
Reincarnated As Cardin Winchester

A modern man dies and get reincarnated in the body of Cardin Winchester while he is bullying a certain Faunus in a cafetaria. Will he be able to redeem his former self or will he be fated to remain an absolute jerk of a second rated antagonist? This idea popped up in my head some time ago and while I wrote the start of the story I wanted to do a little experiment. Athough the idea are mine I will try and see if Chat gpt 4 can write the story for me and how it comes up... so if you are interested by this little experiment let's see how an I.A can write about the RWBY verse and if we will find the result interesting.

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5 Chs

4) Friendly (?) Spar

"So friend," smiled Cardin. "Seeing as you are training here alone, how about a spar?"

Cardin's proposal caught Jaune off guard. He had always been wary of Cardin, but there was something in him tonight that seemed genuine. He knew that sparring could be a good way to blow off steam, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to face Cardin again.

The young Winchester sensed Jaune's hesitation and quickly added, "It doesn't have to be a real fight, just a friendly sparring session. We can both benefit from it. Besides, it's not like anyone else is up here to watch us embarrass ourselves."

Jaune nodded, still unsure, but Cardin's words made sense. He knew that his fighting skills could use some work, and sparring with someone who shared a similar fighting style could help him improve.

"Alright," Jaune said, reluctantly accepting. "But let's make it clear that this is just a friendly spar. No cheap shots or anything like that."

Cardin grinned, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Of course, Jauny boy. We'll keep it PG-13, don't worry."

They both donned their armor, and Jaune took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He knew that Cardin was a formidable opponent, but he was determined to give it his all. They took their positions, and the duel started.

As the spar began, both Jaune and Cardin started off with simple testing attacks, trying to gauge each other's strength and weaknesses. They circled each other, waiting for the other to take the initiative. Cardin made the first move, launching himself at Jaune with a quick series of jabs and kicks. Jaune parried each of the blows with his shield, countering with a strike of his own. The two clashed briefly before backing off and resuming their circling.

As the fight went on, the blows became harder and more intense. Cardin used his bulk to his advantage, trying to overwhelm Jaune with brute strength, but Jaune was nimble and quick, dodging and weaving around Cardin's attacks. Cardin was impressed his opponent agility, and it reminded him of his own fighting style when he was younger.

The two fighters were evenly matched, but as the fight wore on, Cardin began to gain the upper hand. His years of training had given him a level of skill and experience that Jaune simply couldn't match. But the young Arc was determined not to give up, and he continued to fight back with all the strength he could muster.

As the sun began to set on the rooftop, the fight reached a climax. Both fighters were exhausted, but none wanted to concede defeat. Cardin launched one final attack, but Jaune was ready for it, and he countered with a powerful blow of his own. The two fighters collided, and for a moment it seemed like the rooftop was shaking with the force of their clash.

When the dust cleared, Jaune was on the ground, gasping for breath. Cardin was grinning from ear to ear, impressed by Jaune's tenacity and skill. Jaune was equally impressed by Cardin's fighting ability, and he felt a sense of respect and admiration for the other boy. His mind was racing as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. Despite being defeated, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had held his own against Cardin, and that was something to be proud of.

Cardin was grinning, clearly impressed by Jaune's tenacity and skill. "You're a lot better than I thought, Arc," he said, extending a hand to help the blond up.

He accepted the offer, and Cardin pulled him to his feet. "Thanks," Jaune replied, still catching his breath.

Cardin clapped him on the back. "I mean it. You've got some real spunk here, Jaune. Don't waste it."

Jaune was equally impressed by Cardin's fighting ability. "You're not so bad yourself," he said, a hint of a playful smile dancing at the corners of his mouth.

Cardin chuckled. "I like to think I'm pretty good, thank you."

The two boys stood there for a moment, catching their breath and looking out over the city below. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the rooftops. Jaune couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Cardin. Despite their rocky history, they had just shared a moment of mutual respect together.

"So, what do you say?" Cardin asked, breaking the silence. "Want to go at it again? For real this time?"

Jaune struggled to his feet, still gasping for breath. He looked at Cardin with a mixture of shock and disbelief. Another round? Already?

"What do you mean 'for real this time'?" Jaune asked, his voice hoarse.

He wasn't sure if he had the energy for it, but at the same time, he was intrigued by the challenge.

Cardin chuckled. "I mean, we were holding back a bit. We weren't going all out. I want to see what you're really made of."

Jaune was taken aback by Cardin's words, but he also couldn't deny that he was curious about what he was capable of. He had always felt like he was holding back, not just in battle but in life. Maybe this was his chance to prove himself.

Cardin noticed Jaune's hesitation and decided to explain himself. "You're still inexperienced when it comes to using your Aura. You need to focus more on that if you want to improve. Think of it like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes."

Jaune nodded, realizing that Cardin had a point. He had been relying too much on brute strength and not enough on his Aura. "Okay, I'll try," he said, still feeling a bit unsure.

Cardin looked at Jaune critically, his eyes scanning him up and down. "But first, you need to work on your style. You're all over the place Jaune. You need to focus on a more formal approach. It may not be as flashy, but it's more effective in the long run. When you get good enough you can deviate and create your own moves. But not before, and you are years away from that."

Jaune felt a pang of disappointment at Cardin's words, but he also knew that he needed to improve. "Okay," he said, nodding his head.

Cardin grinned, pleased that Jaune was willing to take his advice. "Good. Let's get started then." He took a step back, assuming a ready stance.

Jaune followed suit, taking a deep breath and focusing on his Aura. He could feel it pulsing through him, ready to be unleashed.

The two boys circled each other again, each looking for an opening. Contrary to the first round, they didn't begin with tentative strikes. Their attacks were more aggressive, more heated. Jaune focused on his Aura, trying to channel it into his strikes, while Cardin relied on his speed and agility to evade his opponent's blows.

Despite the intensity of the fight, Jaune felt a sense of exhilaration. He was finally starting to get the hang of this. He could feel his Aura surging through him, making him stronger and faster. He was beginning to understand what Cardin had been trying to tell him.

The two boys clashed once again, their weapons ringing out in a metallic symphony.

Jaune's sword glowed with a soft golden aura as he channeled his energy into it, sending small shockwaves through the air with each strike.

Cardin's mace was a blur, his movements so fast that it was hard to follow. He was like a whirlwind, darting in and out of range, always just out of reach.

Jaune feinted to the left, then spun to the right, his sword flashing out in a wide arc. Cardin leaped back, barely avoiding the blow, and came back with a counterattack of his own. Jaune blocked it with his shield, but the impact sent him stumbling backwards. He regained his footing and charged forward, swinging his sword in a wide arc.

Cardin danced away from the blow, then darted back in with a flurry of strikes. Jaune parried them all, then pushed back with a burst of Aura, sending Cardin tumbling slightly backwards, but he rolled to his feet and came back with renewed energy.

The two boys traded blow for blow, each one pushing themselves to their limits. Jaune's Aura flared up with each strike, his sword and shield a blur as he fought.

Cardin was no slouch either, his mace moving faster than the eye could follow, his movements fluid and graceful in defiance of his gigantic frame and the added weight of his armor.

Despite the intensity of the fight, Jaune felt a sense of calm settle over him. He was in the zone, his mind and body working in perfect harmony. He could start to see everything, anticipate Cardin's moves before he even made them. He was a step ahead, always one step ahead…

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they broke apart, gasping for breath. Jaune's sword and shield hung limply at his sides, his chest heaving with exertion. Cardin was in a similar state, if a bit better, his mace dangling from his hand.

They stood there for a moment, each one sizing up the other. Then, without a word, they charged forward once again, ready to end it.

They exchanged blows with such ferocity that it was difficult to keep up. Their strikes had both grown stronger and more skilled in a short amount of time, their movements becoming more fluid and precise as the fight progressed.

Cardin launched himself at Jaune with a powerful roundhouse kick, but Jaune was ready this time. He blocked the kick with his arm, then swept Cardin's legs out from under him. Cardin hit the ground with a thud, but he was up in an instant, spinning around and unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks.

Jaune focused on his Aura, channeling it into his body and using it to dodge Cardin's attacks. He countered with a swift uppercut, but Cardin was already moving out of the way. The two boys were a blur of motion, their strikes and counterattacks coming so fast that it was difficult to see what was happening.

As the fight progressed, Jaune became more confident in his abilities, launching himself at Cardin with wild abandon, relying on his instincts and his Aura to guide him. Cardin was equally fearless, ducking and weaving around Jaune's attacks and delivering powerful blows of his own.

Finally, the moment arrived. Jaune and Cardin were both exhausted, their bodies covered in sweat and dirt. They circled each other for a moment, each waiting for the other to make the final move. Then, in a blur of motion, they both attacked at once.

The impact of their blows echoed across the rooftop, sending dust and debris flying in all directions.

For a moment, neither of them moved, frozen in place as they waited for the other to fall.

Then, slowly, Jaune began to crumple to the ground.

Cardin rushed over to him, concern etched on his face. "Jaune, are you okay?" he asked, offering a hand to help him up.

Jaune smiled weakly, taking Cardin's hand and pulling himself to his feet. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said, still catching his breath. "Just… out of Aura," he panted. "Still, that was... incredible."

Cardin grinned, a sense of pride and satisfaction radiating from him. "You're not so bad Arc," he said, clapping Jaune on the back. "We make a good team."

Jaune nodded, a newfound respect for Cardin blossoming within him. "Yeah," he said. "Yhea, I think we do."

Cardin clapped him on the back again, laughing in good humor. "You're starting to get the hang of this, Jauney Boy.Your form is still shit though."

Jaune grinned back, feeling a sense of approbation from the other boy despite his words. "Thanks, Cardin. Couldn't have done it without your help."

Cardin nodded, his expression serious. "But don't get too cocky. You still have a lot to learn. You need to focus on your Aura and your style. Otherwise you will just become Grimm fodder."

Jaune nodded, acknowledging the truth in Cardin's words. "Yeah, I know. I'll try to work on that."

"Good," Cardin said, still clapping him on the back. "If you want my advice, you should talk to Pyrrha. She's a great duelist and probably knows a lot of good fighting styles. She could help you find one best suited for you."

"Thanks for the tip," Jaune said, feeling grateful for the advice. "I'll definitely ask her."

"Also," Cardin added, his tone becoming more stern. "Don't get too cocky. Stay humble and always be prepared. Many hunters die stupidly to the Grimm. "

Cardin's stern tone caught Jaune's attention, causing him to straighten up. "I won't," he replied, trying to sound confident.

Cardin gave him a look that clearly said he wasn't convinced. "You've got potential, Jaune, but you need to keep your head down and keep working. You don't want to end up like those hunters who thought they were invincible."

Jaune felt a chill run down his spine at Cardin's tone, it felt too real, too personal, as if he had already seen it... "I'll remember that," he said quietly.

"Good," Cardin repeated, his expression softening. "Now, let's get back to our dorms. We earned a good night's rest."

Jaune nodded in agreement, grateful for the chance to relax after the intense spar. He followed Cardin out of the roof, his mind still reeling from the experience.

As they walked down the hallway, Cardin spoke up again. "Remember what I said about talking to Pyrrha. She could really help you out."

"I will," Jaune promised, feeling a sense of determination building within him. He was going to take Cardin's advice to heart and do whatever it takes to become a better fighter.

With that, they bid each other goodnight before heading to their respective dorm room.

As Jaune collapsed onto his bed, exhausted but exhilarated, he knew that he had a lot of work ahead of him. But with Cardin's advice and Pyrrha's guidance (hopefully), he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.


HEYO! Happy easter y'all! I'm back with a chapter to celebrate not having an overdose of chocolate. Enjoy without moderation :)

So, I wanted to try a bit of a fighting scene to see how Chat GPT handled that. And honestly, that's not too bad.

Sure it could be better and sligltly more "animated" let's say, but otherwise this IA is doing a good job.

Hope it wasn't too long a fight. I admmit I sometime skip fighting part in a novel or a fic when it get too long. That's why instead of having a bazillion fighting chapters à la DBZ, I try to put some character development and interraction in between.

So here we have it, the budding BROmance between Cardin and Jaune ^^ I must say, I had hope the cannon RWBY would do something simmilar but they never did. Redemption arcs are cool and amongst our favourite stories as human being (I mean... Take Dark Vader, Nagato/Pain, Vegeta, Prince Zuko, Jamy Lanister before they F up at the end, Good will hunting,or Schindler list to name a few. There is something in those stories that just... catch our attention I guess). Yet they never did, Cardin just faded away and disapeared. A waste of a character in my opinion.

Ikasukicreators' thoughts