
Final Sun: Nine Tail Fireworks

The Kitsune wanted to finish her off, but a shockwave from the surge of Elemental Energy of Vastra pushed Tomoe away and off-balance. Vastra's skin started to fall off from the wound on her head as her body changed into a giant purple spider.

Tomoe rushed to one of the legs to cut them off but was forced back because Vastra launched a Poison Ball from her fangs.

"This is not what I had in mind when I was going to fight her... And I don't have much time left. So I guess I have to use that move," murmured Tomoe, holding his katana into position.

The Kitsune's tail became more prominent as blue flames engulfed his entire figure. Tomoe took a deep breath as he moved his legs and arms to prepare for an Original Spell.

"God Of Flames, grant me the desire to defeat my opponent. God of the Sun, grant me the power to slay all enemies. These tails of mine are proof of my experience as a Kitsune... For I am Tomoe, the Blue-flamed Fox that ran the world with fear and flames!" chanted Tomoe.

Eight balls of blue flames appeared behind Tomoe's back surrounding his now burning tail. After shouting the last sentence out, the eight flames turned into copies of the Fox Spirit's tail. The Familiar's katana was aimed at the Queen's head.

Vastra seemed to pick up on Tomoe's steady Elemental Aura and Energy increase and decided to do the same. Her body had fully transformed into a giant spider, and the Queen was several times more potent than her standard form, with her Elemental Levels and Stats skyrocketing to a Second Rate Mage.

"Drip and dry... The realm of Death is my terrain. The aspect of Demise is the one who guides my victims into the afterlife. Beyond the foothold of the Underworld, this is the Palace dedicated to the God of Death..." said Vastra, whose voice had morphed into a darker and heavy tone.

"Final Sun: Nine Tail Fireworks!" shouted Tomoe before Vastra could say the name of her Spell.

The Kitsune jumped from his spot to get above Vastra and made a giant slash on the spider's back, making her scream in pain. Then, as Tomoe wounded Vastra, the eight tails of blue flames rained down on the spider's back and exploded eight times, increasing the damage to the enemy.

Despite taking on the power of Tomoe's Spell and it's after effects, Vastra still managed to shout out the last stage of her Original Spell.

"Endless Dunes: Temple Of Anubis..." murmured Vastra as a giant half-dog and half-human statue appeared between the fighters.

Tomoe had already dealt the finishing blow to Vastra and her Elemental Core so she would die soon. However, with the Temple of Anubis being activated, Tomoe had no idea what to do to nullify that Spell. Or the purpose of using it when you are about to die.

The giant statue of the God of Death appeared before Tomoe, with a tremendous staff in its right hand.

"I... May have been killed, but you won't get out of this place alive. Not while Anubis... Is still being controlled by Him," said Vastra, morphing back to her humanoid form.

The Queen's body was severely burnt, and her spine was utterly destroyed from the earlier attack, but she was still breathing, unwilling to let go. Tomoe had no time to think about why the girl was still alive as Anubis made its first move.

The God Of Death slammed the giant staff onto Tomoe's position at lightning speeds, forcing the Kitsune to block the attack with only his blade. But, unfortunately, exhausting his tails was the wrong choice since Tomoe had never expected Vastra to have a God as a Familiar.

And in the first place... Why does she have such a Skill to summon Familiars? Or were they borrowed from someone else? Hang on... Didn't she say that this thing was being controlled by something else? So who was the 'Him' Vastra referring to?

And didn't Raiyen and Lizzie mention the Storm Beast being controlled like a puppet on strings by someone powerful?

"I don't know if this works, but there's no harm in trying..." murmured Tomoe as he vanished from his spot to stop the clash.

When he left the area, Anubis slammed the staff onto the ground, creating a giant crater. Tomoe thanked the stars for being strong enough to sustain that heavy attack.

"Link... Start! Our paths are connected, and our Elemental Energies are shared... Open the bond and find the Skill I need..." chanted Tomoe, closing his eyes.

'Oi! What the hell?! Why are you using this Skill when we are both fighting?!' asked a super irritated Time Mage as Tomoe forced a connection to his Master.