
Chapter 5: Reincarnator Problems 

Chapter 5: Reincarnator Problems

-Kaminari House -

*Kirari POV*

We arrived back home after a silent and awkward drive. As if to match the somber mood, the cloudy night sky decided that it was a perfect time for some rain.

Denki fell asleep along the way so Mom carried him to our room to put him in bed. We share the same room, which is fine since we are still young. Even though he's older than me, I can only see him as a cute pet that followed me around sometimes. Imagine a human-sized dog slowly learning how to walk on two legs and learning how to speak. That's how I saw him. But now, he's starting to get annoying. He keeps leaving his toys around in a mess. Good thing I have my past life memories to help me avoid experiencing stepping on them like Legos. Anyways, I would like my own room soon, thank you very much. My birthday is a few months after Denki's so maybe I can ask for one then.

While Denki was put to bed, the rest of us stayed in the living room so that we can start 'the talk.' Honestly, I wasn't expecting it so soon in my new life. Mom sat down on the couch next to my Dad, and I sat across from them on an opposite seat.

"Kirari… about what the doctor said-"

"About Onii-chan's electric quirk? It's really cool huh. As expected from my Onii-chan!" I interrupted my Dad and tried to avoid 'the talk.'

"Hm? Ah yes. Denki's quirk is electrification. As expected from my son… No wait! That's not what we wanted to talk about. Kirari-"

"It's sad that he will short-circuit his head when he uses his quirk. If he can get rid of that side effect, I think he can become the No.1 Pro Hero. Sasuga, Onii-sama."

"Ah yes. I agree completely. If he can somehow overcome the drawback of his quirk… My son definitely has the potential to become the No.1 Pro Hero. As expec-"

"Dear, stop getting distracted. Kirari, stop playing around."

A chill went up my spine when I heard Mom's words. Dad probably felt the same since I can see that his face just became pale.


The rain outside increased to a downpour and a rumbling in the sky indicating thunder occurred.

An audible gulping sound was heard and the two people who made that sound, my Dad and I, shared a glance.

'What are you doing?! Fix this!'

'What do you mean fix this?! This was your fault in the first place!'

"*Cough* Right. Kirari, we wanted to talk about the doctor saying you are quirkless."

"Oh that? Thank Dio! I thought you were going to explain to me how babies are made and where they come from." I sighed in relief.

"WHAT?! Kirari! Who told you that?! Where did you learn about such things?!"

Looks like my words triggered my Dad.

When we got home, my Dad suddenly put on a serious face and said "We need to talk," I immediately remembered about my father from my past life. The first and last time he said those words to me, he gave me a VERY descriptive lecture about sex education. It was one of the most awkward and disgusting moments I can remember from my past life and I was afraid that it was about to repeat in this one. I might have been traumatized by that event so obviously I wanted to avoid it at all costs. Especially since I'm a girl now much to my dismay. Ugh.

While feeling relieved, suddenly my Mom's "conqueror haki" activated causing me to shed some cold sweat. The smile and look she was giving me was scary as hell and the thunder in the background wasn't helping.

Shit. From one problem to another.

How the heck do I get myself out of this mess this time?

Think, Kirari. Think!

Ah! I know. Thank you 10 Mental!

"I saw it in a magazine in Papa's drawer." I stated while tilting my head to look like I'm confused but innocent child.

Sorry Dad. It's your turn to be thrown under the bus.


I saw his pupils shrink and his face became even paler. His legs started to shiver when Mom's haki focused on him.

"Wait! Dear, I can expla-"

"Dear… clench your teeth for me."


Sparks appeared and danced around my Mom's right fist. Seeing my Mom's expression, my Dad resigned himself to his fate, slumped his shoulders and did as she told.

"*Gulp* … Please be gentle…"

Finish him!




Hikari wins!

I stared at my Dad's unconscious body lying on the floor.

Forgive me Father. May you rest in peace. If you meet Dio-sama, please send him my regards.

"Now, Kirari… I think it's time we talked seriously now. No more distractions or changing the subject got it?"


I nodded hurriedly. Honestly, I feel more comfortable talking to my Mom than my Dad anyways.

Not sure why.

Maybe I bonded with her while I was sucking on her br- err because I came out of her va- *cough* when she was raising and taking care of me while I was a baby. Yeah that one.

I also see her more often than my Dad because of his job… Wait is she my favorite parent? Well if parents can have a favorite child that they won't admin, kids can do the same I guess.

"Tell me how you really feel about what the doctor said. About being… quirkless."

In my Mom's eyes, I can see feelings of concern with a slight hint of pity mixed in.

She's probably more affected about me being "quirkless" than myself and I can understand why.

In a world where most people have a quirk, being quirkless is seen as an abnormality and will obviously lead to discrimination. From my vague memories of the anime, that's what happened to this world's main character.

But Mom doesn't know that this is my second life, and that it came with some cheats. As long as I can unlock all of my cheats, would I still even need a quirk?

Anyways, let's use my ever reliable trap card, Guilt Trip.

"Mama… I don't care about being quirkless. I only want to stay with Mama and Papa and Onii-chan… So even if I'm quirkless, please don't throw me away."

After thinking about it during the drive home, this was my biggest worry after finding out that the world sees me as quirkless. I couldn't care less what others would think. But if my family, the ones who raised me and are the closest to me in this world, start to disdain and discriminate against me for being quirkless then… I don't even want to think about it. But definitely my leveling up efficiency will drop.

"KIRARI! How could you?!"

*Crackle* *BOOM*

I flinched when my Mom suddenly shouted. The thunder in the background that rumbled at the same time as her shout only increased her pressure. She looked at me with an angry look on her face.

Eh? What happened?! Guilt Trip-san what did you do, where did you go, and why did you leave me with this mess?!


My train of thought and feelings of betrayal were broken when my face was smashed in between two mountains. Not literal mountains of course. I was hugged tightly and buried in my Mom's bountiful chest.

I'm sorry for doubting you Guilt Trip-san.

"How could you ever think that we would throw you away?!"

"Eh? Uh... I-"

She let me go but then she grabbed my hands and clenched them with hers while staring at me right in the eyes. It looked as if she was on the brink of tears.

"Listen Kirari. No matter what happens, whether you are quirkless, become the No.1 Pro Hero, or the president, or even the richest person in the world… We will love you and will always be there for you! So stop thinking about all that bad stuff! We are your parents, and you are our daughter, Kirari, and nothing will ever change that!"

Wow. No one has ever said that to me before. Not even in my previous life.

I looked into my Mom's now teary eyes and this time I could only see sincere motherly concern, care, and… love? That hint of pity from before was nowhere to be seen. I could sense the raw emotions coming from her. Maybe probably thanks to her haki?

… God dammit… Ah. I mean Dio dammit.

I'm starting to feel like shit.

What's wrong with me? Did Mom just Uno reverse card Guilt Trip on me?

Maybe puberty? No, too early for that. Or do girls get their puberty at this age?

Ahhh. Why have I been acting this way? Is it because of my past life's memories? Is it because my parents in my past life died early before I graduated from high school leaving me alone to take care of myself? All those years living alone, have I forgotten how to rely on someone and show true affection?

"Mama… I… uuuu. *hic*"

While questioning my existence, I didn't know what to say.

Shit. Are those tears? Why am I crying?! Stop it! I've decided to never cry again! Because… Because I… The last time…

"Shhhh. There, there. It's fine. Everything will be alright."

My Mom hugged me once again but more gently this time. I reciprocated the hug and dug my face onto her shoulder to stifle my crying. Soon, I felt another person hug me from behind. It was my Dad who had resurrected at some point.

In between their hugs it felt… comfortable. Reliable. Secure.

"It's okay Kirari. Go ahead and cry, let it all out."

Aw shit. Here come the manl- err girly baby noises?


(Scene Break)

*Third Person POV*

"This is the first time she's cried like that." Hikari said while holding a sleeping Kirari and sitting on the couch next to Haruto.

"This is the first time I've ever even seen her cry." said Haruto.

Kirari did her best to not cry in this life because she had died in her previous life due to crying. And because of her memories and the way she acted, her parents had always considered quite mature for her age. She was quite different from Denki and the other children around her age.

"I guess finding out she was quirkless really affected her despite her trying to not let it show. Ow! Hey what did you hit me for?"

"Shush! You'll wake her up. And you're an idiot that's why. She wasn't crying because of that."

"Oh? Then what was she crying about? I was knocked unconscious for a while because of a certain someone- Ow! Okay I deserve that one."

"She was crying because she was-" Hikari was about to explain when suddenly.


The bantering and moving around of the two parents disturbed the sleeping Kirari. Hikari glared at Haruto, but just then Kirari began sleep talking.

"Mmmm- Mama… Papa… luv u… zzzz."


It was the cutest thing they heard their daughter say who had always been quite a mature child. If Kirari had seen herself, she would have puked rainbows.

The parents started fawning over their cute daughter while making sure not to wake her up. They moved over to Denki's and Kirari's room to tuck her in bed. Meanwhile, Hikari explained to Haruto about what happened.

"You're right with what you said earlier. Even if she's quirkless, she's still our daughter. I can't believe she was thinking that we would give up on her just because of that." Haruto stated sternly and slightly reproachfully as they left the room.

"Umu. Still… For some reason, it's like she is holding onto some sort of burden or holding something back. Have you noticed how mature she is compared to Denki?"

"Of course I have. I thought it was a girl thing. You know how they mature faster than boys."

"That's true. But she's a bit too mature. And smart too…" Hikari said while folding her arms and putting her left hand on her chin in a thinking pose. This pose emphasized how big her mountains are which Haruto did not fail to notice.

"Do you think that Kirari might be… a genius?"

Haruto paused at Hikari's question. Suddenly he slapped his forehead in realization.

"Why didn't I notice earlier?! Of course she's a genius! Then everything would make sense! Geniuses are mature and often isolated at a young age right? Sounds just like her!" Haruto exclaimed while feeling a sense of pride for his daughter

"My son has a great quirk and my daughter is a genius! As expected of my genes! Haha!"


"I mean as expected of OUR genes! Hahaha…"

"That's what I thought."

"… Hey dear… It's been a while and Denki and Kirari have grown up." Haruto spoke as he closed the door to their master bedroom.

"How about we… make another genius?"

Hikari however did not answer and instead walked over to the drawer and started rummaging through it.

"Uh… Dear? What are you doing?" He asked her. Cold sweat started to run down his back for some unknown reason to him.

"Oh I'm just looking for a certain magazine…"

Haruto immediately recalled their earlier conversation and wanted to stop Hikari from digging further in the bottom right drawer that nobody used and had lots of random junk in. He didn't know why she started with that drawer first but considering Kirari's height and reach…

'Wait now's not the time- too late!'

"Aha! Here it is..." Hikari found the evidence and immediately looked through it.

"Heeeh. So this is the type you like huh?" Hikari asked, not in an asking tone but more of a looking down on someone tone, while flipping through the magazine. A dark aura started to envelop the room and it slowly grew darker with each page she flipped through.

If Kirari were here, she would know what to call this aura. Sadly, she was in her room dreaming about drinking lots and lots of water for some reason.

Haruto on the other hand had a face that looked like his soul was sucked out of his body. When Hikari finished and put the magazine down on top of the drawer, a flash of thunder occurred. During the flash in Haruto's eyes, he swore that he saw his wife's eyes were glowing red and that her shadow had morphed to look like some sort of demon.

"Dear… You asked earlier about making another genius?"


"Why don't we get started~?"

"*Gulp*… Please be gentle…"


Chapter End

A/N: Another fun chapter to write. How was it? I wanted to get the MC’s character development out of the way early on. Did it seem too forced? Of all the novels I’ve read, reincarnators usually have the problem of feeling detached from their new life due to their past life memories and regrets. So MC has that but it will be solved by next chapter. 

If you haven’t realized, Kaminari parents are not canon. This fanfic will be a MHA AU (Alternate Universe). Since I don’t know a lot about MHA, this will be my excuse in case I mess anything up. *Wink*  

If I do mess up, please let me know what happened in the canon. 

I’ll try to keep to the canon for the most part but there will be some differences to suit my tastes. Gender bent Todoroki Shoto anyone? No? How about gender bent Mineta? Yes? I got you fam. 

UnreliableRencreators' thoughts