
Chapter 132: Awaited Arrival 

The dragon has finished charging its exponentially enhanced Dragon Blast and unleashed an obviously larger beam of light with a width of a hundred meters. 

The weakened fox didn't try to step aside and evade; she just let the light swallow her. But instead of being disintegrated by the beam, she didn't feel hurt at all. 

She initially thought that her pain nerves had been destroyed by the Dragon Blast, but she eventually realized she was really safe and unharmed. 

She slowly opened her eyes, and the figure of her savior is standing in front of her. Opening his life palm as if stopping the ray of destruction. 

The fox noticed that he was quite different from before. So his plan has succeeded, she thought, perceiving the changes in him. 

"Are you okay, madam?" He asked, turning his attention to her. She felt delightful, pointing out that he was not a mere near death hallucination.