
Reincarnated as a King Of a Fallen Kingdom

Noah, a genius scientist of the human era, died because of a misunderstanding. On the other hand, from another world, the prince of a kingdom wants to save his kingdom. He convinced Noah to save this kingdom. promising that Noah can go back to earth. The prince used his family's greatest artifact to send Noah's soul to his body. If you are reading this synopsis, first of all, thank you, and please take note that this is my first novel and my English is pretty bad. So please suggest your opinion on what to change; it will greatly help me. I will do my best to improve myself. Every day, I will publish one chapter. Thank you.

Tifo_Ran · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Mage, Knight and The situation of the kingdom

Returning to my bedroom, the day was really busy. I went out onto the balcony and scanned the horizon. There were three moons in the sky. One of them was dark red. I thought to myself, "Wow, this world is huge." I know only 12 hours had passed after I woke up, and the night goes for 12 hours more. If so, according to my calculation, this world will be double or triple the size of the earth.

A soft wind blows against my face in the quiet night. I start thinking about my life on earth. I should have been nice to my parents. I literally love my wife. I also have a kid. Am I able to go back to Earth? I took on Alexander's responsibilities as a king, but I am just a scientist. Am I able to rule the kingdom?

Is, my decision will be the kingdom's destruction. I know I cannot let down Alexander, and after meeting Grandpa Osmond and looking at his old encouraging face, I also cannot let them down on their expectation. I know it myself: I'm not the best person in my heart and also not the best ruler for a country, but I will accept my faith and do whatever I can to build this kingdom from scratch and go back to earth.

To do so, I must first gain strength and then learn the rules of this world. Well, one rule seems to apply everywhere: the strong will rules the world, and the weak will is ruled. On earth, it was money, but in this world, it looks like knights and mages rule this world. As Alexander informed me, I am at the master's level. Magical-Knight. I sit down on my bed and close my eyes. I stopped thinking anything and tried to concentrate, absorbing mana from the surrounding area into my body and mind. I was surprised because it was very easy to absorb mana. Then I realized that Alexander did say that he would be using a god-slayer-level artifact. Indeed, there was a white ball floating inside my mind. When I try to absorb mana, it spins around like crazy, takes all of the mana inside itself, and throws all of the mana back into my body, but the mana density and purification were too high.

The purification and density of your mana will determine how strong you will be and how fast you will reach the next level. To me, it is great news that I can reach the next level faster and that I'll be strong at that level.

I notice something wrong with the white ball. I'm glad I figured it out before I got too excited, but there's something strange about the white ball. It was releasing information into my mind. I tried to focus on that information, and I was stunned because the information was about runes.

Runes are basically used for enhancing a weapon's destructiveness and increasing armor's defense. Runes can only be used by mages who have learned blacksmithing, but there are no mages willing to become blacksmiths. Because it takes a lot of time, can mages use it to enhance their magical power? As a result, it is extremely rare to come across a mage who specializes in blacksmithing.

But I learned from the white ball that you can make a lot of things with runes. Finally, I've found something that will assist me in this terrifying world.

In my excitement, I did not realize that it was already midnight. I fell asleep with a happy smile on my face.

I get up early the next morning. I know I'm a king, but I had to become strong. I start training in the garden with my sword and after two hours of training, then I go back to have breakfast, I see Grandpa Osmond standing beside the dining table with my breakfast. I smile at him. Good morning, grandpa.

He smiles back and says good morning to you, my king. It seems to me that you had a good dream last night.

Yes, I did have a wonderful dream last night.

After eating your breakfast, my king, you should get ready for your duty as a king. There are a lot of problems in your kingdom because of the last war.

I return to the throne room a few moments later, dressed in the same opulent robes as the king.

There were not a lot of people there, only the officials. Everyone stood up when they saw me. "Everyone please sit down," I told them.

I took my seat on the throne. Then one of the officials came in front of me. I remember his name from Alexander's memories; he was one of the confidants of Alexander's father. His name is Eidulf Lington. He's the finance minister of the kingdom.

The noble families left our kingdom in a single night, my king, all of them. They were obviously ready for this situation. Nobody exists to impose our control on such regions.

That's fine Let's take things slowly. Yes, it will devastate those areas, but we don't have a choice. For the time being, let's dispatch some governors to that region. First of all, I want some answers from all of you.

He bowed his head and says, "As you wish, my king."

How many people do we have in our kingdom? I'm not sure if I'm saying it correctly, my king, but I believe it's close to twenty-five million. We have five big cities, including our kingdom's capital, Rankben. Our kingdom is surrounded on three sides by the sea, and another side is bordered by the Ambositra Empire and the Baria Empire. The Baria Empire site is surrounded by a mountain range, making it impossible for many soldiers to pass through, whereas the Ambositra Empire site is an open field, allowing them to attack our kingdom.

well, he's a sensible person. How about the weather? The weather is humid in our kingdom; we have deserts beside the sea but not too much scent.

Please forgive my impoliteness, my king; why are you asking these questions when you already know the answers? Well, I want all of you to realize how dire our situation is, so less talking is working. Do we have enough food for the people? I asked. My king, There is food for a year. but it will run out pretty soon.

Alright, let's, first of all, reestablish our governing system. Lord Eidulf Lington, you'll still be our kingdom's finance minister. Lord Clayton Combs, you will be our Food and Agriculture Minister. Load Elton Woode; you will be the minister of infrastructure. Lady Melissa Burns, you will be the minister of education. Load Paul Hilton; you will be the minister of foreign affairs. Load Osmond; you will be the prime minister of my kingdom.

Grandpa Osmond, don't say no. I chose all of you because all of you were loyal to my father and to the Holland family. Even in this dire situation, you chose to remain a loyal member of the Holland family. Please help me and my kingdom. Everyone kneels down immediately. Grandpa Osmond says in a strong tone, "My king, please let us help you." I quickly go in front of them and have them stand up.

Load Eidulf Lington, how much gold do we have in the royal treasury?

Do you think any country will sell food for our kingdom? Not likely, my king.

Grandpa Osmond I'd like you to select some people who are loyal to the Holland family. From those people, you will select four people as the new governors of those areas.

Let's talk about the market. What is the situation of our local market in our kingdom? My Lord, as far as I know, in our market we have a shortage of food and clothing. But we do have a large amount of iron and wood. Some merchants come to our kingdom from time to time.

After hearing all of your information, I can say that we are in a very bad situation. Everyone tried to be careful around the Ambositra Empire people. I'm pretty sure they'll try something. Our first goal is to make some gold coins; don't worry, I told them, I'll figure something out. I stood up from my seat. Today's council is over. Please do your job very carefully and try to be safe.

I am walking through the corridor to go back to my bedroom. Osmond is following behind me. I asked him without turning toward him, "What is the situation with an army?"

He replied that after the last battle, our army was defeated and is in a very bad situation. We lost three grandmaster-level mages and knights. also, There are many lower-level knights and mages among them that we lost in the battle.

It looks like we also need to reestablish our army. But it will take a long time to establish an army. I angrily gnash my teeth. Damn Ambositrn, I will have my revenge. I told myself inside my mind. Osmond, don't we use ships?

What is a ship, my king?

Never mind; by the way, I noticed something in my food. Is there something wrong with your food? Osmond asks me very worriedly.

No, everything's fine. Is salt expensive? Yes, my king, salt is very expensive. One kilo of fine salt costs ten gold coins. I look back at Osmond in surprise—you're not joking with me, right? One kilo of fine salt costs ten gold coins.

I'm sorry, my king. If I make you angry anyhow, but yes, it does. Salt is a luxury product, and it is always in demand. Everyone used salt, even though it was very expensive.

I begin to laugh. So it would seem that there is a great chance for us to make money and increase the size of our royal treasury.