I just ignored them and just destroyed the robot in front of my with a single punch.

'he must have a strength enhancing quirk' thought a few people and started showing jealousy

'he has an ice quirk so he just broke a robot with his pure strength' thought a quirk nerd while having a despairing look on his face.

The were broken out of their trance by the loud speaker "what are you waiting for? There is no count down in life and death situations go go go". And all of them started running like headless chickens.

I was already quite a bit ahead of them I used my ki to sense the robots I wasn't going to use haki or ki to attack, I will only use ki to locate the robot. I sense 3 robots that are closest to me and just dash there. These were 2 1-pointer and 1 2-pointer I just jumped on the closest one shattering his neck and then kicked off the robot towards the other two.

I just pierced right my arm through the 2 pointer and just caught the right punch thrown by the 1 pointer, 'this was really disappointing but I still will get to fight the zero pointer so let's just finish these scums' I thought as a fight thirsty smile made its way towards my face I just twisted the 1 pointers fist and just kicked its head off.

I again used ki to find more robots I wasn't planning on rescuing some one I was just going to be the first through villian points because I wanted to push my body to the limits. I quickly made my way to a group of seven robots there were 4 3-pointers and 3 2-pointers. They immediately noticed me so I quickly dashed towards them and used swift movements to quickly finish them off.

I had located the motherboards of all the pointers so breaking the rest of the robots was easy I just pierce my hand through their motherboards and just destroy them.

In the observatory room

"how is that kid destroying all the robot with such ease?" said midnight as she noticed the camera recording gray.

Noticing her reaction they also looked at the camera but all were surprised at the show of sheer strength. "even with a quirk enhancing quirk it should take atleast a punch to pierce through a thick layer of metal" said Mr. Lady as she had a surprised face on her look.

"show me the kids file" said eraser head as he also had a tint of interest on his face but that soon turned into a surprised face. It was rare for aisawa to show such a face so everyone became curious.

"what is his quirk?" asked toshinori with a worried face as he thought about his successor.

"his quirk is ice manipulation" said aisawa to which nearly everyone had an O in their mouth. Nezu just casually sipped some tea but toshinori was a mess 'the kid can rival one for all with raw strength alone? This is going to be a tough competition for you young midoriya' thought to himself as he looked at the scree where his successor was being displayed.

"it seems we should release it to see his quirk" said Nezu as his hand reached out for the red button on his table.

Back to gray

I have almost takes down 1/3 of the robots I will leave the rest for the others I just go to take a seat and wait for the zero pointer to come. But I didn't have to wait any longer because as I was sitting down the ground started shaking. I just started dashing towards the zero pointer.


the ground started shaking a a huge robot towering over the buildings appeared the sheer size of the robot was enough to discourage most of the students, the ones that weren't discouraged started dispairing because of the power of the gaint robot it just waved it arms and the strong air currents were enough to destroy buildings.

All started running but there were a few unlucky one that were trapped under the debris falling from the destroyed buildings.

The giant robot stated making its way towards the horde of children and breaking the buildings in its ways like they were made up of paper. Soon it reached towards the children that were trapped under the debris and started to cock his arm backwards preparing for a punch.

While this was happening the hero's in the observatory room were panicking as the zero pointer was out of control. Toshinori could not transform himself because he had already used up his time. The other hero's were also panicking because none of the hero's present there could reach their fast enough.

But as the punch was about to hit the students a boy appeared his shirt ripped off showing his great muscles he had black hair reaching upto his neck. He stood in front of the zero pointers punch as an unmovable mountain. As the punch neared him he also readied his punch and both there punch came in contact with each other which created shochwaves.

Meanwhile a green haired guy was helping all the trapped people using his quirk he was lifting all the debris and throwing it away and helping the people that were stuck.

As the Shockwaves ended the zero pointer had a huge crack going up its right hand soon reaching its head. Even the teachers and hero's that were looking from the observation room were shocked but they also saw how the Young man's hand was broken.

but that wasn't enough to take the robot down and the black haired knew that so he quickly followed up and jumped on the robots right arm and started climbing up the robots hand with a broken arm. The robot tried to take the blue haired guy down buy squishing him but he was too slow and hit its own arm breaking it off.

The blue haired guy jumped the highest he could into the air and started spinning really quickly. As he was spinning at a great speed gravity worked on him and he started falling down but that was what he wanted he used all the momentum he gained from the spinning and kicked the zero pointer in the head.

BOOM explosions started appearing on the falling body of the zero pointer the force of the kick was soo high that shock waver were generated by the kick.

As he was falling suddenly all might appeared and caught him "you did well young yaoyorozu" were the last words gray heard before going unconscious.

(AN - gray didn't use haki or ki because he wanted to challenge himself and gain experience on fighting with someone that was stronger than him)