
Out of Sleep

Ning started explaining to the old woman what exactly he had done.

A few weeks after getting this place and making potions, an idea struck Ning. 

Since every potion was just ingredients boiled in water, he started wondering if the ingredients boiled in water individually would do the same thing.

When he realized that they worked just as he wished he started boiling ingredients in bulk. He kept a note of how many ingredients were being boiled in each batch and then evaporated that to get a concentrated solution.

By the time he did the process about 10 more times, Ning would have enough concentrated solution to fill a giant solution.

In a similar way, he had prepared the solutions for all the ingredients he could prepare.

Then, he started experimenting. He followed the recipe, but he realized that the recipes needed slight changes to the amount.

But it was a small enough change that Ning could rewrite dozens of recipes in a single day.