
Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

A scientific genius named Thomas Harrier was transmigrated to an imperial prince body after a car accident that took his life. He found out that he is in a world similar to our own with a timeline akin to early twentieth century. The body that he is occupying was the imperial prince of a failing empire who suddenly rose to power after a successful assassination attempt of his father. Unaware that the attack is just the beginning of what is to come. He faces many challenges throughout. Will Thomas Harrier be able to live his second life in peace while running an empire and getting it back to its former glory? Or will he succumb into a conspiracy lurking within the country's borders? Expect some: Cold war era techs. Super battleship with advanced electronics, propulsion, and fire control systems? Helicopters? Missiles? Modern medicines and equipment? AC-130? A nuke? Challenger or Abrams or Leopard? F-4 Phantom or MIG-21? Colored TV's. Everything!!! Donation link: https://ko-fi.com/sorryimjustdiamond PS. Cover not mine, I just found it on google. If you are the owner and want me to take it down, then you can reach me in the comment section.

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441 Chs

First Decisions

The war in the far east started when the Ruthenian Empire wanted to expand its influence over the Kingdom of Choson, coincidentally, so did the Yamato Empire. The war has been raging on for almost a year with both sides suffering losses, but the one who is receiving a heavy beating is the Ruthenian Empire.

Based on Alexander's memories, the reason why the Ruthenian is losing against Yamato Empire is due to two things, the first is that the Ruthenian Empire is underestimating the Yamato Empire due to its location, they believed they are uncivilized, brutes, and barbarians who knows nothing and feared the west. The Ruthenian Empire misjudged the situation thinking they would never dare to go against them. They didn't took them seriously. The second one is the Yamato Empire's military power.

The Yamato Empire are a huge industrial and military force, the current eastern territory of the Ruthenia Empire is far from modernize.

The war started when the Yamato Empire torpedoed Ruthenian's battleships docked at Busan Port without a declaration of war, though there was one, it just arrived too late, Alexander's father declared war on Yamato Empire and the war continues until today.

"The war is going bad on our side, Your Majesty. They've taken Port Busan and shattered our Pacific Fleet. The Siberian Army Corps have been forced to retreat..."

"Hmph," Sergei scoffed, cutting in the conversation. "Once the Baltic Fleet arrived at the Pacific, the war will soon turn into our favor." Sergei said confidently.

"Your Majesty, continuing this war will severely toll our country. The economy is on a weakening state and the people are complaining about higher taxes and rationing food. We need to end this war."

"Alexei!" Sergei's voice cracked like a whip. "Have you no shame?! Why are you making us look like we're defeated here huh? That we don't have chances of winning against those monkeys?"

"It's a hopeless war, Prime Minister," Alexei stood firm in his ground, unfazed by Sergei's bellow. "It's hard to admit it but we can't win against the Yamato Empire. They best us in every aspects. Military, firepower, technology, manpower, logistics."

Sergei shifted his eyes to Alexander who is listening to their heated argument. "Your Majesty, all we just need is patience. The moment our ships arrived at the Yamato Empire, they'll decimate them like they did to ours."

"Your Majesty, the people are desperate for a better life. They don't need a war." Alexei tried to convince Alexander.

"That is exactly what they need." Sergei countered. "Don't let people walk over you, Your Majesty.

The two ministers exchanged a glaring look.

Meanwhile, Alexander deeply pondered about the issue at hand. So it was this bad huh? Although he's not formally crowned yet he is still the head of state. To think that in his first day he'll have to make a tough decisions. He weighed in pros and cons.

Since the Ruthenia Empire is at decline winning this war would surely rose the people's confidence in the government but if it failed, it could jeopardize the Romanoff rule.

Not only that, the Baltic Fleet is the mainstay of Ruthenia's power to Europa. If they loses this fleet, its standing amongst the great nations of the world collapses.

Alexander knows that much thanks to his father forcing him to attend tutorial lessons with the royal tutor.

Two problem at hand, the upcoming protest and the war going badly against them,

It's a tough decision to make.

Alexander breathed deeply before making his decision. "Sir Alexei if my father sent the Baltic Fleet to the Pacific, where are they now?"

"According to the latest report from the admiral of the Baltic Fleet, they are in Indian Ocean."

"So they have reached that far already huh?" Alexander ran his tongue around his cheeks. "If, and only if, our Baltic Fleet arrives, what is our chances of winning the war?"

"We're not certain, Your Majesty." Alexei replied diffidently.

"So you're not confident that we are going to win the war even if our strongest fleet arrive there, is that what you're saying?"

Alexei nodded as beads of sweat pooling on the nape of his neck. "I'm afraid so."

"Sir Vladimir, what is your say on this matter?"

"I completely agree with the minister of war, Your Majesty. This war is taking a toll in our economy. The strikes, the protest, the civil unrest..."

Alexei and Vladimir's answer earn a disapproving look from Sergei.

"Then I've made my decision. We're going to end this war."

"Your Majesty?!" Sergei was the first one who spoke up. "Are you sure?! We can easily..."

Alexander waved his hand to silence him. "I've heard enough. If this is a fight we can't win then it's best not to fight it. I don't want to send any more Ruthenian soldiers to their death. But ending this war means we're going to need some concessions am I right, prime minister?"


"What do you think their demands will be?"

"Well, they'll ask us to pull out our troops in the Kingdom of Choson, demands war reparations, territorial concessions, recognition..." Sergei trailed off. "The people won't agree to this loss, Your Majesty."

Alexander stood up and stared at him coldly. "It's my responsibility to deal with the people, not you Prime Minister. So contact our embassy in Yamato Empire to set up negotiations. You'll be the one to deal with them so make sure our losses be minimized. Is that understood? Prime Minister?"

Sergei gulped, intimidated by Alexander's stare. He nodded quickly.

"Very well." Alexander's eyes flickered to Alexei. "Recall the Baltic Fleet."

"Yes Your Majesty."

"Okay we shall move on to the next discussion."

The discussion went on for over three hours, debriefing Alexander about the country's situation during his time of absence.

"That's it for today, I'll see you on tomorrow."

The ministers bowed in front of him before leaving his office.

Seeing that they left, Alexander stretched his arms as it got sore from sitting still for so long.

A knock on his door made Alexander whirl around.

A lovely voice rang out as the door opened.

"Dear brother, are you finished meeting with your ministers?"

It was Christina.

"Yeah I just finished." Alexander answered as he stretches his neck. "I didn't expect it to be that long, my neck's hurts."

"Is that so?" Christina flitted across the room, her summery dress and silver hair danced around her.

As soon as she arrived, she offered. "Do you want me to massage you?"

Alexander smiled. "Sure." He took off his jacket and sat in front of his desk.

"Good, then close your eyes. "

Alexander obeyed, his sister's warm hands run over his shoulders.

"How was it?"

"It's as good as I expected. "Alexander replied, lying back on his chair. "I had a little argument with Sergei. He's the same old, grumpy, sour and self-centered man."

Christina giggled. "I have no doubt about that. Did he says something to upset you?"

"Yeah, he wanted me to continue the war against Yamato." Alexander lazily replied.

"It's no surprise that he would say that. So what was your decision?"

"I considered the opinion of the minister of war and finance and ended the war with Yamato. Negotiations will probably take a month."

Inwardly, Alexander is having a hard time acting like Alexander. In his past life, he was silent, stern, and calculating but in order to not harbor suspicion, he needed to be like his brother.

"I see, it was a good decision dear brother. I too notice the effect of war in our country. If it's our father, I'm sure he'll side with Sergei. I heard that he sent all of our Baltic Fleet to the Pacific."

"Let's not talk about that right now."

"Okay okay." Christina chuckled.

"I have some good news, I've ordered the minister of commerce and industry to place an order for the equipment, chemicals, and bacteria..."

"Bacteria? What are you going to do with bacteria?"

"What do you think?" Alexander deadpanned. "I'm going to create a cure out of bacteria. Just like how penicillin was extracted from a mold."


"Even if I explain you wouldn't understand but for the sake of simplicity, we can extract the cure from fermentation process. It's a lot more complicated than how penicillin was created. We will grow a bacteria called Streptomyces griseus, ferment it, and extract it. It's easier said than done."

"You sound confident brother...I didn't know you have such talents in the field of medicine." Christina massage his temples.

Well it's not like he can answer that he's from another world and a different person than Alexander who has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, justifying his knowledge.

"I read it in books." Alexander said simply.

"Is that so? So it's a good thing we have a lot of books around here. "Christina teased.

"That's true. It's a good thing." Alexander replied absently.

Acting like a brother is sure is tiring. He doesn't even know if he is doing it right? Is this how siblings interact with one another? A warm conversation?

"Shall we continue tomorrow? I still have work to catch up."


"Thanks for the massage, It was refreshing."

"I may not be of help dear brother but if you need massage, just call me."

"I'll keep that in mind."