
Reincarnated as an Extra

In life, countless things might happen to someone at some point in their lives. Some people may call it fate, destiny, opportunity, or a turning point but for me, it wasn’t one of those. Fate? Nah, everything about my life was already trash to begin so to hell with fate right? Destiny? Who’s name was that? If destiny was real then how come nothing changed? Opportunity? What the hell was that? If there was an opportunity presented in front of me then I’ve grabbed it a long time ago. Turning point? To hell with turning points, everything about me had always been in twists and turns like I’m always riding a roller coaster of life. So, what’s the point of these things for me?

NoxLuna_0398 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 14

While I was imagining… my back suddenly felt itchy. Then, I realized that my hair grew long up until my waist.

"What?!", my eyes grew bigger seeing that my hair was this long.

"How did this happen?", I panicked just thinking about it and the numbness I felt on my legs instantly vanish as if it didn't even exist at all.

I sprinted towards the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

In the mirror, I could see an image of a young boy with long black straight hair up to his waist. His eyes were like blood-red rubies glittering in the pure white interior of the bathroom. His pale white skin was glistening as the light shone upon it. His height which stagnated at 160 cm became almost 180 cm in an instant. And lastly, his bony build became lean since he grew some meat and muscles in all parts that require it.

"Wow!! Who's this person in the mirror?", I touched the mirror while touching my face at the same time in case this was just another lucid dream.

I pinched myself quite a few times to ensure that all of these weren't just a dream.

"Wow… it's real!!! This is fucking real!!!", I jumped in joy upon realizing that all of these were real.

To begin with, I already know that I was handsome since I was quite handsome in the past as well… but the thing is, my bony structured body got in the way of my handsomeness making people believe that I'm suffering from severe malnutrition.

"Huuuu… I think I had to say goodbye to this long hair because having long hair is a no-no at Pentagon, though it's a pity to cut it off since it looks very cool on me.", I said while still looking at myself in the mirror. I felt like I was Narcissus falling in love with his own reflection when he looked at it since the more I looked at myself, I can't help but be mesmerized by my own beauty.

Hmm… maybe I should take a photo with me having long hair to commemorate this once-in-a-lifetime cool vibe image of me. Yep, I should do that!

Feeling happy, I immediately went out of the bathroom and walked to the drawer to fetch my phone. When I opened the drawer where I usually put my phone, I found out that it wasn't there. Then, I went near my bed and there I saw what I was looking for.

'Click! Click! Click!'

"Yeah… there you go. Haaaa… but one thing's been bothering me, how did I end up having a long hair in just four days of sleeping?", the answer to this question was still a mystery to me but… I still need to cut it off if I wanted to attend Pentagon.

Hmmm… should I go to the barber to properly cut and styled it a little bit, or should I just cut my hair here?

"I think I should cut some of it before I headed out… I don't want to be looked at by many people in the streets judging me that I might like metal rock music just from my appearance.", tsk… tsk… the world is just full of judgmental people like them.

Then I began packing the important stuff I have since most of the things inside this one-room apartment weren't mine, to begin with. And going to Pentagon wouldn't require many things in the first place since everything there was already provided except for the dress and other essential needs of the student.

Suddenly, I remembered that Pentagon had already sent us our uniforms but I haven't checked it once yet.

'Wait! My body's build changed and the measurement that I had given them was my previous measurement… so, what if the uniform doesn't fit with me anymore?', just thinking about it made me feel another surge of headache… no, I mean problem coming.

"Just how much was Pentagon's uniform again… ahhhh, I forgot… no one sells

Pentagon's uniform outside since it was only given in the academy… an exclusive only.", haaa… this is really a huge headache.

"Haaa… this damned life!!!", I shouted. Then I slouched on the bed thinking of possible ways how to adjust my uniform but…

"Tomorrow's the entrance ceremony so I should be at Pentagon one hour earlier than the assigned time, but how am I going to make it if I'm still here thinking of a solution on how to alter my uniform?", then all of a sudden, as if a huge white bulb lighten up inside my head, I remembered something I wrote about Pentagon's uniform.

"I think I wrote something about it having attributes… hmmm, what was it again?"

Pentagon's uniform was like an artifact though they are artificially made, they still contain attributes that activate upon use. And here I am trying my best to remember the attributes I wrote for it but no matter how much I try to remember, I could only remember that it had temperature management.

"I guess I need to try it on to find out.", I hurriedly stand up to get my uniform from the package that I haven't opened since I received it back when I was at the hospital.

As I opened the package, in there I saw a pair of uniforms that looked like a knight's uniform from the medieval period but with a touch of modernity. Well, it could be said that it also looks like a soldier's uniform.

The upper part of the uniform was black with little details of silver in the left chest area and as for the pants, it was silver-colored with three black lines on each side. It looked simple but it was elegant and comfortable to wear.

Looking at it made me feel the very same feeling I had back then when school was about to start. As I remember those memories, all the tears that were kept inside rush out like a broken dam. Those happy moments with everyone made me feel complete yet at the same time, it made me feel bitter.

"Haaa… those good ol'times…", ahem... enough reminiscing, I need to focus now.

I took out the uniform and wore them. I was amazed that in an instant it adjusted its size to my current physique. Then, as if a flash of lightning hit me, I finally remember the three attributes it had.

First is the temperature management that enables to adjust of the temperature of the uniform which means that, when the surrounding is hot the wearer will not feel the heat likewise when the temperature turned cold.

Then, size and design adjustments. This attribute adjusts the size and changes the design when the student grows or change years since Pentagon only gave one pair of uniform all throughout the entire duration of the student's school life for three years.

Lastly, magical defense. This attribute was put in order to protect the students from D to C-rank magicians. This enables the student to defend themselves for about ten seconds from the enemy's magical attack.

But that didn't mean that it won't be damaged. All artifacts, be they ancient or technologically made can also get damaged if they sustain too much of it. Repairing it costs a lot of money and effort since it will take quite a long time before it could be repaired and used again.

So… in other words, the uniform itself could already be considered a priceless possession a student could have with his current status.

After trying my uniform, I immediately took it off and pack it up nicely again before putting it on my backpack. Inside my backpack were the items that I only need. There was my wallet, my phone, a pair of eyeglasses, three pieces of loose shirts, two sweatpants, two pairs of shorts, and some of my daily essentials.

Then, after checking all the things I needed, I close my backpack again and went to the bathroom to cut off my hair.

Before cutting it off, I took a rubber band and tied my hair up neatly in a low ponytail-like style. Then, I positioned the scissors just right above the rubber band and cut off my hair neatly.

I looked at myself in the mirror again, and there I saw my once waist-long hair become short – just right at the length of my nape. But even though I cut it off, my hair is still a bit messy to look at.

"It looks like a bird's nest…", I mumbled while looking at my current appearance.

When I was about to leave the bathroom, I remembered the hair that I cut off.

Turning my back, my eyes grew wide upon the scene that I witnessed. The hair was slowly vanishing in front of my eyes. I close and opened my eyes a few times more to ensure that I was just imagining things but unfortunately, I wasn't.

"How did that happen?", were the only words I could utter while still in disbelief.