
Chapter 130 – Horizon

"Queen Ikarus and Queen Petra… you two really are passionate!"

Sharing a quick breakfast inside the small dining area of the leaders palace, one of the servants gives us a glorious plate of fried food while also having a devious looking smile on her face. Normally, I'd just love to enjoy a fry up with all the sausages, bacon, eggs, it's got the full works but this servant in particular just said something strange.

Even though I say servant, she's basically a glorified maid without the uniform, Marcus arranges all these types of things so we didn't even know he was employing servants for us till a few days ago. Apparently, this is something we must have despite the slight complaints I made but hey, me and Petra have experienced this sort of treatment before so it's nothing new. It just looks like the more and more we do this role, the more these types of things keep happening.

"What do you mean by that passionate comment?"

The women still with that sly smile leans over and then reveals something I really didn't want to know.

"Don't worry Queen Ikarus! I'm not one for spilling intimate secrets! No one else will know what happened last night, promise!"

"Heh… looks like she might've heard us Ikarus"

It was at this moment, I realized just how loud we were last night. Petra just chuckles about the whole thing yet I feel like curling up into a ball and dying, how the fuck did I forget to keep it down!? If this servant heard, others might have as well!

"Erm… p-please try and be discreet about it if possible"

It's hard to tell what's redder, the fried tomato on my plate on my face right now. Nah, it's definitely my face, why couldn't she have heard us any other day when we weren't doing something kinda weird? It just had to be when we got the oil out...

"Of course! If you're that worried about being heard, there's always ways to be quiet! Normally, I try to bite my lip but sometimes that can start to hurt so a gag can work just as well!"

Okay, this girl is one of those people who don't understand the concept of sharing too much, it's the first thing in the morning and she's talking about you know what and even mentioning a gag!?

"C-Can we just eat in peace now?"

"Sure! I'll leave you two alone now!"

The servant leaves us with Petra trying not to crack up and me still feeling a painful amount of embarrassment, it almost makes me want to stop doing the nighttime activities but I seriously doubt all the embarrassment in the entire world could put me completely off it.

"Heh, I like her Ikarus, should have her around us more often"

"No chance Petra, we're sacking her later on"

I mean, we're not but I'm just feeling sulky now. All I wanted to do was enjoy an unhealthy greasy plate of mostly brown fried food and now I've got to deal with this embarrassment.

"Let's just eat this already, then get on with our day"

Not sure what we've actually got to do but definitely got to pay the treasury a visit since all that wealth from the monastery is currently doing nothing. Work will probably just be transporting stuff again, at least I no longer have to hide my actual form saving some time…


(Temporary Perspective Change)

"Ah, nephew Dionysus! Looks like you decided to turn up to this as well! You smell a little bit nephew, looks like we both didn't bother cleaning up!"

"Alright Poseidon, haven't been dooming too many sailors to their deaths recently, have you?"

Having just arrived outside the meeting hall, a familiar bearded, muscular half-naked man greets me as Poseidon always seems friendly enough. He's still not to be trusted as I doubt he'd turn against father if a civil war were to break out but I've put him into the unsure category for now. Thankfully, most Gods and Goddess are pretty simple at showing emotions so knowing who would go against or side with Zeus is easy enough for the most part. There's only a few left I'm not sure on yet.

"Hah! You know I haven't done that in centuries nephew, follow me into the hall since we're already far past being fashionably late!"

Uncle Poseidon despite looking really similar to Zeus has always been way more relaxed and laid back even if I can never be sure where his true intentions lay. I used to be like him and still kinda am to an extent but trying to enjoy life stuck around so many paranoid Gods starts to take its toll on you, this is just one of reasons I envy mortals so much. If it wasn't for the enviable short life and death cycles, I'd have chosen a new body to possess years ago.

Should probably focus on what's happening right now, we both would've received an invite to another meetup at the huge Olympus hall and knowing Zeus, things are about to start heating up. Ah, that comment Poseidon made about smell was what I was going for, appearing and smelling drunk should allow me to avoid speaking to the majority of visitors however many have come.

Entering the grand hall, it looks like me and uncle are the last to show up I'm unexpectedly shocked just to see how many Gods are in here today. The hall is filled with representatives from every part of the heavenly realms and there appears to be people from every one of the four ruling factions as well. The hall is basically packed with most Olympus and Ragnarök Gods but there is a couple of angels and even just a single demon. If this wasn't a neutral venue, then heads would be flying right now, both looked pissed enough especially the angels to see the other faction of the never-ending good vs evil battle that is basically a passing joke at this point.

I'm also pretty certain nearly every major God from our side is here as well obviously excluding the underworld lot and Hephaestus. He's been missing for years at this point but everyone already knows that since he might despise father more than Hades himself. He's probably gone into isolation but he could be dead for all we know.

Trying to describe a hundred God and Goddess appearances would be maddening but it's not that difficult to imagine the basics. Us Olympians all wear togas and are always the most beautiful, the Ragnarök bunch look like a group of ungroomed barbarians with no thoughts on the animals they wear. Angels just so happen to be wearing similar clothing to us but obviously with the white wings protruding from their backs and then, the very noticeable red demon with two horns sticking out of his head. All Gods have a majestic air to them but demons or devils have always preferred the cruelty aura over anything else.

"Everyone listen up and take a seat! Olympus welcomes you all to the grand hall!"

Most of us do as Zeus asks but it appears the God's from the Ragnarök side just want to get this over and done with already. Can't say I blame them considering how much everyone dislikes each other.

"What's the reason for sending for us Zeus?"

"Aye, my hammer needed some more work and here I am stuck serving for this crap"

"You two should really lighten up but it would be better to hurry this along though"

The three speaking are Odin one eye, Thor who might as well be a big dwarf and a dark-haired woman wearing a fancy red dress that's very revealing. Anyone who knows anything about the Ragnarök faction has heard about Loki and his insistence on trying to confuse or prank people but to come over here looking like that? He's planning something weird tonight.

"Just take a seat and we can all get started! Believe me, the faster this is over, the better"

At least they are willing to listen to reason but now left standing around the gigantic long table, is two others. Sigh, this is already growing tiresome.

"You expect us to share a table with that evil being?"

"The stench of demon always lingers on anything it touches"

The brown haired Gabriel and Michael just so happen to be seated across the table from the demon Asmodeus. At least he can find the situation humorous but the fact they've ended up so close together really isn't great.

"Heh, it's a pleasure to see you two again, it's always a shame when that white of yours isn't covered in crimson red. I can always give you what you what you weaklings are looking for"

The angels out of pure hatred go to unsheathe their blades but that very quickly gets shut down by father's shouting.

"Bah! If you two won't sit, then you're welcome to leave anytime! All this was supposed to be is an announcement and slight celebration but if you're not happy, then find the door and leave already!"

Reluctantly, they decide to take a seat sulking with the demon Asmodeus just smiling shaking his head at them, this is why Gods and other beings don't get together very often. If just sitting down around a table is this difficult, imagine how bad it gets when making decisions like deciding on the fates of the chosen worlds. Zeus may be paranoid and senile but only he is able to show enough power to get everyone to shut up these days.

"Okay, now that we're settled, it's time to get sorted. Everyone in this hall I'm presuming is aware of what prophecy I'm referring to? Dionysus, if you could explain to them"

At least that explains why my seat is over by this end but if he thinks I'm going to make it easy for him, he's completely wrong. I want to get this over and done with but not if it benefits him in any way.

"No can do... what was the prophecy again?"

This immediately pisses him off and it takes my all my strength not to smirk from it.

"Bah! You've turned up to one of these meetings drunk again boy, haven't you? Forget it, I'm not going into details on the prophecy about the four phoenixes but you should all have already heard about it by now. I've decided to take things into my own hands and will be personally making sure that prophecy can no longer exist"

I may have already known this news that Zeus is already planning to do something but to the majority in this hall, this is father admitting to trying to destroy a prophecy. If it isn't obvious why this is such a breathtaking moment, trying to stop a prophecy almost always goes wrong especially for us Olympians.

(Artemis) "What kind of deranged bullshit is this!? What was the point of asking for advice ages ago if you're just going to do this anyways?"

"You madman! You may be crazier than Lyssa!"

(Aphrodite) "Have we not had enough war for a lifetime? We need more peace and love, no more death"

"Are you trying to get us all destroyed!?"

While the aggressive reactions are hurling towards Zeus from quite the few Gods, I can really only make out two voices coming from the wild green haired Artemis and the pink haired, sex fiend Aphrodite through the shouting towards father. Despite all the tension filling, I can't help but notice that demon's smile widening, he's finding this situation way too humorous. No one at this table looks happy about such a thing, most reactions are either of annoyance, anger, relief or that carelessness but his is enjoyment.

Pretty sure the angels and most of Ragnarök both share little care on this though, it's understandable why the Viking lot wouldn't since they managed to survive their own ending even naming the faction after it as well. The angels don't care because all their problems evolve around destroying demons and nothing else, it's basically an addiction at this point.

"Bah, silence everyone! Don't feel like I didn't take all your advice on board, this is just the safest and smartest way of doing such a situation. That bird in particular if left unchecked could spell destruction and..."

Even though father's trying to convince everyone to come around, I can't help but now fixate on Athena who I definitely saw inside the building a minute ago but has gone. She wasn't great at public meetings due to being a little strange with normal interactions, but for her to leave just like that? She was always the Goddess of wisdom and to leave this abruptly, even she sees what father is doing as insane. She's going to struggle to stay neutral this time around if conflict breaks out.

"...Half of you can scoff and groin at me all you want; this is a problem that I've found the solution for so I'm enacting on it regardless on your opinions"

"Just put your faith in Zeus and trust your fellow Olympian! He'll guide us to safety"

And of course, it's the grey haired, old hag Hera who's backing up Zeus this time around despite the constant fighting that married couple do, you'd have thought she would have shrivelled up like the slug she is but Zeus has always had a thing for insane woman and she always comes around to his cheating eventually.

Huh, it seems I still hold hatred for her after she caused me to lose my sanity but that's an old tale long ago not needed for today. It is fitting mentioning madness though considering how often the word sister and wife get brought up around here, Hera may be Zeus's wife but there have always been others who seem to think there's an even closer connection. They both adamantly deny it but the less said about that, the better. Even we don't know completely what myths get thrown around down below.

Despite the moans and groins from Gods who know things are probably going to backfire now, it appears there's a simpler complaint then the dreaded approaching end times that this prophecy always seems to bring up.

"Enough about the serious stuff now, can we get onto the only good part about these meet ups?"

"Aye, we've been sober too long and just listening to you talk is making me want to smash something"

Both Odin and Thor have obviously only showed up for the alcohol and I'd be a hypocrite if I couldn't respect them for such willingness. Father is still clearly pissed about it all though.

"Bah, I wasn't finished just yet but you lot have the attention span of children at times, let's just move on and call this a day now, shall we..."


And so, the heavenly party in this grand hall begins. It's mostly just bottled ambrosia and diluted wine since I'm the only Olympian who realizes other drinks don't cause madness but enough complaining. I'll stay for a drink or two, then leave because I've already had enough of Zeus's stench for one day.

As I'm going to pour a glass from the huge kegs we have stored away up here, a womanly figure stares me down. It's obvious he's been made an outcast too since most don't enjoy his gender changing antics.

"My old friend Dionysus! How many years has it been since we last spoke?"

"What do you want Loki? If you're looking for money or help with a prank, I'm not in the mood"

"Nothing like that, you seem pretty sober considering how bad you smell! I've just come up to share that we may have similar interests on what might be about to happen. Say, you wouldn't happen to know a nun or an orange bird perhaps?"

He knows... how does this wild and unpredictably guy know such a thing like that? If anyone here were to find out about such a thing, I'd end up screwed. How does the God that even Ragnarök consider to be crazy know this?

"Get to your point already or there will be more than split wine on this floor"

The threat may be forced but it is genuine though, just because I may appear to be a hopeless drunk doesn't mean I can't silence someone meddling in my plans. I couldn't see his brothers caring if he went missing anyways.

"You really wouldn't hit me while I'm looking like this sweet and innocent, would you? Actually, don't answer that but my entire point is to share some information to a fellow friend! We're more similar than you think"

I completely disagree with the statement he made but as long as he gets to his point already.

"What is this information then?"

Loki creeps in closer and starts to whisper, at least he understands some things are best kept secretive for now.

"Don't take this as fact but the word is... your father was seen leaving the hellish realm recently"

What!? Oh shit, this is could be really bad if this is true...

"You mean actual hell, the demonic place? You're not mistaking it for the underworld or something similar, correct?"

Mortals always seem to mix the two places up but they are different. Hell just gets used as a scaremongering tactic when to put it simply, it's just the demonic realms where demons reside constantly looking for things to kill or destroy. The underworld is solely for the dead.

"Yep, you can interpret that how you want but that information comes from a strong source that wishes to remain hidden, now's not the time for such discussions regarding phoenix business though... Odin! Be sure to get me some ambrosia from over there"

"You really are a disgrace to our kind brother"

"Don't be like that, this is just as effective as using an axe!"

Loki then abruptly leaves rejoining his brothers leaving me to ponder on what he just shared. If what he says is true, then this is extremely troubling. By the sounds of it, he knows just as much as I about the phoenixes.

If Zeus has made a deal with the demons, then something very bad is about to happen. They only ever have one goal in mind and that always involves as much death and destruction as possible, maybe that explains why Asmodeus has been looking so happy at this place. He's in on it as well.

'I've got to find out more as soon as possible and inform Charlotte as well. Whatever's incoming now, Ikarus may need her help as well...'