
Gallery Party

After the archbishop pronounced the matrimony of the three brides, they ecstatically exited the chapel with their arms closed, and then the families and guests followed suit. 

As we planned, after the ceremony, the brides boarded a horse-drawn carriage modified into a float that was excessively covered in flowers and paraded themselves around the city. That was the purpose of the space in the middle of the crowd in the palace's courtyard—to give way to the brides. 

Their parade around the city was scheduled for around an hour. While my newlywed mothers were celebrating with the masses, the guests then proceeded to the next venue for the afterparty. 

Currently, we were at the central gallery of the orangery of the palace, the venue for receptions after the wedding as well as the cocktail party. The venue shaded the guest from the summer heat as well as providing the guest with a picturesque view of the orchard outside, so that was why we chose this place.