
Reincarnated As A Player In Solo Leveling

What happens when a yakuza boss dies and gets reincarnated in one of his most liked manhua. Will he be a righteous hero to attain for his past sins or will he be a even more ruthless villain than in his past life. Follow Fujita Takahashi on his journey in this new world to Clapp cheeks and take all females as his own. How will it turn out no one know except for those who reads this book Support me here for more chapters https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/DeathFrozen

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10 Chs


Sitting in a luxurious office, located in a massive skyscraper almost touching the clouds was a handsome young man, slightly twirling a glass of red wine in his hands

Standing before him was a man among men and a warrior among warriors

These two men were no other than. Takahashi and his main subordinate Leonidas

"Leo how is the training between you and the three hundred Spartans that I have Summoned been progressing lately"

"It has been coming together splendidly my Lord, out of the three hundred, fifty have been trained in the art of assassination by your command my lord, a hundred choose the art of tanker warriors and the remaining hundred and fifty choose magic warriors."

"Is that so then that doesn't leave any healers"

"Well my lord none of them was able to master that craft Sir"

'Well I should've thought of that, when I got that Summoning card from the system shop and Summoned them 5 months ago I knew these men where cold hearted killing machines, how are they going to heal people'

"Lord if you would approve I would like to take you to see the progress of our training"

"Very well then lead the way"

"Yes Lord"


I can still remember the day this man pulled us from the dead, he was our savior, our salvation.

We had eagerness to serve him to follow all his orders and we did

He took us In, in this advance world he trained us, gave us power if we had this power back then one spartan was enough to kill a million men, he gave us power beyond God's

But he was still our lord he was the strongest man alive, he can make us kneel with just a snap of his fingers

He is our king, our God he is Lord Fujita Takahashi.

"Leonidas, what's the matter"

"N..Nothing my lord"

"I've told you already don't call me that In public, it is either Sir or Boss, this will be the last time I tell you this, next time I will cut out your tongue. Now lead the way"

"Yes Sir"


Arriving deep under the guild building which I bought and renovated two months ago we arrived at an underground forest area

"Sir may I ask why you are in combat clothing"

"To test your solders of course"

"It will be our honor Sir"

(New MC Image)

Looking around, this place was really big, this was another benefit of the system shop, it's a item I bought called space expansion, it expanse space into nothingness, I don't know how it works either.

Walking deeper into the forest we came upon a huge facility where the Spartans train, after entering inside it was filled with activity some saw us and kneeled while others followed

"Children gather around, today we have the honor to do combat against our Lord. Now I want all of you to please our lord with our strength"

Looking at the men in front of me they did not look like how they were described In the movies,

they were wearing the most advanced armor no cape and underwear, non of them looked to be over thirty but they all retained their battle experience

"Quite." I said calming the noise. "I've come here to test your combat strength, if you disappoint me you all die, is that clear"

"Yes Sir"

"Good, we start in 2 hours, we will be going against each other in the forest go and prepare until then. Now you are dismissed"

Walking to the exit, I stopped and said. "Leonidas you should be there as well I will be fighting you all". "Yes sir" he said bowing

Leaving the facility I started to look around finding a place near a lake to sit I started to meditate and think.

'I've been in this world for almost a year and the real action is just about to begin, although I am confident no one currently in this world can harm me, I'm not so sure I can take down all the Rulers and monarchs when the time comes, so I need to step my training up a notch'

Continuing to meditate for another hour I got a notification

[Ding!. Congratulations for mastering 80% percent of the Death element]

"it's there, Is has been awhile since I've checked my status let's see what's been going on there"

'Open Status'


Name : Fujita Takahashi

Age : 17

Title : (Magical Sword Sage)

Level : 93  ( Exp 97,000/120,000 )

HP : 10,000

MP : 6,750

Elements : ( Earth 100%, Water 100%, Fire 100%, Wind 100%, Chaos 43%, Death 80%, Light 50%, Time 0%, Space 0%, E#%-^_¡¤☆)

Strength : 223                                    Agility : 204

Vitality : 197                                     Sense : 158

Intelligence : 246

SP : 19

"Sigh I still can't Cultivate non of those two last Elements and I don't even know what the last thing is. Lets forget that for now let's see these guys strength"

Getting up and using one of my skill, I contacted Leo. 'You can all come and attack me now, show me you have the right to serve under me. Show me you are SPARTANS...


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