
Darkness Intertwined

My moves started to have a specific pattern. For example, all of the spells I was dishing out right now were intertwined with the Darkness Element and some other random Element.

"Endless Waltz of Nightshade!" I chanted, creating several slashes around Bryan within a single motion.

The slashes turned into a deep shade of violet as they surrounded Bryan with increasing speed. Finally, all of them exploded into the berries of Atropa Bella Donna. Bryan freaked out as he tried to run away from the chasing berries. One managed to get onto his coat and burn an acid hole into it.

"Are you nuts?! Were you trying to kill me?! And after I said I hate dealing with poison!" scolded Bryan, breathing heavily.

Ah, I had forgotten about that part of him. I was only thinking of using the best method to engage him to throw another attack on him.

"Well, if I were, I wouldn't have missed. Don't freak out so easily. That acid was only enough to burn you. It is not potent enough to separate your limbs from your body," I shot back as my blade returned to normal.

"You're such a little trickster. I had no idea you could use multiple Elements at the same time... To be honest. I am kind of jealous of that. However, I am not backing down yet," declared Bryan, finally calling back his two weapons.

The Element of Darkness was a terrifying thing Mages had founded—the only Element to instill the concept of death into their opponents. If I can wield this to perfection, then it shall be my main Element to use. Although, I was using other Elements to back it up.

But now, with Bryan switching up his game by having those twin scythes means that all of his spells would be from those blades. And true enough, each slash he made connected several points that created the constellations. Like he was drawing using his weapons in the air.

He used Reticulum: Stars of the Net to cage me from my area, but I quickly made tiny slashes at every point I could and unleashed Mistfall Tyranny Hoarfrost. Each tear formed ice mixed with Darkness on the cage to destroy it. The net broke in a few seconds.

I then switched things up by shooting out several spells of the last attack. Bryan seemed annoyed with the ice since it was sticking onto his clothing and weapons. The Slayer used the flames from his Leo spell to burn off all the ice, to my surprise.

"I didn't know you could set yourself on fire and not die..." I said, looking at Bryan with confusion.

The man seemed so calm as he walked out of the ball of the inferno. I had a big smile on my face during the fight and was still grinning at that point. I never knew how much I loved the thrill of battle, especially when Magecraft was involved.

It was... Joyous to feel the rush as Bryan nearly corners me. Sure, I've got overpowered skills and Elements, but so does Bryan. And our methods and thinking are the same! Both of us aimed to trap one another, to hold the person still so that we could deliver the final blow.

Even our escape routes were very similar. Every time I got out of a situation, I would dash for the shadows and the cover of trees to get ahead of Bryan. The Slayer used the same method, but he was more agile than me, getting to higher grounds instead.

Our thinking was similar because we were using the same methods of attacking and defending. So if I'm using a form of escape, and my opponent copies the same way, I could counter the guy easily. So that's what happened and why we could cancel out our Elemental Spells.

"It's not fun to set me on fire either. If those frost clinging onto my skin get too large, I will probably die from either frostbite or having Darkness in my system. I am lucky that you don't have the Element of Necrosis. And I still got human flesh, so frostbite is still a problem."

Jokes on him! I've got the power of Necrosis as well, I haven't activated that yet within our fight. I think I was afraid to do so since I knew what that Element's carnage could be.

"Having the Element of Darkness within your system? What does that mean?" I asked, giving Bryan a baffled look.

"If a human gets the Darkness Element in their system, the mind would break instantly. The Element enhances all of the negative feelings of the target, forcing the emotions to spiral out of control. I've seen Dark Mages use their power against humans. It isn't a pretty sight to see."