
Reincarnated as an Oni

Once powerless Zack Edenfield lies on the ground, dying after being betrayed by his girlfriend, who accused him of cheating. Fortunately, he is reincarnated with a protagonist replacement system and gains the ability to summon his 14 Oni wives and country

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5 Chs

Ch1: A new dawn


|System speaking|

[Estelle speaking]

"characters speaking"

'Inner monologue'

<Timeskip Flashback>

(POV: Location)


Italics in 1st person is 3rd person narration

(Zack Edenfield's POV: Zack's work)

'I'm feeling overwhelmed by the number of people accusing me of "dating my sister." The situation is made worse by my girlfriend spending more time with my sister and less time with me. I feel like my sister is intentionally trying to ruin my relationship. I don't understand why she's treating me this way. We used to be so close, but now she acts like I'm worthless. It's painful to see my family relationships deteriorate like this. I just want my old life back.'

Zack leaves his job and starts crying as he can't handle what he is losing. It has been eating away at him. As he finally reaches the meeting place, a dead-end alleyway, before he can say a word, he is literally stabbed in the back. He quickly turns to see his girlfriend with crazed eyes, and a broken voice, robbed by tears and sorrow, he asks a simple question.

"Why do this to me Angelena I, thought we were happy together. Can you at least tell me why you did this, please?"

Upon seeing the dying form of the brother of the woman she loved, all color left her face. She had told lies about Myra's brother. Normally, it was dismissed, which made her hate Zack. So, she faked dating him to falsely accuse Zack of things he didn't do. But, realizing the very real possibility of never seeing Myra again broke her. Then, she thought of the kind boy who did nothing, the life she just stole. Worst of all, he was a genuinely good person who would have supported her if she wasn't a scumbag coward resorting to causing Myra to hate Zack. After thinking it over more and more, she goes catatonic, and finally, Angelena faints due to stress, leaving Zack to bleed out and die alone in a cold dead-end alleyway.

<3 hour Timeskip>

(Myra's POV: Her and Zacks's APT)

'While waiting for my unpleasant brother, my private investigation on him concluded when the lead investigator texted me the results.'

'The information she shared shattered my heart. I had been so wrong about my brother. It made me feel sick to realize that all my assumptions about him being a rapist were not only incorrect, but also a lie fabricated by Angelena. It turns out that Angelena, who had a crush on my brother Zack, was actually a closeted lesbian unable to express her true feelings for her crush, who was not Zack but me.'

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and as I opened it, I saw a police officer looking somber. He informed me that my brother was no longer alive. His body was found in an alleyway with his girlfriend, who was in a catatonic state.

'Upon hearing this news, I broke down in tears, regretting everything I had done and realizing that I had never believed in my brother for a second. I was devastated. I know that he would have done anything for me, and now it was too late.'

Zack's journey had ended, but how did his new one begin? Well, we need to go back a little bit to find out.

<Flashback: Zack's last moments>

(3rd person POV: the alleyway he was stabbed in)

As Zack lay still on the hard blacktop, he asked for anything or anyone to understand why he had to die. He wanted to stay and be there for his sister, even if she hated him. Sadly that wouldn't happen.

(Zack's POV)

'It's so cold, and I'm so tired, but I don't want to worry Myra. I should wake up after a nice short nap. I'm getting sleepier. Oh well, I'll wake up eventually.'

Sadly, he died shortly after. After what felt like years, he finally opened his eyes to see a beautiful lady who seemed to be a goddess, due to the ethereal vibes Zack felt.

"Hello mortal, I am the Goddess of Dreams and Reincarnation, Alephina. It seems that you have died prematurely, and I believe it was not your time. Therefore, I will reincarnate you. However, you must have a system ready. You will have 40 minutes to prepare. When I return, I will ask for the following: Your System and its functions, Your appearance and powers, the world you will start in, and at what age. I appreciate your respectful behavior, and as a token of thanks, I will allow you to change your gender. I have other matters to attend to, so remember, you have 40 minutes."

After that, Zack starts brainstorming and comes up with Kagome Metoki's bio. He then selects the Acheron persona as his starting self and finally indicates that he wants a dimension-hopping protagonist replacement system.

<Slight Timeskip>

After finishing, the Goddess returns and reads over it, honestly surprised at the detail and the fact that he wanted to be a woman. She nods with approval, and then the moment of truth happens.

"Dear mortal, I'm impressed that you didn't mess anything up. As a favor, I'll send you to an Altered DC. You will live in that world until you transform into your true self once done you will travel to the anime world of random choice with quests to allow you to travel other worlds to see your 14 wives, also you have too stop the US from invading where ever you land and you will be asleep for 2 days and will wake during the attack so, good luck Kagome."

And so, Zack's soul transforms into his Acheron persona and is then pushed into a hole and as he falls out of a crack in reality he now realizes she was dropped right above Themyscira and is about to land in the middle of a training match when she hits the plane of Steve Trevor killing and replacing his fate and alerting the entire island as even the sky itself crackles in relief someone with divine blood is now replacing a mortal unfit for that post of the daughter of Zues's lover the new lover is the daughter of Susanoo the Shinto God of Storms and her mother is the Primordial goddess Tiamat the name of this girl is Acheron.

End of Ch1