
Big Hut


[Greater Groundhog]

[HP 0/46]

[Obtained 55 Exp.]

[Leveled Up 8 > 9]

"Wahhhhhh, Big bro, you're so strong!"

It's been 3 days since I got my Unique Skill, but I still haven't been able to use it!

Wanna know why? It's because I don't know how!

I tried the usual way of just imagining it, but what should I imagine? A rabbit's foot?

Should I imagine a rabbit's foot? Even though I am a rabbit now I still haven't come to the point of imagining a rabbit's foot.

What does this even do?

Will a rabbit's foot suddenly come crashing down from heaven?

I also tried shouting the name out loud like a crazy person(rabbit) but nothing happened and what came out is just my screams or growling.

And I also tried to imagine the action of what a skill called Rabbit's Foot will do and I have come to a blank. I want to try just doing it with an action, but nothing really comes to mind.

Should I try kicking? I tried it but what came out is still just normal kicking, nothing new.

"There's more of them coming!" Someone shouted behind me.

What if I try kicking while shouting the skill?

"You wanna pick a fight with us you punk?!" Added another one.

Would that do the job?

"I'm gonna add more holes in your body!" And another one.

I think I will look just like an idiot if I do that, not cool, I am already an idiot without doing that but if I do that, I would rank up to become something like the idiot boss or boss idiot I don't know what you prefer.

"Big bro let's kill these fat bastards!" and another one.


Damn, I'm really getting irritated by these guys, that cursed Tempest Caller giving me some more work! Although I don't even have a job…

Giving me some stupid bullshit like a language translator or something.

I would prefer to not have this bullshit skill; I mean my opinion of them changed drastically.

Well, who are these you ask?

A bunch of Horn Rabbits that is what they are.

After that event at the temple, I was led by the Alpha Rabbit to the City Hall.

I know, a city hall, a rabbit city with a city hall.

But they called it the Big Hut.

The Big Hut looked like you guessed it, a big hut, but what's strange is that you can see there in front of the Big Hut is a sort of Bazaar.

By the way, the Big Hut is located in the eastern part of the city so it kinda looks like a night market.

Lots of rabbits are trading with one another, for stones, sticks, grass, carrots, and more strange things.

I even saw some, suspicious Lesser Fire Starter Lops gathering around a dark spot, I think I need to call the police.

Is there even a police officer in this place?

The Big Hut is below a statue that looks like a demon eating the guts of a cat lady.

So, does this mean there are Cat girls here? Damn Japan didn't even let this world escape from their clutches.

Maybe right now there are a bunch of Japanese high schoolers who suddenly transmigrated here from their classroom.

Then one guy there will be labeled as trash, bullied by his classmates for having a weak job like let's see.

A Garbage collector!

Wow that is really a good idea I must say, then he goes all edgy saying 'I will collect all the trashes and recycle it!" and make a harem full of different girls from all the races in existence.

Oh, wait, that can be a title for a novel!

I reincarnated as a garbage collector in another world so my classmates kicked me out of the party but they don't know that with each garbage I collect I become stronger so I will collect all the trashes and recycle it!

Damn, I think I can become a rabbit author and sell these things to the black market for all those isekai enjoyers out there. They sure do like their titles.

Well, enough of that. When we came inside the hut I saw an old rabbit with antlers, I tried to appraise him, but it just showed an error.

I think this old guy is quite strong. Considering that he looks like he will collapse if a gentle breeze touches his fur, maybe he will turn to dust and be blown by the wind.

Honestly, I actually prefer that.


[Failed to Appraise Target [Skill] Appraisal Level too Low]

This is the first time that this happened, I guessed the ones from before were quite weak huh?

But well, looking again at Alpha Rabbit, Ummm, I don't want to mess with that guy. Just thinking of getting kicked in the face by his foot already made me step into heaven and not in a good way.

"Oi kid, you wanna get beaten up?!"

…What? Why does everyone here sound like a thug?!

Maybe one day some rabbit punk is gonna shank me in the alleyways.

If someone is gonna do that I'll make sure I take him with me, kids these days wanna pick a fight, if you wanna pick a fight with me you will not come to me, I will come to you.

Even the Alpha Rabbit is not an exception. The first thing that he said to me was, "Kid, you better hurry up, or I will miss the carrot sale in the village!"

"Why did you even pick me up then?"

"Well, the old guy asked us to bring all the new kids in the area to the statue of God."

Well, now I know what that is, so that is God, I didn't know that God likes to eat carrots. Well, can't blame him.

Going back to the old guy, it seems he is like the oldest rabbit here maybe even the most powerful. I don't know.

"Oi kid, are you courting death?!, Stop trying to Appraise me!"

It seems that Appraisal isn't a special skill.



After being chased around by the old guy until he calmed down.

"You know, you can detect and block it when someone tries to Appraise you if you have a much higher level of Appraisal." The old guy said.

"Consider it my welcoming gift to you, Welcome to the Temple of the Gods, now touch that orb and scram!"

Another orb for me to touch, they sure do like some orb touching around these parts.

I didn't know what that orb was supposed to do, unlike the one from the temple it didn't give me any new notifications or skills. A bummer but well you can't have free lunch and now some guy is stalking me from who knows where.

After that, the Alpha Rabbit hopped away and I was left all alone, so I just roamed around the city to see what I can do.

By the way, it seems that you can really trade here, when I asked how much they want the carrot for, the shop owner said that he just wants some stones with a nice shape.

Well, I don't have any stones with me, so I guess I just have to find some because I want to try eating some carrots.

I wonder what it tastes like. I mean it must taste exactly like the ones from Earth but I'm not sure right now. There's magic in this world you know?

While I was hopping around the city, I hopped into a Horned Rabbit, and as usual, due to their race characteristics I got into a fight and beat that guy up, but then some backups arrived and since they were dumb enough to just go headbutt in a straightforward manner I easily defeated them by bouncing around.

But now, I'm having a headache because these guys started following around, even while grinding some Groundhogs for Exp, but well it's quite convenient to have them giving me a share of their carrot.

Now I don't have to worry about my food, the carrots tasted amazing you know? If I have to describe it you literally will go into foodgasm in your mind, unlike the plain taste back on earth.

Back to the present time, it seems that more Groundhogs are coming in our direction but well, these rabbits are what you will call battle junkies.

The four rushed towards the group of 6 [Groundhogs] straight up using their [Headbutt] to damage their opponents, but due to the competitive or dumb, nature of the groundhogs, they used [Charge] to meet the Horned Rabbits head-on.

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PotatoYawncreators' thoughts